Alien God System

Chapter 20 - Youkai Night Tiger

The sun is about to set, let’s quickly find a safe place to stay, otherwise the night is not good for us. “

Yang Feng was still losing, and he wanted to upgrade his fighter account to the full level immediately. Tu Ganglie looked at the sky and muttered.

He comes from the Orion family and knows the rules of survival in the forest best: within half an hour, we must find places such as caves or valleys, otherwise it is easy to be surrounded by monsters at night. “

Well, yes, but before that, let me show you something! “

Nodded slightly, Yang Feng didn’t care about it, anyway, his strength is strong enough, the mage account is invincible in the world. But he changed his mind, if he is not so strong, can his teammates still be reliable, so he said: yeah! “


As soon as the voice fell, Yang Feng swung a slash full of flames again, and when he split a big tree in front of him in half, he said lightly: How about this knife? “

Hey, your knife is a lot stronger than you have been hacking all day long, it’s like changing someone. “

That’s right, you have been fighting against Tier 1 cub stage monsters all day, and the strength is like a rookie who has just broken through the warrior. But the current strength has grown a lot, and it is as good as the first-stage and late-stage fighters! “

Yin Tianxue and Tu Ganglie looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Why is Yang Feng the same for a while, his strength is fluctuating.

Yang Feng gave a wicked smile, secretly saying in his heart, I just broke through the first stage late stage, of course my strength has greatly improved than before.

However, he would not tell them this secret, but rather honestly: In fact, this is related to an important secret in me. I only tell you when I am your own person, I won’t talk about others! “

secret? “

The eyes lit up, and the two of them were all interested. Could it be that this is the reason why he is as powerful as a monster?

With a dry cough, Yang Feng saw that the two were looking forward to it, so he continued: By the way, what kind of exercises did you use to cultivate since childhood? “

It’s the general qigong method, which should be similar in each family. “

Yes, it seems that in addition to the imperial academy of Tianfeng Academy, there are also high-level exercises that can quickly gather energy from famous families in the imperial capital. The big families in Huai’an Mansion should be similar! “

Mine is different from you! “

Hearing what they said, Yang Feng shook his head contemptuously, and immediately began to run the train: I practiced the Eight Wastes **, and I only respected the magical arts, created by the Tianshan child grandmother three hundred years ago, and later by my master. When my father died at the age of six, he personally passed it to me! “

What, do you still have a master? “The two said in unison.

Of course, without a master, how could I be so strong? “

Nodding arrogantly, Yang Feng continued: My master saw that I was handsome and manufacturable, so he passed this magical skill to me. So that I will sweep the world in the future and be popular with thousands of girls! “


With a twitching face, the two of them automatically skipped his obvious boasting, and continued to ask: Is this exercise very powerful? “

Of course, with this set of exercises, one year can be up to three years, and ten years can be up to 30 years. “

What, thirty years? “

Unable to help Qi Qi pale in shock, Tu Ganglie and Yin Tianxue stared at Yang Feng, their eyes staring.

No wonder he can easily defeat Ximen Zun, after all, no matter how talented Ximen Zun is, he has only a ten-year cultivation base, but he is thirty years old. If the qualifications are better, the top of the warrior will not be a problem.

Abnormal, so abnormal! “

Smashed his mouth twice, Tu Ganglie looked envied and said: Brother Feng, you are so lucky. Why didn’t I encounter such a good thing, when I met a master who taught me this heaven-defying technique? “

Because you are not handsome enough! “

Yang Feng asked the two of them to roll their eyes together, and then continued: However, this method has a shortcoming, that is, the strength will be backtracked once every ten years and return to zero. In other words, it will become the initial state of the warrior. “


Unconsciously, the two of them took a deep look at Yang Feng, and finally realized how he suddenly became so weak. It turned out to be the reason for the practice.

But when they think about it again, it’s normal. If there are no side effects in such a perverted exercise, it would be too bad.

Brother Feng, what are you going to do when you go back to the first rank of fighters? Will it stay in this state? “Tu Ganglie asked the doubt he was most concerned about.

Yang Feng smiled slightly and said: Of course it’s impossible, otherwise this technique will be abolished. Who will practice it? “

When the cultivator’s strength goes back, continuing to practice will be equivalent to one day of cultivation, which will last for ten years, until the original strength is restored! “

Oh, that’s the case, it’s no wonder that you went from the early stage to the later stage of the warrior’s first-order in a day, because of the practice! “

Yin Tianxue and Tu Ganglie finally realized it suddenly, Yang Feng couldn’t help but snickered, and suddenly said with solemn expression: So in these three days, I can’t recover my strength, and I need your protection. Of course, if you don’t want to protect, you can leave by yourself and team up with other masters. It doesn’t matter if I grab the demon core in my hand by the way. I can’t do anything anyway. “

What are you talking about, is this group such a dishonest person? “

That is, I, Tu Ganglie, a man of seven feet, since I have an alliance with Brother Feng, I will not stabbing a knife in the back when you are weak. Don’t worry, Miss Yin and I will help you solve the problem of the demon core, and then let’s divide it in half! “

The two of them did not hesitate, and directly assured them, with sincere smiles on their faces.

Yang Feng glanced at them, feeling a little relieved, this group of teammates are not bad, not the kind of people who forget righteousness. Then he can rest assured, he can deal with the monsters at ease and leave the back to the two of them.

It’s just that he is a little strange that Simon Zun told him that some Shadow Thirteen Guards are coming to assassinate him, why hasn’t it arrived yet? boring!

Wouldn’t it be him?

If he didn’t understand, Yang Feng didn’t think about it anymore, taking advantage of the fact that the sky was not completely dark, he quickly went to find a place to stay with Tu Ganglie and the others.

What the three of them didn’t notice was that shortly after they left, two dark shadows gradually appeared in the dark grass.

Who is that person? He’s quite strange, maybe he was the one who beat the young master. “

No, that person has only a first-order warrior cultivation base, unlike the one that Mr. Zhuge said, a promising young man who can defeat Ximen Zun! “

What about the big man in animal robe next to him, is he strong enough? “

That was Tu Ganglie the orc, a martial artist, who was quite famous in Huai’an Mansion. I know, not him. “

The remaining woman is not anymore, then it’s not them. Go, look for it again! “


As soon as the voice fell, the two shadows disappeared.

At the same time, in the depths of the night demon forest, in front of a luxurious camp, two men in black respectfully presented two **** heads.

When the opposite Situ Cong saw it, he waved his hand suddenly, slammed his two heads to the ground, and cursed: waste, this is not the head I want, look for it again! “

But…Master, we don’t have any specific information about the person you are going to kill, so we suddenly asked us to look for it. There is a huge crowd…”

Didn’t I say, he is great? Even Simon Zun can’t beat him, you just have to kill all the young masters! “

Master! “

Hearing him say this, Zhuge Shisan on the side hurriedly said: Those are the children of the family, killing innocent people indiscriminately, if it spreads out, those families will probably be dissatisfied with the palace owner. “

So what? Don’t tell me, I don’t tell me, isn’t it normal to die in the Night Demon Forest? Who knew we did it? In short, kill me, those people won’t come to rescue me when I was beaten, all **** it! “

Situ Cong was roaring, a bloodthirsty glow flashed in his eyes.

The people in black nodded suddenly, disappeared, and went out to work.

As the Young Palace Master, Situ Cong issued this massacre order, and all the children of the aristocratic family who came here for the assessment will not be able to return safely.

Zhuge Shisan gave him a deep look, and couldn’t help but shook his head and sighed.

Situ Zheng, Situ Zheng, how could you give birth to such a stupid son. Sooner or later, you will be killed by this stupid son, all betrayed, and your head is different!

On the other hand, beside the stream in the depths of the Night Demon Forest, a large number of aristocratic children headed by the Wu family brothers are massacring the monster beasts in the forest.

The whole stream was stained with blood, and even the soil turned red.

After everyone cut off the head of the last Tier 3 monster beast, everyone smiled contentedly when they looked at the monster beast corpse in this place.

With so many demon cores, even if Ximenzun and Yang Feng are more powerful, they will fight alone, they will not be able to hunt them desperately, hahaha! “

The eldest brother of the Wu family gave a big laugh, looked at Yin Tianyang not far away, and greeted: Master Yin, thank you for your help this time. I will give you a hundred demon cores, don’t be too scarce! “

You are polite, as long as I, Yin Tianyang, can enter the Tianfeng Academy, the Yin Family, the Martial Family, and the major families present will all be brother families, regardless of each other. In the future, those who will be useful to Yin will go through all kinds of fire and water, and will not hesitate! “

it is good! “

Yin Tianyang gave a fist to the children of all the families present, and everyone shouted and cheered.


Suddenly, a beast roar sounded, shaking the entire forest continuously.

The Wu family brothers lit up, and laughed: yelling, there are monsters coming to die? Brothers, ready to collect the demon core, hahaha! “

Yo, what a big tone, do you want to collect Lao Tzu’s demon core? It depends on whether you guys have this ability, Jie Jie! “

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a sneer suddenly sounded.

The complexion changed drastically, and everyone present was shocked when they heard this: I actually spoke, can it be said that this is not a monster, but a monster? “

Monsters, high-level monsters after the evolution of monsters, are equivalent to the cultivation of human warlords, but they are much stronger than warlords.

Moreover, monsters are more intelligent than monsters, and can speak words. The most important thing is that monsters have magical magic, which is as powerful as the magical magic of human warlocks.

In other words, monsters are a combination of human warriors and warlocks, but they are stronger and terrifying.

Although these elites of the aristocratic family have a large number of people, and some have reached the strength of a quasi-war general, it is still difficult to resist the power of monsters.

Run, we are not opponents of monsters! “With a loud shout, the Wu family boss hurriedly evacuated, but before he had time to move, with a muffled sound, a black ice blade suddenly jumped from the ground and passed through his chest.

The boss of the Wu family stagnated, and the blood in his mouth kept surging, and his breath was completely gone.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked unconsciously. The eldest brother of the Wu family was a brigadier general, and he was killed in seconds. How big is the gap between them and this monster.


At this time, another beast roared, and the dark mountains and forests showed a scene of phantoms about nine feet tall. His two eyes were like copper bells exuding bloodthirsty rays, and a group of monsters that also exuded a powerful aura followed beast.

Yin Tianyang took a look, and his pupils shrank timidly without realizing it, and said in shock: Is it possible…this is the king of the night demon forest, the monster Yehu! “

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