AK - The Alchemy Kingdom

Chapter 63: Exodus

Year 2, Fall, Third Month, Third Week.

Lana walked around the village feeling extremely uncomfortable with the staring, they weren’t that exotic, were they? Besides the strange staring and the military reception, she thought the village was pretty normal, which was a surprise. She never went to a resource village before, but she knew about their living conditions, it was supposed to be miserable and decaying. However, what she encountered was a crude-looking village but otherwise, busy and full of life.

Thanks to the change in their diet and the long exposure to magic energy, the villagers looked healthy, of course, the basic garments they made from the fabric brought from Keller also helped. The staring part was actually a little unusual for them, but how could they not get curious about the Beastman on Lana’s group. The villagers knew about their existence but only a few had seen them during their registration ceremony. Tauron’s bulk build also didn’t help him pass discretely.

This time around, the villagers couldn’t afford the usual food and refreshments reception, they needed to exchange the goods immediately, so Lana was guided to the Council pavilion as soon as she entered the village.

“Welcome, Miss? I’m sorry for our lack of courtesy, but we’re pressed on time…”

“It’s fine, I’m Lana. Uncle Keller asked me to come on his behalf because he knew of your urgency. It’s getting too difficult for someone with his connections to leave the city without drawing attention… Anyway, I brought everything on the list… Here are the crystals…”

This time, Karl didn’t wait for anyone’s permission and moved forward to check the pouch. After he confirmed its contents, he gave the Council members an approving nod before excusing himself from the meeting, finishing the magic barrier took precedent.

“Thank you, Miss Lana. We appreciate your uncle’s effort in helping us. You’re welcome to stay until tomorrow, but I strongly advise you to leave as soon as possible, the village won’t be a safe place for long…”

“Ah… How about Lew and Arnold?”

“You can check on them yourself, I can ask someone to guide you after you rest and eat, or sooner if you want to… Forgive us again for the lack of courtesy. Now, if you can excuse us…”


“What should we do? We need to start moving… The Tributes should be collected before the end of the week, in the best case we have six days but in the worse, they could come tomorrow…”

Lonni didn’t like to panic, but the situation was deteriorating too fast. The Council was facing a deadlock, if they moved now they risk getting sick before Karl could create the barrier in the outpost, but if they waited more they risked getting caught by the Kingdom. Either way, it would be a close call.

“Said, for how long can we survive out there?”

“It’s difficult to say, but some wouldn’t be able to last more than a day…”

“Hmm… There’s no right decision… We should move everyone else and wait two more days. They never came this early before, let’s just hope they don’t decide to hurry this year… Reiner, how much longer do you think he’ll take?”

“That’s… I don’t know, he got enough food for another two days before secluding himself and his direct disciples inside the Alchemy Department… I can’t enter the pavilion and risk jeopardizing his work. But I’m confident he’ll make it on time!”

Omero was ready to finish the meeting when his assistant entered the room. After being interrupted several times, the Council decided to place an assistant outside the pavilion to filter all reports.

“Excuse me, Chairmen. The villagers started moving to the camp, but a couple is resisting. They said they prefer going to Wind Castle or another village…”

The unexpected situation caught all the Council members by surprise.


“Carion’s parents.”

Realization hit them, with all the changes happening in the village, everyone forgot about them. When the year began, Chief Omero decided to keep them inside the village instead of letting them work, it was too risky to let them have contact with the Guards in the magic fields. Fortunately, the couple didn’t argue and didn’t make anything else besides badmouthing Diana and the veteran hunters.

“Let them go… Give them enough food and tell them to leave tomorrow…”

Some Council members disagreed with Omero’s decision but they couldn’t find a better solution. They couldn’t take the couple by force, and leaving them in the village would be dangerous. At least, if they left on good terms, the couple could decide to keep their plans a secret. But either way, they would take days to arrive at Wind Castle.

The Council members didn’t dwell on the subject any longer, there were too many things happening that required their attention. The meeting ended and most of the members left, leaving behind only the three elders and Sania, who was asked to stay by Omero.

“We can’t let them go, they know too much…”

Marlen looked straight at Omero, the usual tenderness in her eyes was replaced by resolution. It took her a moment to speak.

“Please don’t… They already lost too much, maybe we could ask Keller to keep them silent...”

“You know what has to be done, we can’t risk everyone’s life because of them…”

Bill who was silently thinking of something, finally gathered his thoughts and realized the strange situation.

“Why did you asked my granddaughter to stay?”

Omero and Marlen exchanged another look before he answered.

“Bill, we can’t let them go. It would put at risk everything we accomplished… Diana is taking care of things in the camp and Samia doesn’t have the… drive, to do it. So, only Sania can…”

“No… I won’t allow it. She's not a tool… Do it yourself!”

“You know I can’t… The villagers wouldn’t understand…”

“I’ll do it.”

Bill looked back at Sania, shocked by her words.

“No, it’s too much, even for you…”

“It’s not! They’re threatening our future and our safety, I’m just defending myself…”

“But they’re not beasts Sania, they’re people…”

“The nobles are people too, haven’t you trained me to fight them?”


When they left the village, Janet and Tonsi walked hesitantly, afraid of what they could meet in the Path. But after walking for an hour, they finally relaxed a little. Leaving the village wasn’t an easy decision. Since Carion’s death, they struggled to find a purpose to keep living, so they put their remaining energy into hating Diana, Omero and the old hunting team. However, time passed and their hate also became meaningless, more than one time they considered letting the matter rest, but everyone moved on so fast. Every time they saw a happy hunter or someone praising them, the pain returned, it should be their son. In the end, they couldn’t forgive and forget, so it was better to leave than follow them towards destruction. They despised Alchemy and believe it wouldn’t protect the village from destruction. But whether they would or not be a part of it, wasn’t decided.

Noon was still far and the sun wasn’t too strong, but the couple still felt tired of walking. Because they refused to eat the magic-infused meals, their health didn’t improve like the other villagers. Soon, they stopped to rest.

“What should we do when we arrive at the city? Do you think they would let us enter without money? What if they ask about the village?”

“Stop asking so many questions… I don’t know!”

Tonsi lost his patience and yelled, but Janet didn’t react, she only continued looking towards the Path. She was used to his bad temper after their son died, even their relationship turned bitter. She turned back to face him and ask another question, but what she saw scared her speechless. Tonsi bled from his mouth and belly, his eyes were unnaturally wide. He didn’t scream or said anything, she saw relief in his expression leaving his eyes in the form of a tear, then he fell revealing the presence of a long-haired expressionless girl.

“What…? Who are…?”

Janet remembered who the girl was and understood what was happening.

“I was right about all of you… But I always thought Diana would be the one to attack us… Did you also kill my son?”

The string of tears traveled through her face.

“No… But I wish I had.”


Janet looked at the clear blue sky. Didn’t her son die around this time too? She wondered if he had seen the same sky…


After the villagers left to work in the magic fields, the previously busy village became as calm as never. Only two hunting teams, the elders, Karl and his direct disciples remained in the village. Everyone else was either already on the camp or heading to it. The huts looked intact but everything else was taken, and once Karl gave the go signal, they would also leave.

At this time, inside the Alchemy pavilion…

Karl felt like his body weighed tons, every joint and muscle on it was hurting, but he kept going anyway, there was too much at stake. The day for Tributes’ collection was nearing and the villagers might not survive if they didn’t leave right now. Pushing through pain while keeping his concentration on the concept he was drawing, Karl finally connected the lines that formed the Array. The drawing shined sheepish, but still brought smiles and sighs to everyone in the room. Karl staggered back until he was supported by his disciples.


“Tell the Council… To start moving…”

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