Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 622: Santiago capulet i

In the military camp of Balhae

Santiago opens his eyes. 

He was in his camp training with his soldiers when he got the news that there was someone blocking the south gate of outer city of Balhae.

Santiago did not immediately bring his army to meet that person. Santiago had the moniker the Mad General

It is not an Idiot General. Most of his tactics looks mad but it had its practicalities. And Santiago knows that it is not wise to engage with the enemy without knowing information about them

If not for the fact that he and Giovanni wanted to meet the Emperor as fast as possible, they might have formulated a more comprehensive plan when they landed on Novus Gaia. 

'You said you know who he is?' Santiago ask the soldier that had come to his barrack. He is sitting on his chair on the largest tent

The tent is unlike the tent of the tribes. Instead it is large and solid.

The construction of the barrack is not yet complete so this tent is his temporary office. As the general of a large army, he was offered some of noble's manor by the Emperor.

But he is not interested in taking residence in the manor of this city. It is not that he wanted to underestimate the people of this land, but the design of the manor of this land is very…. unsuitable for his taste

There is more beautiful villas and manors in the outskirts of the capital of Eden than the center of this state.

And he is more comfortable to live among his soldiers

It was like he is back during those glorious years of the Conquest War. The soldier when he entered the tent felt tense

This is the pressure of being face to face with one of the twelve generals. For a moment he was speechless.

Santiago is five feet eight inches. He has short wavy brown hair. His body is lean and packed with muscles. His arm muscle is the strongest because of his spear training.

But it is not all of this that make the soldier become speechless.

It is his glare that make the soldier felt like he is being stared at by a predator. It is sharp like the tip of his spear. 

This is the pressure of a general that had killed so many people that if the corpses of the people he killed were to be gathered, it would form a mountain 

Santiago notices the soldier state and said

'Get on with it' Even though he did not shout, at least to the ear of that soldier the sound enter his ears like lightning thundered onto his head and he quickly break out of the state he is in and nodded like an idiot

The soldier quickly regained back his calm and then began telling Santiago of the illustrious man that is blocking the way and his demand

Santiago frowned after listening to the soldier report.

'It is incredible that this land had such a figure'

If this happened in the Human Continent, before the news even arrive at the desk of the Emperor, the Hall of War would probably send a legion to decimate those who dares to sully the Emperor name

But this is not the Human Continent. And the people of this land is not like the people in his land.

Santiago might not show it but he himself was shocked at the strength of the people here.

If not for the fact that Balhae was caught off guard, how would it would be so easy for Imperial Highness to conquer this state

There is also the problem of governance for this kingdom. The chain of command is vague and the unity of the people is not as strong as the people of the Empire

Lords and nobles exist in this land. 

But the power and strength of nobles in this land is different from each other and even diluted the meaning of the nobility title 

Some Barons could possess a large number of soldiers that dwarfed a Count army. There is even an illogical situation like a Baron could have more power than a Duke.

It almost seems like the King of this kingdom seems to throw out titles like crazy.

This is because while the Three Kingdoms tried to imitate the world governance system, there is still that tribal mindset. 

Hence, a Baron that is bestowed the title by the King might seem like a lower nobility. But if that Baron comes from a large tribe, then his power might exceed some Duke of the royal family.

Since the Duke mostly come from the same tribes as the King, one might think that they would get the backing of the tribe behind them. 

But that is not the case. 

The tribe especially those large tribes would probably vouch only for a few of their tribesmen. 

After all, if they protect each and every one of their tribes, they might be entangled with too many blood feuds. 

These tribal people are not that stupid.

Blood feud is not something rare. If they were to be responsible for each of their tribesman action, then their tribes would have long been eliminated.

The elders of the tribe would usually support people who they believe have potential and could bring prosperity and security to the tribe. 

Each tribe have their own way of maintaining their survival.

And since the Three Kingdom have never been united, there was never a one central command that rules all over the land 

Novus Gaia had never been united by any one force or a person. 

At least in the Human Continent, before Imperial Highness Arial embarked on his conquest, there was the example of the First Generation and the Lost Generation and even the MontBlanc dynasty to claim legitimacy of rule.

This land however had never known what it is like to ever been unified.

Santiago had research all of this. Because of the nature of the tribes of Novus Gaia, what he could glean on was only a few knowledge.

What he found out was that while the Three Kingdoms have been trying to imitate feudalism, there is still that tribal culture seeping in

This is the reason why even a Baron could defeat a Count. 

Kings do not have full power over their subjects and while the tribes are more loyal, that is only when they give their oaths.

And because the sacredness of oaths in the tribe is very important, they would only give it to the one they believe is worthy of their loyalty and their lives.

What Santiago has found is that the people of this land treated oath like their lives. Once they swear, regardless of personal feelings, they would do their best to honor it.

It even makes Santiago felt like the people of this race is like a race that has been raised with the code of a Knight

In the Human Continent, the title of Count and Barons is either rewarded by a higher ranking nobles in that country or by the Central authority that is the Vern Empire

And in some countries, one could even buy the title of nobility as the states need money. Of course this also depends on the kingdom. 

For example, this is how certain families in Freya Principality get their nobilities.

Some were given the title because their power and influence had reached to a point that even certain nobles could not stop

This is the case with the Vermont family. Instead of fighting such a rising force, the nobles would pull them into the fold. 

And their rights and their nobility is protected and guarded by those who gave them the title.

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