Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 62: The premonition of something evil


DAY 24

"Be strong, father," Adrian said as he dabbed his father's forehead with a cloth. His older brother Alderam stood by his side, watching helplessly as Hadrian coughed up blood.

Attendants and doctors stood around the bedroom doing nothing, for nothing could be done.

"Everybody… leave," Hadrian gasped between coughs. He grabbed Adrian's hand. "Not you."

"Father!" Alderam cried indignantly.


Alderam pursed his lips and silently left the room, followed by the others. Once they were alone Hadrian pulled Adrian closer, and Adrian could see the light fading in his eyes.

"We don't have much time, Adrian. I have chosen you to be Duke after I am gone. I have already informed the other nobles including the Vermont for your appointment. Any day now they will receive the letters."


"Hear me speak, and do not interrupt" Adrian was struggling and then nodded

Hadrian then sighed as he looks at the door and shake his head.

'Do you know why I raise Aries to the title Duke? It is because I knew that Alderam will not sit still, if he knew I chose you as King. Alderam is rash and talks too much of war. He has lofty ambitions, but he will achieve them by bankrupting the Dukedom. Conquest and conquest, it's all he talks of. He is eager to do battle and wage war to expand the land. But it was never our land to begin with. You, Adrian, are twenty-nine with no wife and no heir. All the noble ladies that have been presented to you, you have rejected. I worry for you my son'

Then he smiles a bit. Always that kind of smile like a joke only he understands

Then he added

'But you have a strong ally in Aries Vermont. He has been given large lands to rule, with the army that used to belong to Palais, ten thousand strong now belonging under his command. With this and their gold they are the strongest force in this Dukedom. I left you this gift before I departed to meet the Lord Above. If your rule is challenged, call upon the banner of the dragon to aid you." Hadrian stared deeply into Adrian's face.

"Son, this is my final lesson to you. Choose your friends wisely. You are lucky that the Vermont's have gained such power, they will bolster your rule so form a strong alliance with them. If only they had a daughter of close age, I would have you betrothed to her."

Hadrian spluttered blood onto the floor, and Adrian called his doctor back into the room.

All of his attendants stood by the open doorway, each one feeling the sudden coldness of the house. Lying back on his bed weak and almost dying, Hadrian addressed them all.

"I, Duke of Arouen, hereby proclaim that this Dukedom belongs to my youngest son, Adrian Alan."

The attendants couldn't hide their shock.

It was unheard of for a second son to inherit lands when the first son was perfectly capable. This shocked many people since usually it is the first son that inherits.

In other place this might not apply but in the Dukedom, this has always been the case. Alderam pushed his way into the room with fury etched into his face.

"Father!" he yelled, but Hadrian did not flinch.

"My decision is final," he said calmly.

Alderam spat at the ground and stormed out of the room.

Hadrian was taken over by another heavy coughing fit.

His hand clutching his chest as he wheezed, blood splattered out from his lungs.

He clung to Adrian's hand, his son held him tightly until his coughing ended, and after a few hours struggling with the Unseen One, finally his father takes his last breath.

His body was cold and there is no longer life in him. Adrian stayed at his father's bedside all night, heaving thick tears onto his lifeless chest.

The message and the news shock the Dukedom as the nobles all express their condolence and many are coming to the funeral with the son of the Duke of Arrandy is also coming as his father is in Seren handling some business there.

In Acro, when Arial get the letter his forehead frowned.

'It is finally here' he muttered under his breath.



DAY 31

After the morning ceremonies at Pontder, the coffin was carried out of the Grand Church of Beth and placed in the funeral carriage: a four-wheeled drive with a cage-like structure of hoops draped in black velvet, and the crest of the Alan family engraved in the coffin.

The atmosphere is solemn and no one spoke a word other than what is necessary.

All the low lords and minor nobles attended, and Adrian had noticed Arial arrive in the morning with one hundred of his troops, all armed and dangerous looking.

Seven horses pulled the carriage, some ridden by gentlemen holding banners bearing the family arms, while heraldic and religious banner of the Church of Light were borne by other member of the family, relatives mostly.

Joanna of Ancona, wife of Alderam, had arrived but Alderam himself was not present.

What is he doing on the funeral's day of our father, thought Adrian in despair. Is he still angry? Could he not accept the will of our late father?

Chief Mourner Philip, Count of Chouster, rode ahead followed by the lords of the land, Count Valais, Lord Stan.

They were to stay with Hadrian's body throughout, attend all the services en route, and have the honor of standing within the barrier of the hearse.

Adrian looked around the crowd of mourners and his eye caught Arial, proud and commanding for a young man of thirteen.

With one hundred troops behind him, he stared at Hadrian's body with deep sorrow in his piercing blue eyes.

Arial offers a few words of encouragement to Adrian and then he joined the procession, marching with his army.

The mourners were dressed all in black, with black hoods, but the lords were not. Some wore colorful coats over their mourning habits.

Five hundred common folk accompanied the procession, carrying large torches for when night fell.

When it finally did, sixty men with torches kept guard around the hearse.

They were marching to the Alan Tombs, where each and every one of the Alan descendants was buried when they died.

Each morning the priests in their white robes rode ahead to prepare the church at the next resting place, and at each stop local people, Lords minor and low, representatives of guilds and religious institutions would come to meet and welcome the main procession, often forming processions themselves.

Dirges were sung in the evenings and requiem songs were held in the mornings.

Alms were given to the church, the poor and everyone who attended, whilst priests, choristers and bell ringers were rewarded for their parts in the ceremonies.

After two weeks the procession finally reached the Alan Tombs, and the funeral came to an end.

Then began Adrian's test.

It was lucky for him that Arial had stayed with them until the end, he needed to talk to him, to ask for his family's support considering that upon their return to Dented Shield the priest would announce Hadrian's will.

Even though Arial was only thirteen, he was known to be a talented knight and an able leader, and Adrian knew that it was the ideas of the boy that spurred Aries's rise to wealth.

He must act fast before Alderam convinced the Vermont's to join him.

The Vermont's were the key. He approached Arial and Arial see him from afar and he managed to hide his smirk.


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