Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 617: The full truth (2)

And now that he is here, that means the prophecy of Asrana refers to him. Yes, Orval had been researching about Levitia and his lineage for a long time. As such, some of them also come into contact with the prophecy of Asrana and they believe that it is also connected with Levitia. 

And because of that, he is here. Then he said to Arial

'But if there is one person that should know it is you. Because I have seen you live your life. I have seen it and I mourn you for it. I see you are walking in the same footstep as that person. And that scares me. Like a destiny that meant to be repeated. The same story all over again.'

Pausing Orval then said

'I meant to give you hope. I meat to tell you the stories so you might see that maybe not all the hardship and the suffering you have endured so far is entirely your fault' 

'We do not live in the Age of Gods, where gods roam the world and we could fight them. We might be damned but at least, we know who to blame. Some of my brothers and sisters meant to control you.' 

'The way they would do that is by withholding some information from you. They wanted you to unleash something that should not be unleashed in the world. That is one of our charge. We are Secret keepers of the unrecorded history,. We are the gatekeepers to weapons that could destroy the world. We are all of this…and more'

Arial do not know how to response to Orval words. But Orval eyes was gleaming and he said

'By the end of the story, you would understand why I would pledge my allegiance to you.' Then he chuckles

'I said that the story of the Enlightened Ones was simple. But the story itself was not long. But the story of the Blood of Light is very long' 

'And even though I do know where the lineage of the Blood of Light began, who is to say that before the one that we know of existed, there might be others, far in the past. The more I know about the past, the more I am sure that there is hand guiding all of this. To this moment'

'The aim of my organizations was to be a Keeper of Secrets. Because some secrets are too dangerous to be let out. Yet, at the same time we yearn for the truth to be revealed'

Smiling he said

'What a contradictory human behavior, isn't it?'

'But when you know some secrets of the world, you also have to be a guardian of these secrets. For it revealed…. the sins that would descend upon us would be immeasurable if someone use this secrets for their own desires'

Sighing, he continues

'We seek truth. We seek knowledge. And in that process we found patterns. Prophecy that link the Blood of Light, that link the story of Levitia and his lineage to the Thirteen Tribes'

'All of this connection could not be told in one night' 

'So what I am doing tonight, is to tell you who you are, where you came from, the history of those related to you so that if later, some of my brothers and sister would try to tempt you, they would have nothing to seduce you with'

'Not the information that they withheld and not the secrets that they keep. And this is probably the last time where I would talk with my lord like this. A story this long, a story full of all of these tragedy, I do not like repeating it'

Arial then said

'Nothing would surprise me anymore' Hearing this Orval eyebrows raises up and he chuckles

'Don't be so sure'

Then Orval told him all about the secrets he kept. Arial listen. That night was probably the longest night Arial had ever experience. 

That night he learned all there is to know about himself, his lineage, his connection to Levitia, of how he himself is related to the Imperial family of Vern.

At that time Leliana is already pregnant. 

She married Alexander to protect her people and her child as she knew that the Church seems to be antagonistic toward the lineage of Levitia

However, she did not know the involvement of Alexander in the assassination of her lover. If she knew, she would probably aim her arrow toward him and kill him.

Alexander joyful of having his heart desire also help Leliana kept the child a secret from the palace and the Church.

There must also be some guilt in his heart as he was very doting toward the child. 

No one would find this story in the official account of the history of the imperial family of Vern

Years passed and they consummated their wedding and Leliana bore Alexander his son Justinian who is known to history as Justinian the Squasher.

However, Levitia did not die. He awakened three days after his supposed death but he was too weak at that time.

At this detail, even the Enlightened Ones did not know how Levitia survive the poison. Levitia recorded his feeling in a notebook.

He believed that Alexander and Leliana had betrayed him. As such, he plotted his vengeance. 

It took him a few years and when he was ready and at his peak, he went to the Imperial palace to meet Leliana and ask her why she had betrayed him.

However, when they met each other, Leliana was surprised. When Levitia ask why she had betrayed him, she broke into tears of happiness in seeing him alive again.

She thought of him as ghost, and felt joyful beyond anything when she found he is alive.

She then told him of his son but Levitia was angered when he heard that Alexander was the one that raises his child.

Leliana did not understand and so Levitia told him of the affair between Alexander and the Church and only then Leliana knew what had truly happened during those chaotic years.

Levitia was determined to kill the Emperor and take back his child. Leliana however persuaded him with tears to not kill Alexander.

Levitia thought that Leliana had fallen in love with Alexander. But that was not the truth. Leliana decided to leave the imperial family with Levitia, to roam the world.

But, the reason she could not let Levitia kill the Emperor is for her people. If Levitia kills Alexander, then who is going to fill the vacuum? 

Levitia coming back to life would also means they have to fight the Church.

And the forces of the nobles and the Church is intertwined at that time unlike the era where Arial is living right now, where imperial power is absolute and even those church had to bow their heads upon the rule and law of the Empire.

Which means, Levitia had to fight again. 

Once again, he will have to kill. And when will the battle stop? This is something that Arial understood.

He himself is tired of fighting. Of a fight that never seems to end. And one of the other reason is because Alexander is Justinian father.

Justinian is still her son, after all. But, she could not forgive Alexander for lying to her. 

Arial learn then, that the name of the family of Levitia, the name of his House, is Vermont.

And so now he knows that he is actually the descendant of Levitia. And all of his past experience seems to show itself in his mind

And thinking about all of it, it felt like there was destiny and fate guiding him, even when he found the secret library

Maybe, Levitia himself had created that library in his preparation for revenge. Leliana, Levitia and his son leave the capital and roam the world

From what the Enlightened Ones tell him, they went to Vorthy and stay there for a few years before going to Asteros.

They seem to live an adventurous life and they seem to live happily. 

A few generation of the Vermont live there and then the descendant of Levitia that did not know their ancestor illustrious past leave Asteros to only end up back in the Human Continent, never knowing that the reason for the peace of the Human Continent is because of their ancestor effort.

Arial was shocked to know that not only that he is the descendant of Levitia but the Vermont and the MontBlanc is related as Justinian is the younger brother from the same mother but different father.

In other words, the MontBlanc and The Vermont could be considered brothers. 

And like fate and destiny making amendments, Arial Vermont is the one who had destroyed the Montblanc, doing the one thing that Levitia did not do, like he was taking vengeance for his ancestor.

Arial also learns that he is the descendant of royalty as Levitia himself is the descendant of royalty of the Lost Generation.

He learns of the secret of the Disk. He learns about the map and the instruction. The map shows where the Spear of Doom is located and the instruction is how to use it with a warning that said it should not be used.

He learns the full history of his family, how Divine Blood came to be. He learns all of it that night.

That night, to him was the longest night in his life.


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