Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 614: The things people do for love i

'My lord, what did you know of the death of Great Hero Levitia?'

'Hmm?' Arial was surprised that such question was asked of him. He tried to recalled what he had learn

'If I am not mistaken, in the story of the Church, he was assassinated by his cousin a few days after the Last Supper'

'Yes, but that is not the true story'

Arial frowns and Orval continues

'the Church wanted people to believe that. They wanted the world to believe that. After all, it would justify them to kill the last known relative of the Great Hero if the culprit of his murder is his own cousin. What a neatly tied story'

Arial frowned. Actually, there is another side of that story. And Arial once heard of such story.

Mikael once told his theory about the death of Levitia. 

Arial find his theory intriguing. But the matter itself did not occupy his mind. 

He just found it to be interesting piece of history interpretation. 

'Then what do you think the real story is?' Orval smiles 

'The truth is a bit darker than that, my lord'

'The killer of the Great Hero is none other than the first Emperor of Vern, Alexander of House Montblanc'

Smiling, he added

'And of course, the Church'

For a moment there is silence as he seems to let the word linger.

Arial did not show response of being shocked. His eyes just look at Orval expecting to hear more

And Orval did not disappoint as he continues.

He does felt a bit startled seeing that Arial is not that shocked hearing such blasphemous statement.

But then he remembered that Mikael had been working under the Emperor in the past when he was still just the young Duke

So, he continued his story 

'Those two had conspired to kill the Great Hero after his great victory over the Demonkind'

Sighing, he leaned back on his chair and said with a deep tone

'Levitia was welcomed home like a monarch when he had return back to his old village. He had abandoned his desire to march to the Dark Lands, and kill all the Dark Lords of Arakath' 

'Some people wanted him to go. But some people are tired of fighting a war. A lot had died., And some people believe that Levitia, stubborn for wanting to march to Arakath and kill all of the Demon Lords is a tad bit overkill. Well, I do understand it if one looks at it from other perspective'

'Those who inherit the Blood of Light…. could be a little bit more emotional. The stronger the love, the stronger the hate'

Arial did not add anything as he seems content to just listen.

'the return of Levitia, means the war is truly over. The Dark Lords would not dare cross that bridge and sons and fathers would be able to return back home.

Everyone was happy. Even until today, in many parts of Davarus, the Levitia Homecoming is celebrated every year with a fair or a festival to capture the happiness of that bygone era.'

'Levitia ended the suppression of the Dark Lords, break chain s of human slavery and hammer the fear of humanity strength toward the Dark Lords in Arakath. A great victory and the beginning of a lasting peace is about to dawn. That is probably the feeling of the people during that time'

Arial just nodded and then Orval said

'I would not tell you the story of the Three Wise Men of the Sea as it did not play any part in the story of the Child Blessed by Light but I believe you know a bit of that story'

Arial nodded and said

'I do know of it.' 

'Good. Then I can continue to the crux of the story'

'When he returns home, he had returned a great hero. Every hero in Davarus had heard his name. There is the Flat Mountains in Aetherland that serves as proof of his prowess and ability'

'He was respected by the band of heroes that fight against the Dark Lords of Arakath, he was loved by the people. One could say, one word from him and everyone would follow him. That is the massive power he had held when he had returned home. Everyone was overjoyed. The Dark Lords were cowed into submission. And Davarus is no longer under the rule of Arakath. Humans in Davarus, the descendants of the Lost Generation and of the First Generation, is now free'

Arial nodded as Orval takes another sip of the wine. He takes a deep breath before continuing again

'But under this celebration of Levitia Homecoming, not everybody was happy'

'Alexander?' Arial venture a guess. Orval chuckles and nodded 

'Though some of the scholars of the Enlightened Ones debated the motives, we are quite sure that the reason is not as some other scholars had believed

'And what does the other scholars believe?' Arial ask

Orval smiles and then said

'Many people who believe in the story that it was Alexander who orchestrated the murder of Levitia, believe that the reason for Alexander, who I remind you, one of the companions of the Great Hero, is that he wanted the power, the throne of the now united people of the Davarus continent'

Pausing for a second and sighing, he then said

'He came from a lineage of royals and he himself shown his intent to rule. Even before Levitia did his great deeds, he had claim himself King and when Levitia manage to drive off the Dark Lords from Davarus, he declares himself as the Emperor' 

'He is capable, a genius and the perfect heir for the Montblanc family and the one who gave wings to Levitia to spread his name and might all over the continent. Levitia was seeking someone to serve and Alexander trusted him with his army, giving him the title of the Grand General of his army'

Arial nodded

'Is it wrong? I think that theory very makes sense' Arial said.

'I could think that this theory is the one that makes most sense'

Smiling Orval ask him

'Is that what Mikael told you?' Arial paused for a second, smile and nodded. 

By now, he had known that Mikael is also a member of this secret society.

Orval had told him that only a few years ago that Mikael was inducted into the Order. 

Orval had also told him that the Enlightened Ones are not only humans but also there are Enlightened Ones that come from the Demonkind.

As such, even during the verge of the war between the Demonkind and Humankind, while Arial work in the light, trying to avert this great war between two races of two continents, behind the scenes, the Enlightened Ones were also trying to stop it

But since they are limited in resources, they could not participate actively. Orval said the reason is because the Enlightened Ones is spread all over the world. And when he said the world, he did not mean only two continents.

There is Enlightened Ones member in the Ming continent, in Vorthy in the Isle of the Free, the Pirate Society and many others.

Hearing that explanation, even Arial was shocked. 

The reason why the resources are limited is because not all of the resources of the order is funneled to the Human Continent.

Since they are in many continents, the resources are quite spread out. 

And not all Enlightened Ones shares the same objectives.

What they do have in common however, was the pursuit of truth and knowledge. The reason Orval told him was so that he could remain at ease. 

By telling these secrets, Arial do have a good impression on this former Knight Master of his so it did work.

Orval reply to Arial words

'Yes, of course he would think that. At least at the time you met him. By now, he might not share that opinion again'

'You mean, after joining your order, he is revealed to some truth?' Arial asked, his eyes narrowing toward Orval. Orval sighed and nodded

'We are after all, the keepers of many secrets' he said. Arial is silent for a while. He rubs his chin and then raise the matter

'Why would it not make sense?' he asks as he added his reason 

'Alexander is a young Emperor. He is supposed to have all the powers in the world, to control the four corners of the continent. Yet, the one that the common people love, respected is not him, but Levitia. Even one of the most virtuous man might not be able to resist birthing the feeling of envy and jealousy'

Orval only smiles hearing Arial reasoning as Arial continues saying

'Even at his time, if notes and books of the stories at that time, is to be believed, while Emperor Alexander is a capable person, compare him to Levitia and the bright light that he seems to shine all over the continent, it is a difference that could create insecurities'

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