Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 54: A glimpse of the past


The dust settles from the book as a man took it and sits down near the rack. This man is Mikael Devonhurst

Mikael Devonhurst sat in the darkness of the library with a thick, dusty book in his hands.

As the younger brother of Arianna Devonhurst, he had been named after the ancient ruler of Davarus and Anvali.

Mikael for the King that ruled both Davarus and Anvali in ancient times

Unlike his sister, he did not dabble in Arts, preferring history and myths, ancient hidden and obscure knowledge, particularly about the First Generation.

He likes to discover the story buried in the annals of history

The First Generation

They had been a mysterious race, and their origin still debated by scholars.

They had been cunning enough to persuade the Dark Lords to concede to them and sign the Accords, then suddenly after a period of peace and prosperity they disappeared, leaving their descendants, the Sky People in Davarus.

Mikael had always wondered why the Dark Lords had conceded, and finally, in his hands, he believed he had found the answer.

He had crept through the secret passage into the King's private library hundreds of times, well aware that he would face execution if he was caught.

But it wasn't the stash of the King's treasures he was looking for; gold meant nothing to him. It was the books he sought.

The titles are almost fading. Translated by Uviel


The faded book in his hands spoke of a weapon that had belonged to the First Generation, a weapon that was said to bring devastating destruction.

It describes the weapon in great detail, detailing the destruction it brings.

The spear of doom is a gigantic spear, as tall as a mountain. It was a divine weapon of unparalleled destruction.

When the First Generation release this weapon, from the back of the spear there are fire so massive, so hot and fatal, that anyone near the spear will be melted, and when the spear has reached its target, the land around it disappeared into ash and smoke

The ground would splinter apart and collapsed on itself, hole so big, that the sea water came and drowned the surrounding territory

The effect of the smoke was a death bringing disaster as it turned the air to become so poisonous that whoever inhale it dies almost instantly and with great pain, the blazes so hot and hungry that not even plants can be planted, melting temples, villages, cities, and Kingdom.

The air around it had turned poisonous, and so hot that no animal could survive, and no plant could blossom.

After use of the weapon dust had covered the world for forty days.

Many races were driven to the point of extinction, while the First Generation wears some strange looking mask and strange looking cloth and there were unharmed as they walk through the ashes and death bringing smoke

The air does not make them sick, the fire didn't hurt them.

When the dust settled they fled, leaving a vast desert behind them.

Fear struck the Demon Lords and they tremble in their palaces and castle fearing this enemy of Gods.

It is said in the books that the First Generation display this weapon of theirs in a nearby island in Anvali.

But what is the reason they unleashed this weapon? That is probably the most important question. Why did they release such ungodly weapon, and damning the entirety of countless of race?

Mikael continued to read in awe.

It seemed the First Generation had been provoked.

In the beginning the First Generation only has thirty families or clans.

After one of their families being killed by one of the Demon Lords, they swore vengeance.

After the murder of one of their families at the hands of the Demon Lords, the First Generation craved vengeance and had sent the spear flying into Davarus, which was then ruled by the Xenos Empire.

Below the notes it described the attack of the First Generation.

Sick and tired of the constant harassment, they release their mighty spear to one of the lush plains in Davarus, which at that time was ruled by the Xenos Empire.

The Xenos Empire is a great Empire, with many green soil and hills, even mountains, with buildings that almost reached the sky, with all of the luxury that even Anvali could not match and gold mines abundant with treasures.

People believed that the Xenos Empire is a sun that will never set, an everlasting Empires that is destined to ride out the ship of history, until the stars fell and the heaven torn asunder.

It is once said there is no other place more prosperous or more heavenly.

But in one day of vengeance the Kingdoms of the Empire turns to ash, it's people burn in fiery blaze, not even have the chance to scream, their cities and village turn to sand and the surrounding Kingdom around it disappeared and fall into the Dark Sea.

Their history ended, so is their Empire.

No trace whatsoever that their Empire even existed. No ruins or anything that can prove of the once mighty Empire.

It had been erased in one day, crumbled to sand in a fiery blaze.

If not for the Anvali royalty that kept the records maybe people don't know that Xenos even exist.

For two centuries afterwards no one could go to the area around it without something evil happened to them.

Those who were living near there can only live for an extended period of time.

Some say it is the curse of the First Generation that they give when they release the Spear of Doom.

Others become cursed with mystifying sickness and become ill easily. Seeing this display of power and might so unfathomable, rivaling of Gods, the Demon Lord in Arakath trembled in fear.

They felt no safety in their wall castle, or the high and tall towers for the Spear of Doom obliterate everything and anything as it seems that nothing in Heaven and Earth that could stop it.

If they can destroy an Empire that vast in a single day what good it is to hide behind wall towers?

What good is it to hide behind castle wall? Every day they live in fear for what if the First Generation meant to unleash the weapons of Gods unto them?

Until finally one of the leader of the First Generation call up a meeting. There they agreed to an agreement.

They will never attack Davarus again unless the Demon Lords violate their rights. And the fearful Demon Lord agrees.

And for a time there is peace in the land.

The Demon Lord rules and the humans obey. The Demon Lord does not violate their right, do not try to harm the human without probable cause, nor **** their daughters, or terrorized them.

Xenos is their reminder. If their rights are violated maybe even Arakath will be lost in a fiery blaze.

So, the First Generation lives their lives peacefully.

After hearing of the agreement, humans began migrating to Davarus where they met with the First Generation.

Most of the other humans are not strong like the First generation. The First Generation hardly fell sick; they can even fly some say, riding some metal type looking thing

The humans did not know how to read and write, so the First Generation taught them and they soon created their own complex language instead of grunting and guttering like animals.

When they fell sick, the First Generation would heal them by piercing something sharp in their bodies and few days later they are healed.

The First Generation is, some say the Children of God, for it was said they were bringers of miracles.

Over time the First Generation intermarried with the humans, and born was the Lost Generation, and later the Sky People and the Caelum race.

The Lost Generation. He has seen this term before

Footsteps echoed around the library and Mikael dropped the book in surprise.

Stuffing it back into its original place on the bookshelf, he hurried quietly to the hidden passage

He quickly opens the latch between the floor of the biggest cupboard in the library and one candle is light up and a sound can be heard.

Quickly he ran from the noise and the hidden door is in front of him. he rushed and press his hand to one of the unusual looking brick there.

Then he slid down and the stairs is in front of him. In that darkness he walked again, happy that he got some new information.

One day soon his new information would prove to be useful.

The Demon Lords wanted to reclaim the Lost Lands from the humans, and Mikael would have the chance to make a name for himself, grander than Mikael Mournstar, the King Who Lost.

But the current King and his heir were too peaceful.

Mikael hoped the Prince would eventually see the error of his ways, and until that day he vowed to continue gaining knowledge.

He walked back to the Palace feeling more confident of the path he is walking on


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