After Being Reborn and Regaining Her Identity, the True Heiress Is Spoiled in the Seventies

Chapter 391: 391 to Live a long Life.

Chapter 391

Unfortunately Pei Jing and them were not there and did not see this wonderful scene.

In the hotel lobby, a naked woman was being dragged out by her hair by several people, while a disheveled man warily looked this way and then sneakily slipped away when no one was paying attention.

The naked woman, however, was pressed to the ground and whipped and reviled, and no one nearby was willing to go up and help.

Fortunately, in the last two years the political winds had not been too tight, otherwise if this had happened a few years ago, someone who did something like being a mistress would have been paraded through the streets and beaten.

Now when the original wife tracked her down, beating her up was getting off easy.

Old Master and Old Madam knew nothing of this as they had been out late with the children, buying many things and secretly putting them into the space, without any burden at all. After they finished shopping they even ate a late night snack.

They found a nearby hotel to stay the night, and slept until noon the next day.

When they went out, they happened to run into someone selling newspapers, and heard there was fresh gossip that many people were scrambling for.

Old Master conveniently bought one, and saw a huge headline in thick black letters, clearly visible.

Last night someone was caught cheating by his original wife at a certain hotel, mistress was pressed naked to the ground and rubbed on the floor! Underneath was a blurry black and white photo.

This photo made Old Master's eyes clearly light up, and she turned and showed it to Pei Jing, "Pei Jing, don't you think this person looks a little familiar?"

Her onion-white fingers pointed at the person in the picture, her eyes full of gossip.

She would not have taken such delight in misfortune if it was someone else, but Zhang Lin was getting what she deserved.

Pei Jing's mouth curved up imperceptibly as he took the newspaper and folded it up, "Don't let things like this dirty your eyes, the children are here."

Although the photo was blurred and censored, the older children understood what was going on.

In the end, this incident was just an interlude in their journey, though somewhat annoying, it was not enough to affect their mood.

Since they got up too late, they missed the flag raising ceremony, but the majesty of the Imperial Palace and the historic environment all made the children feel it was fresh and new.

Old Master and Old Madam each held a camera, constantly taking pictures of them along the way.

They stayed in Beijing for a total of one week, spending the last two days not going anywhere, because they had played so crazily the previous days that their feet were nearly blistered, so they simply rested for the final two days.

By the time they returned to Jin City, it was already the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month.

As soon as they got home, Pei Jing changed clothes, "I'll go next door to see Old Master and Old Madam first, then I'll return to my troops. I won't go to my parents' place for now, you can explain it to them when you go to An's family, and I'll go see them when I come back in a few days."

"Is it urgent?" Old Master asked, seeing his anxious appearance.

"It's not too urgent, I just want to go take a look, and I'll come back to accompany you guys for New Year's in a few days." He smiled at her, and stole a kiss on her cheek while the children were not around.

"Alright then, I'll go with you to see Old Master and Old Madam, and bring over the gifts we got for them." She had already accompanied them to play for so many days, Old Master could not ask him to stay any longer.

Also, having been away for so many days, she had to go take a look at the factory too.

These past few days, Old Master had not been in good spirits, and kept having moments of confusion.

Old Master's condition worried Old Madam, but Old Madam took it philosophically, saying they were old and it was not easy for them to live to this age. She told Old Master not to worry too much and to take it as it comes.

Old people had to take that step eventually.

In fact, Old Madam had already secretly prepared shrouds for them, but did not dare let others see, for fear of causing distress.

They had only spoken for a few sentences when Old Master fell asleep on the recliner, even snoring.

Old Madam was used to this and pulled a nearby blanket over him, signaling them to go out first.

When they got to the yard, Old Master dared to ask her, "Granny, has Grandfather been like this often recently? Should we take him to the hospital for a checkup?" Over the years, Old Master had not stinted on finding them good things, but as Old Madam said, people would eventually take that step, and no one could live forever.

Old Madam sighed, but said, "Whether to go or not doesn't matter much, your third brother has not lacked for visits recently, and he's the best doctor at their hospital now, who could be better than him? Actually, your grandfather's health had not been good for many years, and these last few years he was able to live comfortably thanks to your blessing. At our age, we've lived enough, I just hope that when the time comes we can die a quick, painless death, that's all."

No matter how many health foods elderly people eat, they cannot regain their youth. Many things were now beyond their strength.

Compared to others, they had lived a worthy life, their only regret being the early death of their little daughter, which still pained Old Madam whenever she thought of it.

She actually hoped that she would be the unhealthy one now, having experienced life and death she was even more reluctant to see loved ones go.

She and Old Master were joined in marriage by their parents, without much romance or love, but rather affection and responsibility. Yet they still had a peaceful, happy life together, which was worthy.

Returning to her own home, Old Master was in low spirits.

Aside from Fourth Brother, Old Master and Old Madam were the first in this family to show her goodwill, and had always been her staunchest supporters. Hearing Old Master was in poor health, of course she would worry.

Pei Jing comforted her in his arms, "Don't be sad, Grandfather just wasn't feeling well these past few days, maybe he'll recover in a few days."

Even though they both knew these words were just to comfort themselves.

Pei Jing did not leave after all, because he felt Old Master needed someone's company right now, even if they did nothing, just staying by her side would help.

They were both mired in gloom, but in the afternoon Old Master came over very spiritedly, with Old Madam following behind complaining, though the smile on her face showed her mood.

"Grandpa, you're full of energy now?" Old Master could not describe it, but the Old Master before her now was obviously in a completely different state than when they had visited him at noon.

Lying there at noon, unwilling to even speak and with drooping eyelids, seeming even to find it tiring to look at her. Where was that now with his hearty vigor, one look and you could sense his energy.

"You're saying I was low on energy? I was just taking a nap when you came at noon, slept for a bit and was rejuvenated!" Old Master said discontentedly.

Old Master smiled, her eyes wet.

It was good Grandfather was fine, who knows how she wanted to cry but did not dare when she saw him listless at noon.

"Oh right, where are the children? Let me see if they got tanned on this trip!"

Old Master went to the children's room, the few children chattering around him, telling him about what they had seen and done on the trip, and showing Old Master the photos they had taken.

Old Master asked Old Madam, "Granny, stay for dinner later alright, have Fourth Sister in Law bring the children too. We brought back a lot of delicious things from this trip, they're frozen, just right to heat up and eat."

"Alright, granny won't stand on ceremony with you then." Old Madam was also happy inside. In fact, Old Master had given them a share of the things she brought back, but it was livelier with everyone together.

Old Master told Zhang's wife she was going out to buy groceries, but actually just took a turn around the block symbolically before returning with meat and vegetables.

Dinner was prepared very lavishly, with Beijing roast duck and local specialties they had brought back from Beijing. Luckily the weather was cold so no one would suspect these were things she had kept in her space after bringing them back.

Old Master spent the whole afternoon in the room chatting with the children, and when Old Master went to call him for dinner, she even heard him telling the children to study hard and listen to adults.

After dinner the sky outside was already dark. Zhang's wife was cleaning up the kitchen. Old Master asked Pei Jing, "Grandfather seems to really have nothing wrong with him, why don't you leave tomorrow morning?"

She had been too alarmist, seeing his listlessness before and hearing Old Madam say he had not been well these past days, her mind went wild with speculation.

Now that she thought about it, it was probably because the children were not home these past few days that was weighing on his mind.

After all, Old Master had still been fine when they left, only losing spirit after they came back.

Pei Jing shook his head helplessly, "As soon as Grandfather's better he wants me to leave, doesn't he want me to stay and keep you company?"

“It was you who said you had to leave. I was just worried about delaying your important work,” Zhi Xia put her arms around his neck. Although she was in her thirties, her smile was still as charming as a young girl’s. “If I cling to you every day, wouldn't you find me annoying?”

“No, I wouldn't.” Pei Jing just felt like he owed her too much and felt sorry for her thoughtfulness.

After Aunt Zhang finished tidying up, she told Zhi Xia she was heading back. The children could now take care of themselves without her having to worry too much.

That night, lying in Pei Jing's arms, she vaguely heard the sound of wind outside, but her body was too tired for her to open her eyes.

The next morning when she opened the door, she saw the yard was full of fallen leaves that had been blown down.

Aunt Zhang was already outside sweeping with a broom, complaining, "I don't know where that gust of evil wind came from last night. It blew off the branches of the trees in the backyard."

Although it was calm now, the weather was still bitterly cold. Zhi Xia called out, "Aunt Zhang, it’s too cold out. Don't keep working. Just sweep after the sun comes out. It won't be late."

"It's fine. I'm just getting some exercise. Moving around will keep me from getting cold," Aunt Zhang said with a smile.

Pei Jing had already put on his clothes. The children were still not up. Zhi Xia went to the kitchen to make breakfast for him so he could eat before leaving.

But when he was halfway through eating, Su Ying came running in in panic, "Zhi Xia, Pei Jing, grandpa is gone..."

The bowl in Zhi Xia's hand fell to the ground and shattered, but she hurriedly asked, "Wasn't grandpa still fine when he went home last night?"

"Yes, he was fine when he went home, grumbling in the living room for a long time, saying he was worried that third uncle still wasn't married, and shouting that he wanted to go to dad’s place. Grandma said it was too late to go just to make trouble, so he didn't end up going as originally planned for today. Then when grandma woke up she found he had no breath left..." Su Ying sobbed as she stumbled through her words.

Zhi Xia suddenly thought of a phrase—rally before death.

No wonder grandma said he had been listless the past few days, but suddenly became energetic yesterday afternoon.

Zhi Xia and Pei Jing hurried over there. As they went out the door, Pei Jing yelled, "Chenye, call your uncle and ask him to come back."

When Zhi Xia arrived, the old master was lying flat on the bed, his face very serene. Other than his unnaturally pale complexion, he looked no different than if he was just sleeping.

But Zhi Xia knew he was really gone.

In that moment, tears suddenly flowed uncontrolled down her cheeks as she broke into sobs...

On the day the old master was buried, heavy snowflakes fell.

With his passing, the old madam also lost her spirit. Zhi Xia wanted her to come live here, but she refused to agree. She then moved to stay with An Jingzhi instead.

Now only the old woman was left alone. She had originally thought of having Su Ying live here to help look after her grandmother, but now that Su Ying was in poor health with her son and daughter-in-law to care for, it was unreasonable to burden her daughter-in-law.

Aunt Zhou didn’t go with the old madam to An Jingzhi’s place, instead staying here with Su Ying per the old madam’s wishes.

Pei Jing had remained home instead of leaving. The New Year of 1985 was the saddest one Zhi Xia had experienced since her rebirth. She, who hadn't been sick once since her rebirth, also developed a minor cold, possibly from crying too much, making her throat very uncomfortable.

He was supposed to leave tomorrow, but seeing her condition, Pei Jing felt very distressed. "Don't be so sad. Grandpa always doted on you. Before he passed, he was still thinking of us, so if he knew you were so heartbroken now, he would surely feel even more distressed and unable to rest in peace."

"I know. Don't worry about me. I'll get better after a few days."

"I'm not coming back for a special reason, but because I want to. I want to be by your side when you're sad, that's all." Pei Jing held her in his arms. "Zhi Xia, don't be so thoughtful. It worries me. You can try to be more willful, or make demands of me. Even excessive demands would be fine."

"Then can you promise me you won't die before me?"

Her words made him freeze for a moment, the usually perceptive him took a while to react.

But she laughed in his arms, "That shouldn't be an excessive demand, right?"

As she laughed, there was some sadness.

For Pei Jing, this request wasn't excessive at all, but he didn't dare to promise it.

He was 8 years older than her. His previous self had lived less than 50 years before dying from illness. This life would probably be different, but he didn't dare to rashly make assurances.

He wanted to be with her forever, but also feared making a vow he couldn't keep if he didn't live long and ended up dragging her down instead.

Zhi Xia had already pulled out of his embrace and looked up at him, her gaze uncertain.

Pei Jing changed the subject to comfort her, "Don't say such nonsense. We're both still young and should live to a hundred years old, to see our children start families and enjoy domestic bliss. We're still young, so mentioning life and death is inauspicious."

Zhi Xia also smiled along and said, "Alright, we'll live to a hundred."

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