Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain

Chapter 58 - Apology (3)

Chapter 58 – Apology (3)

The dishes came quickly.

Zhong Yuhuan lowered her head and started eating. Lang Jinzhi, after looking at her for a while, used the communal chopsticks to put some food in her bowl.

His actions were stiff; it was obvious that he didn’t have too much experience doing that.

Come to think about it, that made sense. With his status and current position, when would he ever need to serve food for others?

Zhong Yuhuan looked up and smiled at Lang Jinzhi, “Thank you, Cousin.” Her voice crisp and sweet.

Lang Jinzhi looked less tired all of a sudden.


After eating Tibet food, the two walked out of the restaurant.

“I will take you home,” said Lang Jinzhi.

“Don’t. Call your chauffeur and have him come pick you up. I can get home myself.” She thought about it some more and added, “It’s dangerous to drive when you are tired.”

Lang Jinzhi did not insist on it and called his chauffeur.

The chauffeur arrived quickly and got inside the driver’s seat of Lang Jinzhi’s car.

Zhong Yuhuan waved at him and said, “I will call my chauffeur as well. You hurry up, go home and get some rest. Bye-bye!”

She rarely talked to him that much.

Lang Jinzhi never liked kids all that much, the reason being that kids talk too much, but now when Zhong Yuhuan talked so much to him, he didn’t find that too annoying.

Perhaps that was because Zhong Yuhuan’s tenderness seeped into every word.

She cared about him.

Lang Jinzhi said in a low voice, “Okay, I am heading home now.”

The Zhong’s car arrived less than two minutes after Lang Jinzhi’s car had taken off.

Except that Zhong Yuhuan did not get inside the car. She blinked and look at the dessert shop across the street. Was she seeing this right? Was Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan sitting in the dessert shop and clumsily trying to cover their faces with the menus so they wouldn’t be spotted by her?

“Wait for me for a second,” said Zhong Yuhuan to the driver. She then crossed the road and arrived at the dessert shop across the street.

She quickly walked inside the door and walked straight up to their table. Reaching out, she grabbed the menus that they were using to cover their faces from them.

“What are you two doing here?” Zhong Yuhuan leaned down a little closer to them.

Both young boys froze.

“To check on you. We were worried.” Said Huo Chengming.

“Did you have a stomachache today?” Li Jinyuan decided to answer her question with a question.

“No, not today.” Zhong Yuhuan grabbed their sleeves and pulled them up, “C’mon, let’s go home.”

The two relaxed after seeing that she had no intention to keep probing about why they had followed her and said immediately, “Mmm, let’s go home.”

Walking out of the dessert shop, Zhong Yuhuan turned to them and asked, “Were you worried that I would be bullied again?”

Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan went silent for a little bit and said in synchrony, “Mmm.”

“I wasn’t bullied. Cousin asked me out today to have Aunty apologize to me,” Zhong Yuhuan didn’t mention that part that Ding Qiuyue was far from apologizing; she didn’t want them to be more worried than they already were.

Huo Chengming, his face tensed, blurted out, “Do not forgive her.”

Having said that, he felt that his tone was too strong and that Zhong Yuhuan might not like it, so he added, “Do not lightly forgive those who had wronged you.”

Li Jinyuan also said in a low voice, “She can hate Huo Chengming and I.”

Anything except Zhong Yuhuan being hurt.

From this point forward, they would work very hard to shield anything or anyone who could cause her harm completely from her.

Zhong Yuhuan smiled and said, “Mmm, I hold grudges. I don’t forgive easily.”

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