Above the Seven Towers

z7Chapter 98: Origin of the gods

The **** of nature stands in the storm but none of his clothing corners move, just like he does not belong to this world. In other words, he completely controls the world. He said: “That was really an interesting journey. It turns out that we didn’t know much about the raging sea, but we traversed it together in the past and went to the western continent. The raging sea is a very vast area to explore. This area is not easy.

After careful exploration, we found that the higher the altitude, the stronger the erosion of the energy in the environment on the divine power. At that time, God of War already wanted to give up. But I think we should know what is hiding behind this. I decided that we deliberately want to go to areas that have a great influence on divine power.

So we have explored five times. Nothing was found in the first four times, but a lot of divine power was consumed in vain. Until the last time, we found something very interesting together. ”

“What did you find?” He Xiaoxi asked.

The God of Nature looked at He Xiaoxi and smiled slightly: “The origin of the gods.”

Everyone only felt that the surrounding scene suddenly fell, or that they were accelerating and flying towards the sky. During the flight, the surrounding raindrops were desperately falling, and the impact they received suddenly doubled, and everyone had to put more power into the defense.

They “flight” along a certain trajectory. After a few minutes, a small sphere shining in the cloud appeared. They slowly approached. The sphere seemed to be composed of many small faces. During the rotation process Reflected in various colors of light.

Xiao Chen and others were suppressed by the storm, but they didn’t have any special feelings about the ball. Only the masters who were more sensitive to space like Xiao Chen and Luo Ling felt a familiar rule. But He Xiaoxi gave a soft whisper, she found that her divine power was rushing towards the sphere. Although the feeling of suction is not particularly strong, it gives her an irresistible feeling. She can’t stop her divine power from slowly passing away.

“Do you feel it? Although he doesn’t exist anymore, the rules left behind are still so powerful. Successors like us are as weak in front of him as a child is in front of an adult.” .

He Xiaoxi asked: “What is this?”

God’s Word of Nature: “You should ask, where is this.”

He stared at the light ball for a moment and said, “This is our birthplace. Where we are reborn as gods.”

Everyone present was amazed. Everyone had guessed the origin of the gods, but no one could think that they actually came from the sky above the raging sea.

Xiao Chen said: “What is this light ball?”

“This sphere of light is the only thing left for him, left in a mark in this world.” The God of Nature said facing the glowing sphere, “I don’t know what to call him. Father God? God of God “The God of the beginning? The God of the original?”


“I don’t know there is such a existence.” He Xiaoxi said.

“Before discovering this sphere, neither I nor God of War knew either. However, there was a trace of his thoughts in this sphere of light. He seemed to want to explain everything to the latecomers. When God and I came to this sphere When we connect it with divine power, we know a lot of things. ”

“He is a very strange creature, extremely powerful, extremely mysterious, he does not belong to this world. He can project himself into a different world.” The God of Nature said, “He walks through the universe, to There are many places, and this world belongs to his paradise. During his trip, he discovered this planet, where there are suitable temperatures and climates to cultivate some creatures, which is very interesting to him.

However, at the beginning, the creatures here were very low-level, and they were all similar to moss and floating insects. Although they will evolve slowly, he can’t wait so long.

However, while traveling, he encountered a planet with similar life.

So, he established a space channel to directly draw animals and plants from that planet. At first, those animals and plants could not adapt to the environment here, and died one after another, but then he mastered some essentials that he can transform them while transmitting. Let them adapt to the environment here, so he quickly established this world that belongs to him. Later, on the planet where he often selected samples, creatures with advanced intelligence were born. These creatures claimed to be humans and would organize together to do all kinds of fun things. Such as establishing tribes, using tools, and logging each other. So he often grabbed some humans from there and dropped them on this planet, allowing them to thrive here. Until then, there was no **** in this world except him. ”

When the God of Nature told these stories, other people were involuntarily attracted by him. When he stopped here, Xiao Chen couldn’t help but ask, “What about later?”

“He died later. No matter how powerful this creature or **** is, he will die one day.

When he died, huge energy erupted. The space channel between the two planets he established was also stimulated by an energy shock, which involved the last group of humans in another world and fell into this world.

However, due to the explosion, the space transmission was not perfect this time, and the entire channel was distorted in time and space. Until now.

Those of us trapped in it have had very different destiny changes because of the different time in this world. ”

Xiao Chen and others easily believed each other’s claims, because the process described by the God of Nature was very consistent with what they knew. He asked, “Do you know that you are human?”

The look of the God of Nature has not changed. “It doesn’t matter if I used to be human, but I am now a god.”

“Then, are we the first humans to arrive here?” He Xiaoxi said.

“Yes. It seems that you are not too stupid.” The God of Nature continued, “The moment when these of us arrived is the moment when the original God died. The part with his body as the core is producing a big explosion. Of course, our body was destroyed at that moment, but in the energy storm formed by its explosion, our soul became extremely tough without knowing why, and then survived. ”

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