Above the Seven Towers

z7Chapter 94: Divinity

Xiao Chen and others finally reunited the team when He Xiaoxi talked with the God of Nature and strengthened the defense outside the team.

They continued to advance towards the tall palace.

The figures in the sky don’t seem to care about their little movements, and continue to say: “Look at what those guys are doing. The God of War encourages humans to kill each other. The war of annihilation between the two countries is just a game for him. He always tells about the war that is going to happen, and then he blesses people on every side, tricks their heads into a fever, and then goes to fight against his opponents. His favorite things are slaughter, death, and the fall of heroes. You remember, in When he was in charge of the Temple of War, how many wars and how many people died each year? ”

Ye Zi asked beside He Xiaoxi: “Is the God of War really like this?”

He Xiaoxi lowered his head and said, “I’m afraid it is. I originally couldn’t remember many things between the gods because of the many crossings, but the language of the **** of nature contains memories of the past. I just heard him speak. , I recalled the past. ”

“I didn’t expect that Miao Jun would be like this.” Ye Zi said.

“Perhaps because of the loss of memory as a human being, some moral standards have also disappeared.” Xiao Chen comforted her.

“I know, it’s nothing. I’m just … a little surprised. Let’s pay attention.” Ye Zi said.

The God of Nature continued to say in the air: “There is also the God of Wisdom, who is just a **** who likes to play with conspiracy estimates. He always sneaks into people ’s consciousness, instills his clumsy tricks into them, and then watches them calculate each other. Struggle against it and treat this as a kind of entertainment. Not to mention Grim Reaper, it ’s like a large Necromancer, manipulating those corpses and souls every day. They never thought about what humans need, what the world needs! What kind of gods are good for human beings and the world? Their power is not as good as giving me, at least I am born with a keen instinct for the future of human beings and can point out a bright future for human beings. Let them not be in the Self-destruction in the process. ”

He Xiaoxi said: “But I haven’t done these things. I just quietly waited for the passage of time to observe the changes in the world. You were not prepared to let me go.”

“Yes, but do n’t you think that divine power is a complete waste in the hands of gods like you?” The God of Nature asked, “You are no good to the world, you are so timid, so passive, like A tycoon who guards wealth but does not know how to use it. So you might as well let me control it and let me do something that is good for the world. ”

He Xiaoxi’s face was full of anger: “These are all excuses for your selfishness!”

“Or, what examples can you give, how did you use your power to benefit the world? Is there?” The God of Nature asked.

He Xiaoxi was speechless for a while.

“She is doing something that is good for the world now.” Xiao Chen said aloud at that time, “It is not a good thing to save the world from you, a **** who wants to plunder all the magic and let humanity fall into ignorance and difficulty. ?”


The God of Nature looked at Xiao Chen and said, “Humans, you are very unusual. You must have a story that interests me.”

“What?” Xiao Chen puzzled.

The God of Nature made a strange movement. He looked up and looked at something above the sky, and then said, “There are many things that you don’t know. But I’m interested now, let’s see what you do Where can I go? ”

The phantom of the **** of nature suddenly pronounced a very complex syllable in his mouth. This syllable is like many different pronunciations compressed at the same time in a short second. It seems that there are countless openings that are saying different things at the same time, but they are so harmonious that they condense together and become that voice.

Suddenly, all the saints felt that a rule between heaven and earth had been changed. Originally, they always had a feeling between the magic words, but now this feeling has all disappeared.

“Don’t panic, this is the expected situation.” Xiao Chen said to his companions.

The God of Nature was a little surprised. He expected that the magic was lost, the shield was broken, and the road was ineffective. The humans below only showed some panic, but soon all calmed down.

“You seem to be a little more interesting than the rebellion of the Seven Towers. Then start your performance.” After saying this, the **** of nature disappeared into the sky.

Xiao Chen suddenly felt a lot of divine fluctuations starting to appear around him. The divine power diffused in the space began to gather and became the shape of large animals. These monsters were exactly the same as those recorded in the image spar.

“Everyone maintains a good formation and makes every effort to break through that palace.” Xiao Chen clenched the thorn in his hand and released a dream of sleep. The four or five monsters in front of him are shrouded in this magical range. He expected that these magical monsters should not be easy to deal with, but even if they were not put to sleep, the dream of sleeping should let them enter a sleepy state, greatly reducing their combat power.

To Xiao Chen’s surprise, when the light of the sleeping dream swept over these monsters, none of them actually resisted his magic, and fell to the ground one by one, without the same kind of powerful in the image stone.

The shots of other mages have achieved similar results. Although there are hundreds of monsters around, there is an endless stream. But the first ones were quickly drowned in magic attacks. On the contrary, the warriors’ attacks were relatively weak, and even saints such as Ye Zi or Gabriel holding artifacts were caught in the struggle with those monsters. The monsters have a fairly high physical resistance. Although they are not invulnerable, they make it difficult for the soldiers to effectively kill them. Ye Zi’s shadow gun poked the monster’s body, leaving a large hole in the bowl.

Xiao Chen responded that these monsters were designed in accordance with the deprivation of the magical ability of the **** of nature. If the wizards cannot cast spells, the warriors alone have no chance of fighting in front of these monsters. But the wizards in their own group have learned the ability to cast spells, but they just restrained these thick-skinned guys.

However, at the same time, he also has a feeling that the gods of nature seem to have little interest in eliminating them at this level. Otherwise, since he found that his side has not lost its ability to cast spells, he should adjust his tactics. The current battle is more a test than a battle of life and death.

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