Above the Seven Towers

z7Chapter 101: True **** identity

In the apartment hotel in Barcelona, ​​Xiao Chen and Luo Ling originally sat cross-legged on the bed. In that world they are fighting the most dangerous battle, so in this world both people try to keep the most peaceful state.

At this moment, Xiao Chen’s eyes suddenly opened, and his body glowed with white light. He was lifted by a mysterious force. His face was facing upward, his limbs were drooping, and his body was floating in the air in a reverse bend. He lost control of the whole person and could not resist such changes at all.

“Xiao Chen!” Luo Ling jumped off the bed in shock. She released her mental strength and wanted to pull Xiao Chen down.

At this moment, a terrifying white light emerged from Xiao Chen’s eyes, and cut off all the spiritual threads of Luo Ling neatly. The white light was not pure light, it condensed into a human form in the air, it seemed She also smiled at Luo Ling. It twirled around the room and seemed to find something in the distance strongly attracting him, so it flew out of the window, turned into a ray of light, and rushed to the street in the distance.

And Xiao Chen is like a relay station for white light. White light is connected to another world from his body, and is continuously flying out.


In the shrine, a hand of the **** of nature rested on Xiao Chen’s head, and white light poured from his hand into Xiao Chen’s head. The God of Nature closed his eyes and said, “It’s an interesting world. I found a lot of things buried deep in my memory. This city, these people, and the language they speak, I am so familiar. I am now I understand a little bit, why I have mastered such a language and pushed it into this world, it turned out to be my native language. ”

“Release Xiao Chen!” Luo Ling roared, her white face was swollen with blue muscles, and her expression was like a mad mother beast, the anger in her eyes was like tearing the **** of nature, But the fact is that she is now locked by divine power and there is no way to cast magic or use any other means to affect the **** of nature.

“Is his name Xiao Chen? Oh, rest assured. Now that he is a bridge to my hometown, I won’t break him. Do you still worry about the others around you? Except you and Xiao Chen In addition to people across the world, other people have no value to me. ”

“You remember what happened in that world?” Luo Ling asked.

“Yeah, I have even seen them. Carmela, yes, she is my mother, Felicia, my love …, um? And Agordo …, right, that Not him, that’s another me … ”

“The other you? Are you not Agordo?” Luo Ling was surprised. “Can’t you distinguish yourself from Bermudo?”

auzw.com “Who says I am Agordo? I have always been Bermudo. Although my memory was destroyed by that energy storm, but in our realm, even the slightest clues can weave The whole picture is out. “The God of Nature opened his eyes, looked at Luo Ling with interest, and said,” It turns out that you and Xiao Chen are in my hometown, not far from Carmela. They are already guessing. My identity, and then look for related clues in another world, want to deal with me?

It’s just that you did me a favor instead. You have too much contact with me in that world, and your soul will inevitably be contaminated with him.

Just when you were fighting in the second world, I noticed that you have a familiar breath, that breath seems to come from my own, so I will notice him and you, and only then will you find that your consciousness spans The world. And thanks to your connection across the world, I can find me in another world. ”

“How is this possible? In my own native world, it is you who came to study in China, Belmudo? And the world I didn’t traverse, was it Agordo who came to study in China?” Luo Ling found that she never thought This world is not the same person.

“Did you call this through? It seems that you, me, and three of them stayed in that world for some reason. Going to study in China … I remembered that the night our brother got the exchange meeting, decided Let one go to China to study, and the other to take care of a sick mother at home. The decision to go to stay is a coin. It seems that in two worlds, that coin has fallen in different ways. “The God of Nature said,” But thanks to that, now I also exist in two worlds. This is really a surprise. Although that world has no magic power, as a god, I can guide the divine power to that world. As long as there is enough divine power in that world , Where I am still God. ”

“Actually the result of the difference between thoughts?” Luo Ling saw that Xiao Chen’s body was saturated with divine power, but he seemed to have consciousness. The reincarnation gun in his hand was slowly shining, and the consciousness of the **** of nature was obviously concentrated in the new In the world, I haven’t paid attention to the changes in the hands of this controlled person.

But the gun of reincarnation is prepared for Agordo. If the **** of nature is Belmudo, its effect may be greatly reduced.

Luo Ling tried to find the cause of this error and thought of any remedy, but it was difficult to find the clue.

But suddenly, a thought flashed in Luo Ling’s mind. A detail that she didn’t care about before suddenly became clear. In the two worlds, the biggest difference she and Xiao Chen experienced was in the second world The time to arrive at the school is not the same as the First World. Only then did Xiao Chen had a small accident outside the school, which was not included in the crossing.

The reason why she arrived at school in the Second World differently was because she was taking care of a drunk girlfriend Li Peiyu the night before. Originally she thought this was an unrelated incident, but at this time she remembered that Li Peiyu, who was also a school teacher, attended a party organized by an international student the night before. She was drunk at the party because she was toasted by the students. After arriving at the house that day, Li Peiyu felt unwell and called Luo Ling’s phone. Luo Ling’s family lived not far away and came home to take care of her.

Now Luo Ling thinks of the students mentioned by Li Peiyu, it seems that there is really a name called Agoldo. Li Peiyu shouted several times in the nonsense of drinking and drinking: Algordo, you dance awesome! Reminiscent of Belmudo once said that Agordo is a passionate guy, maybe the same person …

Did the coin thrown in Spain affect her and Xiao Chen?

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