Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 55 - Something unexpected

In the past few days, Zhang Hong will go to the town. Since Li Jia and the two have come, they have been doing things. They will sort out the goods in the store, visit the local market, and prepare promotions.

In Zhang Hong’s view, Li Jia is a guy with a chicken feather as a arrow, and is full of food. He was too lazy to take care of him, so he could not see him quietly and let them toss about in the shop.

Although the people in Floro Town were crude, they were still in awe of Zhang Hong, who was in the name of the Master’s family. What’s more, compared with the poor ghosts here, the well-dressed Zhang Hong is undoubtedly the level of adults. The average villager consciously only gave him a gift. If Zhang Hong was happy that day, when he bought something, he won a few big copper coins, and there were also people who bowed and kowtowed to him.

This is really a good feeling. Zhang Hong has never tasted this kind of feeling of being a man. Not on the earth, nor in schools today.

After all, he still belongs to the category of being isolated and isolated in his own group. But what about the exclusion, now that he is the exclusion in the town to be the uncle, those who exclude him, it is estimated to be a grandson in Suero?

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Originally, he liked Luo Ling quite, how beautiful a beauty is, but his heart is more poisonous than a scorpion, and he was so angry with Xiao Chen’s **** that he knew to bully honest people. I hope they meet a bandit this time, or they are faked by someone.

Zhang Hong doesn’t expect much development from the school, but it is not necessarily how good it will fall on his own development. His recent attention has been focused on the little beauty called Katilina.

Her skin was as white as porcelain, but her hair was as red as fire, and her figure was more like a Coke bottle, which was twisted just right. Zhang Hong missed her almost as much as Coke.

Best of all, her father is a medium businessman with some influence in the surrounding area. If the relationship over the school continues, it is difficult for him to monopolize the sale of a certain commodity. Zhang Hong has been a guest at their house twice. The old man is very good at him, and the little beauty also favors his profound conversation. Is it time to go further?

Zhang Hong Shen You Tian Wai all smiled and crooked his mouth, almost inattentively, almost hit the black shadow in front of him, that is a tattered beggar, bowed waist, holding a broken bowl in his hand, tremblingly handed him.

Zhang Hong doesn’t really hate beggars, of course, he doesn’t like it too much. It’s just that such people can sometimes make people sympathize with others’ needs. Zhang Hong believes that giving alms is no different from buying a cold drink to eat. They all spend money to meet their own needs, except that one delights the tongue and the other delights the soul.

However, the beggar in front of him made him feel very uncomfortable. This guy rudely interrupted his daydreams, and showed a strange energy. His eyes were too spirited, and his expression was too nervous. The lazy taste of ordinary beggars. Zhang Hong felt bad, so he turned sideways to an alley on the right, accelerated his steps, and ran all the way.

Zhang Hong ran while looking back to see if the strange beggar had followed him. He did n’t expect to run a few steps in the alley. Suddenly he hung a sack under the hood and put him in it. The sack was very long and big. To his knees. Zhang Hong was terrified, and he could not see the direction of his footsteps.

“Who? Who is teasing me? This … this is not fun. Let me go.”

In response to him, there was a muffled noise. Someone smashed a stick on his lap. Zhang Hong suddenly hugged his calf and screamed and fell down.

He was struggling on the ground, trying to remove the sack, but immediately two people grabbed his feet and the sack mouth and trapped him in the sack. Then, two people rushed up and kicked against his body and head. Zhang Hong is nothing but a translator. To put it bluntly, he is also a helpless guy. Where has he seen this posture, he was beaten and cried out loudly, begging for mercy, but the people around him not only stopped but played even more Cheer up.

After a while, Zhang Hong couldn’t even shout. The person who kicked him seemed to go away, but another person came up, stepped on his stomach with one foot, and crushed it a few times, almost causing him to spit out the acid in his stomach.

At that time, the man said in a hoarse voice: “Foreigner, give you a lesson, Miss Katilina is our boss. You even got a crooked brain to her, it should be beaten!”

Zhang Hong looked out from the mesh of the woven bag and vaguely saw a figure that was not tall. Without waiting for his answer, the man said again: “In the future, when I see you joining Miss Katilina’s house, we will meet and fight once!”

“You, your boss, who is it? Do you know, I am a magician.” Zhang Hong asked stuttering.

People around laughed, “You treat us silly, knowing that you are a magician’s dog, and telling you the name? You don’t need to know who we are, just remember to roll away.”

“You … so you will regret the magician’s family!”

The lead man kicked him with a kick and smiled, “How hard is it to talk? Give me continued beating him until I am satisfied.”

Zhang Hong gritted his teeth, hesitating whether to give up Katilina, to beg for mercy, the fists and kicks of the two thugs greeted him, and for a while he was beaten with pain and became a ball.

Suddenly, his hand was under his arm and he felt something. That is a pistol! When the pistol was sent to Floro to open up the colony at that time, Zhang Hong tried his best to dispense with the attitude of not going out, and the school security team agreed to distribute it. However, after arriving here, it has never been used. but now……

auzw.com Zhang Hong pulled out his gun while fisting, kicking the insurance and aiming at the figure watching outside the bag. His people were shaking, his hands were shaking, half of them were beaten, half of them were struggling.

Suddenly, the man came over again and asked coldly, “Have you taken it? Are you willing to get away?”

A crazy light flashed in Zhang Hong’s eyes, and he roared loudly, followed by a snapping sound of “pop”.


Ji Yijun, Li Jia and Hong Lifeng are sorting out the goods in the store. Li Jia decided to reclassify and price them. This is a laborious slow job. Ji Yijun has been working impatiently for more than two hours.

He was thinking about whether to use an excuse to go to the toilet and go out for a while. I heard Garcia’s crying out of panic from outside the shop: “Teacher, teacher, it’s not good, Enrique was hit by strange magic. He … he’s dying.”

“What’s going on?” Ji Yijun ran to the door and saw Enrique being lifted up on a door. The guy was shaking, his face was white, and his lips were bloodless. He covered his waist with his hand. And blood was oozing from him constantly, then dripping from the door to the ground.

“We, to teach that guy today, had already caught him and was beating him. But suddenly he used a strange magic, banging, Enrique’s waist was pierced. I, I … … We are all terrified. Did n’t you say that he could n’t do magic? ”

“Is this?” Ji Yijun suddenly felt cold behind his back, and big bean beads of sweat came out of his head. He stepped forward carefully to uncover Enrique’s hand … gunshot wound! A hole was pierced on the right side of Enrique’s abdomen!

“Teacher, save him quickly, there must be some healing magic?” Garcia pleaded loudly.

“This …” Ji Yijun originally only wanted to borrow the hands of these little scumbags to make Zhang Hong whole. He didn’t know what to do for a while, but stared at Enrique’s **** wound.

“What’s going on here?” Li Jia and Hong Lifeng were also disturbed by the noise outside and ran out together.

Ji Yijun reacted. He grabbed Hong Lifeng’s arm and asked aloud: “Does Zhang Hong have a gun? Did he carry a gun?”

“He … has a pistol, he is very afraid of death, and every day takes his life.” Hong Lifeng glanced at Enrique, and he was nervous. “Did he shoot and hurt someone?” He also checked where he was. Putting the wound aside, he immediately said: “It was a gunshot wound, it was shot by his pistol, what about others?”

“I …, I don’t know …” Ji Yijun whispered, he turned and asked Garcia, Garcia shook his head and said, “He ran away early, but the folks knew this and went to catch … He is. “

Li Jia’s face was very ugly. He glanced at Garcia and others who were pulling Ji Yijun’s pleading, and then listened to their whispering. They understood a little. This matter has nothing to do with Ji Yijun. He was decisive at this time. “Don’t talk nonsense first. First, first aid, Hong Lifeng. You are a soldier. Should you learn how to deal with gunshot wounds urgently?”

Hong Lifeng nodded, went into the house and took out a medicine chest, and began to bandage Enric for first aid.

“Ji Yijun, you go to prepare a carriage, and when Hong Lifeng is bandaged, take this young man to the school hospital. Tell the hospital people and school leaders that they must do their best to rescue.”

Li Jia said the words twice, but Ji Yijun still did not respond to Mumu. He pulled Ji Yijun into the house and looked at him seriously and said, “Cheer me up and explain what is going on?”

“I, I don’t know anything.” Ji Yijun looked around panicly, daring not to look directly at Li Jia’s eyes.

With a snap, Li Jia slapped each other hard. Rao Shi Jijun practiced martial arts all year round. At this time, he was also staggered. “I’m not blind, and I can understand them. You don’t want to escape. Only Tell me honestly, I can help you. Now, only I can help you. “

Covering his face, Ji Yijun had completely forgotten his anger. He looked at the angry Li Jia and the dying Enrique. He had to say, “I just want to borrow those little rogues as hands and give Zhang Hong a lesson. Who knows he has a gun and can do such a thing. “

“You even instigated an outsider to beat your colleague?” Li Jia was flushed with anger, patting the table, and shaking an earthen glass bottle to the ground, breaking it into glass slag. “You idiot with muscles in your head! Listen now. From now on, you are not allowed to mention this matter to anyone, so that your accomplices will also shut up. Once the incident is exposed, you are done! “

“what should I do?”

Li Jia held his head anxiously and shouted, “Get out and prepare the carriage, let me be quiet, and think about how to help you.”

“Li Jia, Brother Li, you have to cover me.” Then, Ji Yijun walked out of the door step by step.

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