Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 53 - The way of business

When Ji Yijun returned to the store from the outside, he found that Li Jia and Zhang Hong were arguing as usual, while Hong Lifeng looked at the lively side as if he had nothing to do with himself.

The two men did not urinate in a pot since the first day.

“Isn’t it very good now? It would be nice if we make a wholesale station here.” Zhang Hong pointed his finger at the door. “On these earth buns, poor ghosts, how much can we buy? We have to make money here, we need to change food, and we can rely on it It ’s all a big deal with a nearby businessman. What a small business. ”

“That’s not the case. Don’t think of the light here as a warehouse. We have to understand the situation of the locals. If we want to be together with them, we naturally have to go deep into their lives. Now you look like an office door facing south , And also wrote a few words in “The Wizard’s Shop” at the door, who dares to come in? Who wants to come in? “Li Jia is a good-tempered person, but when it comes to work, he never shows weakness, not to mention the immediate This man, relying on coming early, is not a department, and he is a stumbling block everywhere.

“Actually, this is also very good. We are safe and save trouble.” Hong Lifeng interjected. For him, the person in charge of security, he considered not to cause trouble, not to cause trouble.

“The committee sent me over, hoping that this site can play a greater role and become a link to improve the relationship with the locals. Although the town is not big, but it is connected with the surrounding villages, but there are more than a thousand people. We will do everything in the future These kinds of things are indispensable to the help of these locals. “Li Jiake restrained his anger and said aloud.

“Let me use the committee to suppress me. When I was assigned to come over, it was a broken thing. They spent half a month to build this shop, risking to live among the natives, using the strength of breastfeeding and those businessmen. When I was working around, why did n’t I see that they gave me more than half of my support? Now I ’m on the right track, come and pick me peaches. My Zhang Hong is not that good to bully! “Zhang Hong patted the table and went to the backyard. Hong Lifeng glanced at Li Jia, shrugged, and went out with him.

Li Jia was so angry that he blushed, and when Ji Yijun Youzai came in, he suffocated and scolded: “The heart is so small, what time is it, I still care about with my fingers!”

“Hey, this kind of bad guys have gone too much. Don’t worry, it’s a big deal.”

“Ah!” Li Jia sighed again.


The streets of Suero ’s inner city are very quiet and relatively spacious. They are paved with cyan stone, and some sidewalks and gutters have even been built. The houses on the roadside are mostly dignified in style and beautifully decorated. The columns and eaves are covered with carved flowers. Because there is no glass, most of these houses use shutters made of exquisite wood. Most of the stones produced nearby may be reddish. The houses here are red, ranging from light red, rose red to deep red. The shutters and the doors of the balconies are mostly painted white, so the entire city is clearly colored, green, red, and white.

When I came to this big city from a rural town, the gap was so great that Xiao Chen and others felt that they had crossed from the twelfth century to the eighteenth.

There are not many people on the road, not to mention small vendors, but these few people are mostly dressed decently. Most of the men wear local style cardigans and slim trousers. The rich ones are embroidered with exquisite patterns, and some even gleam with a faint magic light; ordinary ones are also better than the clothes Xiao Chen saw outside the city Much more refined. Others are dressed as warriors, wearing leather or chain armour, and carrying long and short weapons on their waists or backs.

Ladies are mostly wearing short-sleeved or medium-sleeved tops with lace and lace, and the lower body is wearing a knee-length skirt, which is layered and wrinkled. Some young girls even wear short skirts that cover only the thighs. If it weren’t for the pattern on the skirt is a bit more complicated, it is quite a bit like the beauty of urban fashion.

Silo took Chen Hansheng, Xiao Chen, and Luo Ling on the road. They also changed their costumes and went to visit a big local businessman that Silo knew.

“Xiao Chen, look, the girl here is much more open than the town of Floro, and it is white and tender and seductive.”

Xiao Chen glanced here at Luo Ling intentionally or unintentionally and joked: “Old Chen, be serious, we can’t make mistakes.”

“If you want to make mistakes, you can make mistakes. What mistakes can I make?” Chen Hansheng said this while turning his head behind the two passing girls.

However, he immediately heard Luo Ling’s humming: “It’s a perfect match between the decent and the old pervert.”

Silo could not understand their mumbles, but saw Chen Hansheng’s expression. He smiled and said to Xiao Chen: “When it comes to beautiful women, even Wang is inferior to Suero. This is where the north and south meet the east and west. The big merchants from all over the mainland will come here by water. From south to Various beauties of the North will appear here, some of the noblemen ’s eldest ladies, some of the merchants ’concubines, and more, slaves.”

“Oh? Slaves are also sold here?” Xiao Chen was curious.

“Suero has the largest slave market in the Kingdom. If Master Chen likes it, when he goes back, he can just buy two pleasing female slaves and take it away.”

“And slave girls? How beautiful are you?”

“That’s natural, some may have noble and alien blood, but the price is very expensive.”


Looking at Chen Hansheng’s enthusiasm, Luo Ling interjected: “I can take the lead in this matter. You can buy four of them, Siro, and buy four in total. It’s good to remember them on my account. You have to pick the most beautiful one. If you want, I can buy you one and let her have a daughter for you. “

Silo was not stupid, it didn’t smell right at the moment, he didn’t dare to say it, and then looked straight at Xiao Chen and two people squinting.

Faced with embarrassment, Chen Hansheng hurriedly said righteously: “Too corrupt and too degraded. We are all civilized people, but we shouldn’t engage in this kind of tone.”

Xiao Chen turned his brain faster and slapped, saying: “In fact, the slave market can be seen. After all, we do not have enough manpower. If we use it well, the speed of school construction can be accelerated.”

“Pretend!” Luo Ling gave him a white look and asked Silo: “Where did these slaves come from?”

“Most of them are the poor people brought by the war, and the families of the nobles who have fallen.” Siro looked around and lowered his voice. “Some of the big people here are doing this business, buying border troops, or organizing employment Army, go to exile people in surrounding countries. “

“Kingdom laws allow this?”

“As long as the kingdom draws taxes, the merchants only want to make money, and the bad luck is still the people of other countries, what is the law.”

A few people walked around and talked, and soon came to the door of a big house, most of the houses in the city were made of red granite. However, the entire wall of the house along the street is made of white marble, which is very dazzling throughout the street.

“This owner is not ordinary.” Luo Ling observed the sculptures on the outer wall and said, “These patterns and figures are much more refined than the surrounding houses, and they are arguably high-quality artworks.”

“This is normal. Baron Goya Diaz is one of Suero’s richest businessmen and a legend of Floro.” Siro said.

“Oh? This is your fellow.” Xiao Chenqi said.

“Yeah, his father was originally a small timber merchant in Floro town, but he took over his father’s business before he was twenty, and soon became very prosperous, turning his father’s stall into a behemoth. Later , He married a single daughter who broke the baron as his wife. After the old baron died, the son inherited the knighthood, and is now a genuine aristocrat. If it was not when he had not made a fortune, my accounting father helped He gave him a hand, I am afraid it would not be easy to see him at a glance. “Then, Silo knocked on the knocker, and soon a middle-aged butler came to open the door and led them in.

Under the leadership of the butler, they walked through the hall and a corridor to a reception room. The furnishings in the house are naturally very luxurious, but after all, Xiao Chen’s people came from a material-rich modern age and did not feel much surprised. This made some trembling Siro look more impressive.

“Ah, this is Siro’s magician friend.” After a while, a handsome middle-aged man walked in. This man has brown hair, long eyebrows, and a raised posture. He can’t see at all. The shadow of the upstart. He shook hands with Xiao Chen very powerfully: “It’s lucky that Goya Diaz, a contemptible person, can meet friends of magicians from afar.”

Xiao Chen exchanged greetings with him and presented a pair of wide-mouth glass wine glasses. The wine glasses were bulk goods in supermarkets and packed in specially-made boxes. These wine glasses are now so ordinary that no one will look at them more. However, it is indeed a unique thing in this era. Compared with the glass products currently produced by the school, it is still more pure and beautiful.

“This is the” glass “you want to sell?” Baron Goya picked up the glass and looked in the sunlight, and said to the housekeeper, “Take a jug of Hongguo wine.”

Hongguo wine is naturally a kind of wine called “Hongguo”. Hongguo has seven colors, and so is the wine. When the housekeeper pours the wine into the glass, the liquid in the glass shows a beautiful colorful luster under the sunlight.

“Very good, very good! This cup is used to hold hongguo wine, which can be compared with the crystal cup. But the crystal does not have such a smooth curve. This thing is a baby, how are you going to sell it?”

“We still have a lot of these products, most of which are not as pure as this set of cups, and they have a variety of shapes. I want to find a suitable store for sale.” Chen Hansheng also took out several glass products, including vases, and Plates, decorative small sculptures, etc. I have to say that the art students assigned to blow glass, although the craftsmanship is not good, but the beauty of the things they make is still very good. They have thousands of world-class masters’ works that they can copy for thousands of years, so the few things in front of them are still very attractive.

Baron Goya didn’t say anything, looked at each of these things one by one, and then asked, “Is the output high?”

“Yield is not a problem. This is a skilled job. We have just researched the method and the craftsmen are not skilled. It is estimated that after a month or two, the output will be very impressive.” Chen Hansheng replied somewhat regretfully, “but this pair of glasses , I ’m afraid it wo n’t be possible for a long time, and we do n’t have much inventory. ”

“That is, there are a small number of superb items that cannot be copied, and a large number of ordinary goods that can be supplied?” The baron said after thinking for a while, “I do have stores that can sell these things, but I will not do that.”

“Why?” Xiao Chen asked in surprise. He could see that Baron Goya was clearly interested in these things.

“Because your selling method is wrong.” The baron smiled, only then did he show a trace of profiteering.

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