Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 37 - Outside the camp

There is indeed a moon in this world, there is not only one, two moons appear in the night sky in the north, and one is located in the south. The moon in the north glows a little blue, and it echoes the orange in the yellow in the south. The two rounds of bright moon light make the mountains in the night not so gloomy, but it is not easy to see the traces left by the goblins.

Fortunately, however, Xiao Chen, his eyes capable of night vision, and his ability to see footprints on the ground like daytime, became the most important reliance of this pedestrian.

Walking to a fork in the road, Xiao Chen stopped and pointed to the shadow of a tree. Zhang Sicheng turned on the flashlight and looked closely for a while. Then he plucked the soil with a branch and pointed to the road on the right. Xiao Xiao is really a god, go here. “

Several people turned over a hillside, and they all stopped to look down. In the valley ahead, there was a fire that reflected the surrounding forests red.

“Everyone pays attention to security and concealment. There may be a camp for goblins. I don’t know if there will be their dark whistle and traps in the forest, so everyone must observe the surroundings and follow the path I have traveled.” Bring everyone closer to the camp. On the way down the mountain, they walked much slower than before. Everyone held their breath, looked nervously around, and the steps under their feet were much lighter.

Click, after the broken Shi Hao stepped on a piece of dead branch set up by a stone, the sound was loud and crisp, and it looked unusually abrupt in the middle of the night in the woods. He was shocked by himself and stumbled forward on a stone Pushed, hitting behind Ye Zi in front, Ye Zi, scared nervously, yelled “ah”. Fortunately, Xiao Chen’s eyes were fast, and he reached out to cover Ye Zi’s mouth and cut off the exclamation. But just fell and covered, and the three fell like a gourd and fell to the ground.

Ye Zi was embarrassed and annoyed, first gave Shi Hao an elbow with her hand still on her shoulder, making the other person cover her belly and became a cooked dried shrimp, and then knocked down the hand that Xiao Chen pressed on her nose . She crawled up angrily and was about to get angry. Hearing Zhang Sicheng lowered her voice, she shouted, “Quietly, you will be discovered!”

For a time, several people were a little panicked, and their hands and feet were messed up, and there was a lot of movement before they each fell to the roots of the grass. Everyone waited for a while, and finally found out that they were all false alarms.

“I blame you for scaring me from behind!”

“You can’t scream!”

“And you blocked my mouth with your muddy hands!”

“Mr. Zhang also sent a warning signal.”

“You guys are really insignificant, and you’re too careless.”

Shi Hao and Ye Zi glared at each other, pressing their voices in the woods, blaming each other. Zhang Si cost to persuade a few words, but did not expect to become a dogfight in the end.

“Everybody is enough!” Xiao Chen said angrily. He couldn’t hear it anymore. He pointed to several people and said: “You are a soldier of the army, you are a master of martial arts, you are a leader and a teacher, everyone wants to save people , That ’s it? Who wants to compete with goblins more like a crowd? “

All three were a little surprised by Xiao Chen’s deep but firm voice, and they all muttered at once. Xiao Chen was quiet, but imposing, and seemed to send a pressure directly into their minds.

Zhen deaf and arrogant.

Ye Zi stared at Xiao Chen. He didn’t expect Xiao Chen to always look like a grinning man. When he was suddenly serious, he had such power. Ye Zi was often trained by her grandfather when she was a child. Grandpa is a master of the house, and he used some inner strength skills to train the words. These few words of Xiao Chen are still there.

“Go on!” Xiao Chen waved his hand and walked to the front again. In fact, Xiao Chen was also surprised at this time. Just because of the fire in his heart, he unconsciously used his own mental power when he stopped them. It seemed to have caused some disturbance, and then he was shocked by the consciousness of several others. It seemed that they all had a short trance. It is like the “lion roar” of the Buddhist martial arts in martial arts novels.

Is this just magic?

Xiao Chen They continued to move forward, and finally stopped on a hillside about 200 meters away from Goblin Yingzhai. From here, they can see the Yingzhai clearly. Xiao Chen lies behind a stone and carefully observes the camp of the goblin.

auzw.com If you want to describe this camp in one word, it is “dirty”. The campsite is large in scale, but the ground has not been carefully cleaned, and many grass and tree stumps are trapped in the middle of the campsite. The wall is made up of wooden strips of different thicknesses, and the top of the wooden strips are cut into sharp corners of different heights, and there are many gaps in the middle and small. There is a gate to the south of the wall. Several skulls of some beasts are hung on the head of the gate, and some torches are staggered on both sides of the gate. The gate does not have a door panel. The camp door was closed.

Look at the house in the camp also with branches, covered with some dirty leaves and thatch. The room was too short to enter, and even goblins, who were only half as tall, could only bend in and out. The ground between the barracks is full of ponds and mud ponds. The front and back of the house are filled with skeletons of animals, minced meat, feces, and various kinds of garbage. When the wind blows across the camp and blows up the mountain, an obvious smell will come.

But at this time, the most attractive thing is the five pillars erected on the largest open space at the entrance of the camp. The five pillars are arranged at an equal distance into a pentagon. There is a stone platform in the middle of the pillar. Both the stone platform and the pillar are Empty, there are a few gorgeously dressed goblins using a stick as a pen, drawing something between the column and the table.

“It’s disgusting.” Ye Zi covered her nose and crouched next to Xiao Chen. “These goblins must have evolved from pigs.”

“Although their camp is a mess, we might as well be camped in the woods. Maybe they are not as good as them. This is a wise race, and we must take them seriously as enemies.” Xiao Chen didn’t hold his nose and was dizzy. In addition to the dilation of the brain, there are still mentally thinking about the IQ of the goblins.

Shi Hao took out a telescope and scanned the camp back and forth, frowning after a while and said, “There are too many broken houses and people who can’t see us! But the goblin soldiers who patrol back and forth are very similar to those who attacked us. I think this is the case. The tribe did it. “

“What should I do? In case people are hidden by them, we haven’t been able to see them here.” Ye Zi looked at Xiao Chen and Zhang Sicheng hope they had any good ideas.

“I think they are preparing for big moves. You see these pillars and stone platforms, which are obviously the venues and props for a certain ceremony. Shi Hao also said that our people are all captured by life, and then think of the primitive people. Some of the sacrificial customs … “

“You mean a living sacrifice?” Zhang Sicheng said anxiously.

Xiao Chen nodded: “It’s very possible.”

“You mean, Professor Lin, they will be killed on the pillar? Then we can’t wait so stupidly. Otherwise, what if we don’t have time to take action if they start?” Ye Zi grabbed a hand. With a spear, I wanted to run down.

Xiao Chen grabbed her, “Can you let me finish, we have to see the situation first, make sure the person is here, if you don’t see the person, you are going to make a mess, we will not take the risk, Professor Lin If they get hurt or taken away, the trouble will be even bigger. What we have to think about now is how we can rescue them if they are taken out and tied to the pillars. “

“Yes, the situation is unknown, there are too many enemies, we can’t be so reckless.” Zhang Sicheng echoed.

Xiao Chen looked at Zhang Sicheng and said: “Mr. Zhang, you are the captain. Now the situation is very complicated. You need to take the lead in making decisions and come up with a rescue plan. What do we think we should do?”

Zhang Sicheng thought bitterly for a while and said, “Xiao Xiao, I am not this piece of material. If you want me to shoot archery, I will never take a step back, but this kind of combat arrangement is really not what I am good at. I just wanted to , Kill in, our power is too small, set fire to create chaos, we have no materials, long-range sniper, we can not kill a few people. Secretly mixed in, we and the goblin are too different. If you have any ideas, just say it. We all listen . “

“Good.” When Xiao Chen knew that it was not humble now, he glanced at the gun in Shi Hao’s hand and asked him: “Are you sure you hit the goblin in the square below exactly here?”

Shi Hao estimated the distance and estimated: “But there are only six bullets, and then you can only use bayonet to fight hard.”

Xiao Chen nodded and asked Zhang Sicheng, “Can you shoot this bow from the camp door to the house behind the camp.”

Zhang Sicheng thought for a while: “I estimate that the doorway to the camp is within a straight line of less than 200 meters. The projectile can be reached, but the quasi-head and power are definitely not there. If I want to hit a house, I must reach 100. Only about the position of meters, I can be sure. “

Xiao Chen nodded again, and then looked at Ye Zi very seriously. His eyes were very deep and his eyes were very direct. Ye Zi began to feel a little embarrassed before he said: “You are the only girl, I should not ask Questions like yours should not put pressure on you. But our situation is very critical, and you are the strongest person in melee combat here. So, I must ask you: Have you messed up in the camp? At that time, rushed in from the main entrance and determined to save people directly? “

Ye Zi noticed that Xiao Chen was asking for determination, not grasping. She knew that it was because rushing into such a camp alone was a life-and-death event. Even a person with good skills could not say anything about winning. If you’re holding and going in and out safely. However, she was ignited by Xiao Chen’s words. An impulse erupted from the heart, the hand holding the gun shivered slightly, not fear, but the excitement of fighting, rushed out of the sentence: “Yes!”

Xiao Chen smiled. This smile made people feel relieved. He said calmly: “Okay! Teacher Zhang and I will go in with you. Now, I think we have a plan.”

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