About Your Pride and My Prejudice

Chapter 55: Snake

Chapter 55: Snake


I haven’t been to the lake since that day.  I didn’t want to relive the dream I had there, and I didn’t want to be terrified by the fact that I was followed by someone even here.

I don’t know how, but it’s either Alan who brought the bouquet or one of his many men.

I changed my carriage three times and ran from Florin to Arch Hill here, arrogant enough to think this would be enough. My opponent was Alan Leopold……. It’s a tedious name now.

I’ve come to dislike Alan even more. He must be a psychopath who feels joy in trampling on things I cherish. If I hadn’t known about the existence of Lake Dove from the beginning, I wouldn’t have suffered so much.

It was all because of him that every day at Arch Hill, which had been slower and calmer than Collins’ two-story house, began to feel like a drudgery again.

What’s even more upsetting is that there hasn’t been a single day when he hasn’t entered my dreams since I came here. Was it a problem that he spent his first night in the mansion immersed in his scent? It wasn’t me, neither time nor scene, that kept him all the time.

It’s unlikely that I would write my . That’s why I’ve been writing my diary for a few days. Even if it’s not a special content, it came from the idea of writing down anything so that my head or hands won’t harden until I can write a good plot again.

Today I was sitting at an old desk with a candle burning brightly. Before ending the day by writing today’s diary, a new empty self-ridiculing laugh burst out from my lips, which were fluttering the page I wrote yesterday.


Could it be that blood can’t lie? Alan is obviously a natural strategist who resembles his father. He must be spending his busy and graceful days in the capital, and his bathtub must be filled with praises and praises instead of bubbles…….

Nevertheless, Melissa Collins, who is several hundred kilometers away, is swayed and pulled around like a piece of gum in his mouth.

Time will solve everything. Finally, I turned to a blank page with nothing written on it, leaning again on the hope and maxims about being able to restart. I rolled up the sleeves of my pajamas with a solemn face, while pressing the middle part of my notebook flat.

The nib was drenched in the fragrant ink.

“…There is nothing to write about but your story, Sir Alan.”

I put down my pen as if I were throwing it. I wanted to bang my head on the desk. My weakness felt infinitely stupid.  I was so upset.

However, if this is also a process, it must be endured.  In order to get rid of my faults and spread my wings in a new world.

I had only three more days until I left the kingdom.

* * *


Ian was sitting in his neat and tidy clothes, as if he had just returned from an important meeting. Anyone would have believed so if the bottle of wine in front of him had not been reduced by half.

“Well. How are you, Alan?”

Alan, who greeted him with a solemn look, looked at his father. The wide shoulders and admirable figure that fit like a picture in his dark frock coat made people happy whenever they saw him.

“It is really bizarre. That I meet my one and only child in writing.”

“Are you in good health?”

His smiling face was as cold as a knife.  Ian thought it must be because of his dreadful headache that his son’s questioning about his health didn’t sound like any concern.

Alan, who was seated, gracefully crossed his legs and buried himself on the sofa, and Ian opened his mouth, pouring whiskey into an elaborately crafted crystal glass.

“Your villa is said to be an ugly old house on the outskirts of the capital.”

Alan didn’t answer. There was too much bitterness in his tone as he said he had come to know it by chance.

The old house was not far enough to be completely hidden from his father, nor did he not think that he would find out at all costs. That’s why he didn’t use very careful methods to get his subordinates to move materials, documents, and sometimes whiskey.

Of course, it was very regrettable to think of the villa. Not only did the neighbor he was looking forward to seeing never come, but it has been a month since she arbitrarily left from his gaze.

Nevertheless, it was all right now. The day of his departure for the principality was only one day away.

“In fact, I thought you’d come home before long. You’ve been in such a place for a long time.”

“It’s good and quiet.”

“It seems you’ve been making a lot of noise ever since it was revealed that you had left the house. Readers speculate  that Leopold’s son got a barn so he can secretly meet a lover.”

Ian grinned, bringing up an uncharacteristically cheap gossip. There was a small ripple in the glass.

“While talking about passion and romance. Looking back, it seems to resemble my younger days….….”


Alan’s eyes gleamed like a beast in a flash that even Ian didn’t notice. He answered, looking down at the glass.

“You’ve got a lot of jokes, Father,”

Afterwards, with a sigh-like laugh, Ian’s eyes hid behind his pale eyelids. The middle-aged businessman elegantly tilted his glass and said,

“Monica has returned to the principality. A few days ago.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Alan completely forgot. Reluctantly, he promised her that he would make time for her, but she went back without any trouble. It was quite fresh.

Alan had expected that she would somehow drag her time here to get on board with him on ship to Lunoa. It was clear that it was unusual for Monica Elwood. It would have been a pleasure if she had finally come to her senses.

“The mansion you saved in the Principality.”

Then, Ian answered the question.

“Monica will go first and wait for you.”

in the worst direction

“I don’t understand what you mean by waiting at my house.”


A heavy crystal glass was placed on the table with a sharp sound.


Unfortunately, Alan knew at once what his father was going to say. He wondered why they had a drinking party at the place where he came to greet Ian. Alan, who quietly suppressed his desire to click his tongue, continued in a silent low voice.

“It’s too much to ask of me. We’re family.”

“There is no one more suitable for your spouse than her. If not the best—”


At that moment, a cool low-pitched sound cut through the air.

“Ah, Your sole successor to Leopold.”

Alan drank all the wine out of the glass. As he handed over the whiskey, Alan’s beautiful brows distorted.

“You know, she didn’t get a name, but she’s definitely Leopold.”


“I have nothing more to say. It’s just a bad taste.”


“Ah, how thoughtless of me, I didn’t mean to drink it”

Alan said recklessly in a wet voice. With a nice smile on his face.

“I hope my glass doesn’t contain anything other than whiskey.”

“…You’ve been through a lot lately.”

“It’s a joke,”

Alan gently pressed down his anger under the guise of kindness. Ian brought out the main topic with a light sigh.

“I heard everything from Monica. Of course, I was told it wasn’t true.”


“I have been reported every day about how passionate you are in your work.  I am also satisfied with the performance…… But if you’re paying attention to some insignificant woman, you can’t afford that.”

“His Highness seems to have played a prank on her.”

Ian said in a low voice at his words.

“Then your villa is, after all, a joke you are playing with this father?”


Alan froze at those words. It was fortunate that Melissa Collins was away from the capital. According to a report by an aide, there is no situation that anyone known to her leaving for New Ditch. Till now.

Of course, it didn’t matter if it was only a matter of time before his father’s gaze reached her. He, too, is leaving for the principality tomorrow.

“I have no intention of scolding you for a little play, Alan.”


As long as she was out of Sourne, he was confident that he would keep her hidden in a safe place that he knew. He already made all the preparations.

“If you’re sick and tired of the people at the top and you’re looking at something different, that’s fine. But not for the mistress of the family.”

“Ah… “

Why do I think I’ll be able to succeed the family without hesitation? 

Alan couldn’t hold back his laughter as he tried to burst out even though only a sip of alcohol couldn’t boost his spirits.

Having never abandoned one’s family name It’s just…… To destroy in the most perfect form.

“It’s not like that,”

The son’s polite tone made the father feel rather irritated.

‘Maybe what I picked up….’

Ian stretched out his trembling hand toward the glass.

‘Was a snake in an angel’s mask?’

Then, Alan held his father’s hand. To be precise, the hand holding the glass of wine.

“I think you’ve gone too far, but let’s stop here. Now that I’ve seen your face, I’m leaving.”

“Alan, there are many things in the world that are better not to know.”


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“To me, you…….”

Alan pulled the glass out of his father’s hand and put it on the table before he got up.

“You don’t have to worry too much.”

His drooping eyelids as he arranged his collar were strangely overbearing.

“Because I’ll do well. As always.”

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