A Villainess Should Be Strong

Chapter 62: Trouble

"That said, are you going today?" Minerva asked, clarifying the matter.

"Yes," Estelle replied. "Figured it would be better to root them out as soon as possible. Are you coming along?"

"As much as I want to.. I have this peculiar sickness called being lazy," Minerva yawned, showing her tiredness.

She didn't fake her reaction, she truly was sleepy. Minerva rarely had a full night sleep, and she would even sleep during the day most of the time.

A restful sleep was something she was unfamiliar with.

"...You really should fix your life habits. What if it puts you in danger one day?"

"Who knows," Minerva said. "I'm content with my current lifestyle..." Her eyes started getting hazy now that sleep was mentioned.

"See? You're getting sleepy again," Estelle, who had stayed by the woman's side for years knew that Minerva had a habit of sleeping in parts.

One to two hours at a time, then waking up and continuing with her day. In the first place, Minerva's current powers rendered her with the ability to forgo sleep entirely for a few days.

"Ahh, just leave me be. I'll probably take a nap somewhere... You're going, right?" Minerva waved her hands, telling Estelle to stay out of her business.

"Yeah. Take care, then," Giving up, Estelle sighed.

She went over to her room, trembling at the thought of having to part with this for an indefinite time in the near future.

Then, Lylia came in, bearing bad news.

"Young miss! There's danger in the city, please come with me to the Duke!" Lylia slammed the door open, forgetting her maid etiquette.

Tears were on the rims of her eyes. Panic and anxiety showed all over her face, the complete opposite of what Lylia usually acted like.

"..Lylia?" Estelle was still in shock over the sudden turn of events. She stilled in her position.

Lylia couldn't afford to waste any more time and ran to her side, pulling Estelle's arms and leaving the room in a rush.

"I cannot explain now, but the Duke wants to see you," Lylia ran.

After a while, Estelle began to regain her focus and snapped Lylia's grip off. "Tell me where father is. I will open a gate there,"

Nodding, Lylia agreed with her method. "The master is in front of the manor. He is in the midst of controlling the troops,"

Estelle opened a space rift in a hurry and set the location to where Alan was. The two then entered the gate, successfully moving their place.

The moment Estelle arrived, she saw Alan standing alongside the Duke's private army.

The Knight Captain, someone who used to bully and tease her about how short and small she was compared to him no longer wore the goofy expressions Estelle was familiar with.

The hundreds of knights were all in their stances, ready to march when ordered.

The Clareste Dukedom weren't renowned for the army, but the power they could exert was still exemplary.

The gallant spirit shared between all the troops were in sync. With their faces hardened and hearts steeled to face the upcoming battle, it was a rare scene in the country of Alynthi, which hadn't been engaged in a civil war for long.

For the trouble to require the private army to be sent out, it meant that the normal army was already battling the problem as they speak.

Many of the knights were people Estelle had only seen a glimpse of before. People who, compared to the normal army, were much more experienced and trained.

Alan and the rest hadn't noticed Estelle's arrival yet.

"We haven't had to mobilize the army in a while, but it's necessary for this time," Alan's voice rang, amplified with the help of Wind Magic for it to travel across the entire squadron. "We must protect our territory, our city, Alynthi's land. By no means are we going to be shaken with this storm,"

"Yessir!!!" The thunderous replies of the army made one's ear cringe in pain over the sheer volume.

"I know that many of you have families inside the city. The regular army is doing their best to battle the chaos and evacuate the citizens. I ask of you, as the Duke... to focus on the mission. I know that this is an outlandish request, but please,"

Alan showed a troubled expression.

He knew that during the private army's movements, there was a high chance of them seeing their families getting caught in disaster.

In that case, if the knights strayed and throws away the mission, everything would be doomed.

It was an understandable thing in theory, but when done in reality, it could cause a bigger problem.

"We are prepared to throw our lives for the city!!" One knight, who seemed to hold higher pedigree than the others shouted.

The rest followed, shouting the same thing.

Estelle decided that it was the right time to enter the scene.

She told Lylia to stay put. They had landed in the garden, so Lylia could hide in the bushes.

"What happened, dear Father?" Estelle tugged on Alan's armor.

Alan was wearing a light-weight armor, but even that was rare.

The knights' gaze were drawn to the child.

"...Estelle," Alan heaved a sigh of relief.

"What happened," Estelle repeated once more.

"A storm.. An unnatural storm brew in the city. Along with it, monsters attacked. Casualties have already been made," With a solemn tone, Alan told the situation.

"Storm... and monsters? What do you plan to do, father?"

"The normal troops are already in the process of evacuating the people. Some have engaged in battles. The private army will be sent to reduce the scope of the storm along with the magicians sector, and fight off the monsters," Alan

"And you?"

"I will lead them. They are taking a risk, I will also do the same. I can't be selfish,"

"..You are the Duke. And in front of you is the Duke's daughter,"

"This is for the people. For Clareste," Alan gazed upon the blue roses, which was a signature symbol of the Dukedom.

Bushes of this plant were planted inside the manor, and the city was also the same.

Even the Clareste crest and flag had blue rose symbols.

"I will tag along if that's the case," Since Alan was hardheaded, let her be stubborn as well.

She was set for the city in the first place.


"You're being selfish, father,"

"Still no. This time, I can not budge. Please go to Sheila's side,"

"Minerva will protect mother. I can do more than Minerva. Father, you are fighting in the frontlines,"

"You are a child!" Alan raised his voice.

"Age doesn't determine anything for an abnormal monster like me," Estelle's gaze froze up, her eyes no longer containing traces of begging, but rather disappointment.

She didn't think that undermining herself was needed, but her thoughts were in an awry after her recent interactions with Minerva.

She was always afraid. Afraid of the possible chance of her own parents thinking that she was a monster.

She didn't care about anyone else's sentiments, but her own parents.

Something that she gained only in this world, never before.

Loving parents.

If everything was smooth, if she didn't have this absurd power, everything would be different. She wouldn't have these worries.

But now, she faced Alan with eyes that pierced the other's heart.

"..No," Alan averted his gaze.

"Father, you know me. Please," Estelle begged once more. She wished for nothing more than to be an adult and have control over her decisions.

Forcefully pushing her intentions was possible, but it didn't strike her in the right way.

"Estelle. I'm begging you. Stop putting yourself in danger, let matters like this be solved by us," Alan whispered, enough for her to hear.

He then waved her off, pouring his full attention into the army's matters.

The city was in peril. He couldn't debate with his daughter any longer.

"Father!" Estelle called one more time. "You are a coward. A massive coward who can't even face your own daughter!" Estelle cried out, tears coming out of her eyes.

Why couldn't he trust her?

Was he afraid of losing her?

Afraid of her failure?

Or.. afraid of Estelle, the human?

Which was it?

Estelle ran away, knowing that Alan won't answer her anymore.

Rushing towards the garden, she huffed her breath. Her physical abilities fell short to her massive magic power. Even so, she ran and ran.

Running until her tears were all gone.

"I can't do this," Estelle slumped down, dropping to a squatting position. "I can't do this... Uuuu,"

A pitiable cry.

Sobbing, she stayed still for a few minutes before rubbing her eyes to dry the tears away. Her exhaustion died down, and she was able to recuperate.

She still had little sniffles, but her eyes were no longer deluded.

She had a task to do.

"..I can't just stand still. I have an inkling on who is behind this incident," Estelle clenched her fists with such force that almost made her nails break into the soft skin.

Estelle remembered the contents Heine gave her.

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