A Villainess Should Be Strong

Chapter 52: Turning Gears (2)

"Well, the coincidental timing.. and the fact that I was called by the Spirit Tree to aid you, remember?" Heine said.

In his mind, there existed a much deeper explanation, one that involved his cryptic dreams, but he refused to tell her right now.

If he wanted to be completely honest, he'd tell her his real identities.

How he didn't only know that she was reincarnated, but also how she was Reina. And he was Yuuma.

Hikari was the only one missing. He himself didn't know where the other girl went.

It was too much of a coincidence. There was no way the three of them weren't connected in some way.

He himself had the instinct that Hikari was also here. Somewhere.

Lurking behind them.

"Hmm.. Ah! That reminds me, how's the Spirit Tree's condition?" Estelle, unbeknownst of Heine's thoughts, asked.

"It was in shambles before, but now it has been repairing itself. It won't be long before the connection replenishes, but if it takes another hit like what Kalis did.. I'm afraid that it won't last," Heine narrowed his eyes, recalling Kalis' unpleasant actions.

"The repair.. didn't you say something about my power being the key to..?"

"We don't know yet. Although it worked with the monsters, there's no telling if you're going to be able to purify the Tree. It's an entirely different case,"

"Well, we can at least try,"



Estelle didn't know what to say.

Although she was one who went through the incidents, she was still unable to comprehend why everything happened.

Why she was put in this position.

"For starters, I'll go to the Spirit Tree first. The monsters are also in Sylvania, yeah? Let me meet the them. Then.. I'll go to the new race too. Compile all the information that you think would benefit me," Estelle felt like she still needed rest.

"Roger. Your powers? Did it get better?"

"Still a bit off. I think another rest would do the job. I can't say for sure of Arayle's reach is gone for naught. Her powers are just as eccentric as her,"

"You're the one to talk," Heine chuckled. "I'll leave you to rest more, then. Call me whenever you're ready,"


"Good night,"

"Night.. Isn't it evening?"

"Have a good sleep," Heine coughed, correcting himself.

"You have a great day too,"

After that, Heine left the room.

Estelle slid back inside the blanket.

Her thoughts were still racing.

The new information she obtained confused her even more than what she originally had been.

One problem after another.

"Ancestral Humans. Princess. Why is it Princess? Why is it always Princess?"

Not a Queen? Reina?

"Ancestral. Past. Goddess. Princess,"

"Underworld. Past. Abandoned by the Gods... Princess?"

Estelle recalled that the Underworld brought demise onto themselves. But the detailed reasoning was never specified.

Apparently it had been lost through the generations. Even so, wasn't it too sketchy that nothing lasted?

Not even a single manuscript?

She had access to the most secretive archive there was in the palace. Arayle granted her the permission.

She looked through everything. But nothing answered her question.


"Ahh, nothing rings a bell. Am I forgetting something? Something that I should know?" Estelle ruffled her hair, trying to think up of anything that might be a clue.

If she was really an important role, shouldn't she possess the necessary information to solve the case?

It was then that a painful shock hit Estelle's head.

"Ouch!" she cried in pain.

[Did I get it right? A forgotten memory?]

The shock acted as a stimulus for her. Her body was previously tired, but now it was jolted awake.

She struggled to sleep for the first half an hour, but she eventually descended into a peaceful slumber.

The next day, she woke up to a glaring sunlight peeking in from the curtains.

Her throat was parched.

She accidentally sucked in air through her mouth and triggered a coughing reaction.

Sitting up abruptly, she coughed for a few seconds before the itch dissipated.

"Awake?" One of the voices she longed to hear when she spent her years in the Underworld entered her ears.

It was the blonde Witch, Yulia Eire.

"..Yulia," Estelle called out her name weakly.

"I did my best to nurse you, so be thankful. You had a lot of disgusting seals placed onto you." Yulia's relaxed posture was dignified as she held a book, her eyes calmly sweeping through the words written on the pages.

Not a single glance was given to her way.

The woman liked to pretend to be cold, even though she had a compassionate persona.

Yulia wanted to make it seem like everything was normal.

However, with just a slight glance, Estelle was able to tell that Yulia was exhausted.

[Was it because of the 'nursing'? Seals? I didn't even notice anything.]

Estelle's eyelashes fluttered as she repeatedly opened and closed her eyes to regain a perfect vision.

"..." Estelle dozed off, still sleepy.

She stretched out her arm to hold Yulia's.

[I should.. still remember it. Even though I haven't used it in a while..] Estelle mused.

Yulia jerked a little, knowing that the girl must've noticed her condition.

She dropped her book and finally looked at her.

Estelle started channeling her mana without permission. She knew that Yulia was alright with the process.

Out of her three test subjects, Yulia was the one who had the most similar mindset with her.

She was adventurous and had an innovative mind, thinking up of solutions that even she, as someone who came from an age that was much more developed than the current technology standards, wouldn't be able to discover.

Yulia was a true genius.

Estelle closed her eyes to focus, reminding herself of the familiar process. She supplied Yulia with the mana she replicated from the Witch until her mana bank was filled back to the brim.

After the process, she removed her hand and let out a gentle sigh.

She was confident in her abilities, but after four years of not using it, a fear that it would fail had arose.

"As always.. mystical. What a strange feeling. It feels like I'm being renewed," Yulia commented.

"...I'm home,"

It was awkward. She felt awkward with everybody.

She had changed too much. It would feel weird, no matter how much they tried to prove it otherwise.

She left as a six year old and came back as ten.

Don't even mention the vicious nobles that will definitely aim to use this age jump to their advantage.

She wasn't even sure that she could maintain a relationship as close as before she left with all of her acquaintances.

Not even her family.

"I heard the story from Heine. Apparently it was four years long for you? To us, only a couple months had passed. How interesting," Yulia picked her book up and continued reading it, occasionally turning her head to the side and jotting some words onto the lone piece of paper placed on the tabletop.

"Yeah. Isn't it funny?" Estelle laughed, creating purified water out of thin air and pouring it into a cup to soothe her parched throat.

She yawned once more, stretching her upper body. She was currently in Minerva's house, so her clothes hadn't been changed since she reunited with them.

She got off the bed to prepare for the day.

"Are you scared?" All of a sudden, Yulia asked.

"Scared? Me? About what?"

[What do I have to fear?] Estelle thought.

Estelle was in the stage of denial.

No matter how she wanted to fit right back in, the current her was different. She skipped four years.

Hearing her question, Yulia sighed.

"..Ultimately, it comes down to a matter of choice. If you want to try and keep your identity as a Duke's daughter, you will be scorned. I'm just saying this: from an outsider's perspective, if I didn't know you and I saw you skip four years, I will not view you in a good light,"

Yulia had her own views on the matter. She wasn't one to support another without telling them the consequences or the negative parts of it.

She was someone who would make sure others knew what they were doing. Especially if they were important to her.

Every risk and reward. She'd tell them to consider it carefully.

"If you want to.. try something else, however, I will assist you. Me, Minerva, and Heine. Us three will assist you. I reckon your parents also wants you to prioritize your own wishes,"

Yulia's suggestion was something Estelle could guess.

The 'other option', there could only be one thing. That thing will resolve all the troubles. The dilemmas.

Estelle Clareste will be free.

"In short. We are all waiting for you. Estelle Clareste, what shall be your choice?" Yulia closed her book and stared at Estelle, who had a grim expression.


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