A Story of Evil

Chapter 69: The Escape II

The blade appeared like a strange object to the three domains that clashed. A sword without a wielder looked like a weird apparition which wasn't good for anything. That is, until it was too late for them to react as a surge of electricity came flowing out of it and into the battlefield.

Nobody was spared from the electrocution that came out. Not even the sword itself that began shattering from the excessive amount of mana that it had to continually release.

Some unfortunate titans were killed instantly while, those that survived began retreating. Meanwhile, the earth titans simply hid in a rock formation. Although some damage was able to come through. The attack continued for a whole minute and, within this interval, Sol finally used the electric poles owned by the lighting titans they killed,

[Item Name: Lightning Poles]

[Information: Used in order to redirect any electrical current. The pole stops any electricity to pass within a certain threshold.]

The two Voids ran toward the electricity filled zone. Their poles held right in front of them. They threw these right in front of the Basilisk, absorbing all electric current from that point. Preventing any to pas through as they moved the dead body of the creature. Sol immediately took some of its blood that was spilling from an open wound; placing it on a cloth and hiding it on his pocket as they went and dug the earth core from the ground.

The walls rumbled down and, before the poles could break, they were already out of the area. Running once again from the danger which were the earth titans.

"YOU DARE MAKE A FOOL OUT OF US!" An earth titan screamed. Trapped within their shell and unable to get out.

"Why do they keep saying things like they're some all-powerful humans?" Sol thought to himself, shivering in cringe as he and Alice continued running away. Not minding the fact that the earth titans had their blood boiling. Nor the fact that both the water and wind titans were beginning to catch up on the trail that they left.

The only thing they focused about was the fact that the walls were crumbling down. The earth shook as this happened and clouds of dust swept over the whole area. The two hurried, they ran at top speed, going through a route which Sol was sure to have no titans waiting for them.

The steel titans would still be fighting the apes. The flame and ice titans were on the east side and, even if they finished the monsterized earth titan, it would still take them time to reach the Voids. The wind and water titans were looking for them but, in the dead of the night and, with their camouflage cloaks, it was easy to disappear in the shadows. Sol didn't know where the physical enhancers were but, he thought that it was irrelevant to the equation if he didn't even catch the shadow of these guys on the path that they took.

Everything was going just as Sol expected. With the flow of battle going to his favor. That is, until flames poured down on them from the sky.

He wasn't part of Sol's calculations. He was the lowest risk variable; someone whom he assumed would have died already. And yet, that same being was right in front of them. With black wings made of flames and horns of the same nature. With eyes coated in black, save for the pupils which remained blood crimson in color. It was Blaze.

"Alice run."

"But Sol…"

"I'll manage somehow. You need to get back to our base. Now!" The girl nodded, sprinting out of sight and leaving one of her dagger with the boy who immediately hid it.

There was a reason why he couldn't join Alice. His mask was destroyed. The same apparatus that had the air cleansing technology within it was burned by Blaze together with his cloak and some parts of his skin. Alice, through her danger sense, automatically evaded the attack a split second before it landed. It wasn't er fault that Sol was damaged because, even she didn't feel the attack coming.

"So you want to die alone? Understandable. As a prince I will allow your chivalry although you are nothing but an insect."

The boy was thinking of a way out. He couldn't sense any danger from Blaze and this placed him on edge. Only a true veteran was supposedly capable of accomplishing this feat. And other than this, the black flames surrounding his opponent was never registered in any of the history books. This made things even more problematic as Sol couldn't properly estimate Blaze's current strength level.

However, even with all the uncertainties, Sol was relieved. Because unfortunately for Blaze, he wasn't the only one oust for Sol's blood.

"Why don't we end this quickly?" The prince was calm and relaxed. To the point that he even allowed Alice to escape.

Sol just needed a few seconds. He just needed to stall for time. And, in the face of someone as stupid as Blaze, Sol knew he could pull this off.

"Please spare me o mighty prince." Sol dropped to his knees and looked at the ground.

"What are you doing? You think begging will help you now?"

"No prince. But please set a blind eye over this lowly servant of yours."

"Oh? So you have come to reflect the error of your ways?"

The way Blaze spoke was like from a script. Like a storybook of monarchs which Sol didn't quite like reading when he was younger. Yet he still continued indulging in these as he believed it could be used on high nobility. Something which was about to be proven at that point.

"Yes! I have! In fact, let me prostrate even lower before you. For I am not even worthy of breathing the same air as you." Sol was literally having difficulty breathing at that point. Chaos air was poisonous to those without mana and, he was beginning to feel his lungs get heavier.

"Ahhh you have chosen correct. To see yourself lower than me is proper." Even without looking, Sol knew that his opponent's guard was completely down at that moment. Just from his tone of voice, the boy could pick this up.

"Yes and, if you don't mind, I have something else to say."

"Oh? And what is tha – " Even before the prince could finish speaking, Sol threw a handful of dirt on his face. Blinded momentarily, Sol used this opportunity to run. Back to the same direction from where he came.

In rage, the prince screamed as he flapped his wings to full. This was a great distraction because, by glowing in the darkness, he was seen as the new target of Sol's pursuers. Raining down wind and water spells on the prince.

"Yeah that's right guys. Hold him off." Sol thought to himself.

His surroundings was becoming a big blur. Yet his mind was clear on its goal. There was only a single point that he needed to reach and, everything else after that was irrelevant.

Yet a wall of black flames rose as far as Sol's eyes could see. Glowing in a strange shade. The boy took more dirt from the ground, spraying it on the area he needed to pass through. Part of his skin still got burnt, his whole arm to be exact. It was as painful as it could get.

"What the hell is up with these flames?" The boy said, finally seeing the familiar sight which was the location of the earth titans.

Behind him, Blaze continued screaming. A proof that he was fine despite the earlier bombardment. A sign that he was as dangerous of an opponent as the earth titans.

Solomon went and picked up the two aegis shields which were half broken at that point. He then consumed some of the black flames within the shields and continued running towards the earth titans. One would think of him as suicidal. He could even be called the king of idiots at that point.

But Sol knew exactly what he was doing. His mind was clear and there was more sense to his action than any other option he could've taken.

As he came out of the bushes, the earth titans took notice of him. All preparing to attack right away. In that moment, Sol used [Spatial Awareness], dodging all the attacks they had for him as he planted the shields on the ground beneath them.

The earth titans, turned to give chase but heard a beeping sound. It was from the shields and before they could even react, it bursted into an explosion of black flames.

"I guess I'd be able to escape after all." Just as Sol said this, he tripped himself over. Face first crashing to the ground. It wasn't because he was weak but because of the continuous damage of the chaos air to his lungs.

"Just a bit further. I'm gonna make it out of here." Sol slowly got up, he took the only healing crystal provided for him and Alice. Thinking if it was time to use it.

The boy brushed away the idea, leaving the item in his pocket. He walked. Labored. Towards the hiding place. A basement within the eco park.


Sol could already hear Blaze from a mile away but, with the earth titans surely transforming in that instant, he knew that the prince would be preoccupied. And so, the boy continued in a seeming battle of endurance. With all the burns on his body, with his slowly rotting lungs, Sol moved towards a safe haven where he could begin his ascension.

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