A Story of Evil

Chapter 193: Bits of Truth

As soon as the door of Pandora's Box closed, the team was finally able to relax. With most of them slumping down the tiled floor. Regaining the strength in their legs that was lost from the ordeal. But aside from this, there was a smile on their faces because, everything went successfully.

"We did it!" Hendrickson raised both of his fists in the air. Shouting just a bit milder from his usual tone as his voice echoed throughout the corridor.

"Are you stupid? What if the monarchs hear us?" Nathan nervously asked.

"They won't. Pandora's box is sound proof." Alice assured. Relieving Nathan who decided to do just the same.


This was the biggest upgrade they had. Never in their wildest dreams did they think that something like this would be possible for them. It was like they were of the same status as knights, or rather, even higher than them. That's why the outcome was so important.

Aside from this, they've basically been given a free pass outside the domains. That is what Sol valued more than anything else. Because with this being given him, he finally has a chance to go back to the treasure room.

"Sol's plan was able to push through. Holy crap." Nathan added. Still unable to believe the events that transpired.

"Of course it did. I never doubted it for a second." Alice said in reply.

"Well I couldn't say the same for me. Our King almost blew there." Jade added, referring to Nova – someone who had a very dominating aura during the meeting.

"True. But King Jubilee was able to handle it perfectly well in the end so...let's just leave it at that shall we?" Cain said.

"But, where are we supposed to go now?" Cinder asked,

"Yeah. I mean, their meeting will probably take a while longer and I don't think they'd want to see us here after they finish." Nathan added.

"Do you want to see the kind of place we lived in as kids?" Sol randomly blurted.

"Are you kidding? That's the best deal!" Hendrickson proclaimed as everyone got to their feet. Making their way to the outer walls as fast as they could.

Meanwhile, King Jubilee had to face the questions of the monarch. People who, if not offered any reasonable explanation, were probably going to question and doubt the king for the remainder of their time. Something which the Void King wanted to avoid. That's why he tried to calmly reason out with them.

"This isn't as bad as it seems." He began.

"We'll be the judge of that Jubilee." Aqua announced, her tone being unbiased as she added:

"Start talking."

"Look, those monsters were obviously coordinated when they came to us. It doesn't take that much brain cell in order to figure that out." 

"What of it?" Sylas added.

"Well I confronted the ones behind the attack as soon as it ended."

"Why didn't you just kill them?" Nova suggested.

"Because I can't."

Just like that the atmosphere changed drastically. The monarchs were starting to believe that Jubilee was some sort of almighty being. And so, him announcing that weighed heavily on them. Because if the strongest fighter couldn't handle those creatures, then what chance did they have.

"You can't beat them?"

"Yes. Think of it this way, their power is beyond King Reckon's transformed state. Ten times stronger at that and, that's only my estimation."

"You mean to say creatures that strong actually exist?"

"Of course. This is a big world we live in. You'd be an idiot if you believe that we are the strongest species." Jubilee proclaimed, halting the questioning momentarily which he used as a window to continue explaining.

"Anyway, I made a deal with them because if I didn't, we'd get killed. If they tried to break the barrier, I'm sure they're going to find its weak spot. Once they do, it'd be nothing but a bloodbath."

The other monarchs envisioned it. They envisioned the end of humanity. They envisioned all the death and destruction that could've happened. All the lives whose meaningless deaths could've fallen on their shoulders. The mere thought of which was so unnerving that, they wished it would've never crossed their minds.

But it wasn't like this thought got them hypnotized. Because there were still holes on Jubilee's explanation. And Aqua wasn't going to let these go unanswered.

"That still doesn't answer why you kept it from us. In fact, we don't even know what you told those creatures."

"Yeah. What kind of deal would make creatures that strong back away all of a sudden?"

"So it finally came to this point huh." Jubilee said in a solemn voice.

"What point are you talking about?" Aqua asked but, there was nothing else other than silence which answered him. Jubilee refused to answer for a while and, his aura shifted greatly during this interval. Everyone felt it. That the king was dead serious. A side of Jubilee that they haven't experienced for a while.

"I gave them an antidote." Jubilee began.


"Yes. Something which could take away their monsterification." This was enough to make all of the monarchs widen their eyes in horror. 

"Are you insane!" Nova wasn't able to control himself. He got up from his chair and grabbed Jubilee by the collar. His green flames oozing out because, they weren't in the real sanctuary after all. And thus their powers weren't taken away. Thus the furious flame king attacked without restraint.

"Why would you give something as valuable as that to our enemies!"

"You're too close Nova."

"The fuck did you say asshole?"

"Sit down." Jubilee used his gravity magic. Pushing Nova back to his chair. The fire king tried to release his flames but, Jubilee simply disabled this. With all the times he has seen Nova's abilities, disabling them was nothing but a walk in the park for him.

But it wasn't like Nova's actions were all that bad. After all, it's because of this same raging that the other monarchs were able to calm down.

"There's a large part of history that I haven't told you yet. Frankly speaking, I couldn't tell it to you any earlier because if I did, you wouldn't believe me."

"Whar are you talking about? Why wouldn't we believe you?"

"Really Aqua? Would you believe a king who has been labeled as a drunkard fool?"

Jubilee was waiting for that day. For the day when the other monarchs were finally under his direct control. For the moment when they trusted him even more than their own reasoning. Because it was only at this point that he could reveal the truth to them.

If he told things earlier, then he would've only cause public panic and disarray. But there is also the chance of the other monarchs not believing him at all. That is why he needed to gather as much evidence of the danger outside the domains. That is why he needed to show that aside from the powers given, even the Voids are capable of unlocking skills. That is why he needed to show the advancements which can be reached through his guidance. That is why he worked hard in order to improve all the domains.

None of the things Jubilee did was without a purpose. Everything has always been connected. And, the revelation he was finally giving to them was only the start of it.

"There is a larger threat than the first generation. These are the Seraphims."

"The Seraphims?"

"Yes. But, I believe it would be easier to just show you what I mean."

Jubilee snapped his fingers and changed the scenery immediately. It was timely that they were in Pandora's Box because through it, his explanation became more vivid.

Jubilee showed the first generation after the original humans. He showed them how these same creatures have been turned into monsters because their bodies couldn't handle the insertion of mana. He also showed them how some of these were able to recover from monsterification. Gaining the powers from their monster form while retaining their powers from one of the ten domains. He showed the battle between the Seraphims and the first generation and, how the Seraphims retreated. Getting only the Voids and from them, created the second generation.

He showed how they disappeared years after this and, explained the reason behind everything. At the end of this, Jubilee brought them back to the recreated Sanctuary. Every monarch sat down, unable to fully comprehend the immensity of what they just saw.

Jubilee never mentioned Pandora in all of this however. He knew that there would be too much of a confusion if he showed that, he was actually working with the same creature who's from a race that massacred humanity. Plus, he knew that the details he gave them was enough – this being proven by Queen Electra's worried expression as she faced Jubilee.

"What do we do then?"

"Nothing. We've already informed the public that, it is the first generation which we are fighting and we'll keep it that way."

"But why?" Queen Reoul added.

"Well that's because we need to show that the enemies are powerful. But at the same time, we need to show that they can be taken down with enough training and preparation. If we give the people an insurmountable obstacle such as the Seraphims, then forget productivity altogether. A lot of your citizens will be paralyzed from hopelessness."

"So you want us to prepare against these?" King Leon confirmed.

"Yes. I want you and your domains to be ready when the Seraphims come." King Jubilee said as, the meeting finally turned into a strategy meeting against their opponents.

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