A Story of Evil

Chapter 183: Jubilee's Plan

The team was only days before finally getting back to the domains. In fact, they would only take two more days. And with their progress, it was highly unlikely for them to encounter any other monster.

At that moment, the team was resting on another area. Taking another bath using the same principle of separating the men and women of the group. The Direwolves were also fed with carcasses of monsters they were able to hunt along the way and, were also given enough water to quench their thirst.

This was the last bath they could take because, Sol remembered that there was no area where they could properly do so on the road ahead. And this was also a good way for everyone to relax under the gentle shower provided by the water [Core Seal]. Raining down a fresh spring on them. The group even upgraded their bath. Creating a makeshift hot spring which utilizes the flame users.

"Where did you learn these stuff my king?" Hendrickson asked, never hearing of such a bath before. There was nothing of the sort offered on any of the domains. Although King Jubilee was planning on introducing something like this soon.

"From books of course." Was Sol's short reply.

"Now I know how meat feels when getting boiled. Good lord this hits the spot." Hendrickson added, submerging even half of his face to the water.

"Just to be clear, you're not allowed to pee here okay?" Sol added.

"Wait really?"

"Don't tell me you were actually planning it numbskull?" Jade clarified.

"Of course I wasn't hahaha." Hendrickson replied with nervous laughter.

The water was refreshing for everyone. Their muscles eased up all the tension they've built from all the fights and, their whole body simply enjoyed the warmth which stayed at just the right temperature.

"By the way guys, what reward do you think awaits us on our domains?" Nathan asked the team.

"Well there would be another awarding, no doubt about that." Sol said in reply.

"Yeah you got that right."

"Plus some other benefits like new servants or a large sum. Not that I'm expecting that or anything." Hendrickson said.

"Well whatever awaits us, I'm sure it's going to be pleasant." Cain added as he submerged his whole head down the water.

"Yeah. I'm sure." Sol said, his voice trailing off the distance as he thought of things not as pleasant.

As they return, he needed to continue investigating on a lot of things. On King Jubilee himself. On the nature of the enemies that they were going to face. And, on the recent discovery of the treasures that still filled his thoughts most of the time.

The boy felt a burden that didn't complement his age. But at the moment, he decided to let all of this get drowned deep within his mind. Relaxing just like everyone else.




During the time when Sol's team was on a life threatening mission, King Jubilee was still busy with the improvement and development of the domains. With his role as the supreme ruler, he was able to bypass a lot of rules and restrictions. Something which he didn't do ever so often for fear that the other monarchs would complain. His laws are unaffected by these of course but, he also didn't like getting on the bad side of the ones who led their respective domains. Because if he did, then it would be more difficult to bring down his commands and implement them.

That's why the project he did that time around was subtle yet again. That is, in the very center of the plantations of Eden, Jubilee made the new sanctuary.

"With the expansion of all your lands, the domains aren't as cramped anymore. Plus, all the worries when it comes to produce has already been taken care of since the plantations have also widened." Was King Jubilee's explanation which none of the other monarchs could deny.

His decision was reasonable yet again and so, they allowed him to do as he pleased. Destroying the walls dividing the plantations at its center and, from it, began building the new sanctuary. Something which Lilia assisted him in completing yet again. But little did they know that, there was another secret hidden within this same spot.

At that moment, only King Jubilee and Queen Lilia bore witness to this. Descending on the crumbled down walls as Lilia made a comment.

"Is this why you gave me the construction job before? To give me more construction jobs?"

"Come on, you're good at what you're doing so you shouldn't complain."

"That doesn't excuse you for putting me through all this tedious labor tough."

"No it doesn't but, look on the bright side, I finally got what we needed." Jubilee said, moving all of the debris and, revealing something which made Lilia's eyes widen in amazement.


The queen was at a loss for words. There wasn't a clear word to describe what she felt at that moment after all. Nor did she think that anything she said could encapsulate her bewilderment.

On the ground where the walls used to connect, on the same wall which King Jubilee just destroyed, were inscriptions. Runes with different colors, each representing one of the ten domains. These had a faint glow to them, almost disappearing to be exact. Then there were smaller runes placed around the larger ones, creating a circle which seemed to look like a seal; and it was.

One needed to get close in order to notice the symbols on the smaller runes. That is how detailed the magic used on it was. And this wasn't even the end of it. Lilia could see that this same set of runes extended towards each of the domains, trailing away until its light faded completely.

"Is this the one you talked about Jubilee?" Lilia asked in a nervous voice.

"Yes. It's the seal of the Seraphims." 

Lilia quickly understood what this meant and, what Jubilee's construction plan was for. Everything made sense. The main reason why Jubilee pushed the development of all the domains and the plantations was all for this. For him to be able to get the lands in the middle of the garden of Eden after he ascended as the Supreme King.

The rulership.

The strengthening of Pandora.

The opening of the borders.

The release of the fake warning.

The collection of crystals.

Everything made sense to Lilia. But instead of having an excited expression on her face, she showed nothing but gloom. Because of the same reason...because everything made sense to her.

"Is that why you want to build the new Sanctuary here?" She asked.

"It is. I want it to look the same yet have the same functions as Pandora's Box." He said, confirming the queen's assumption.

"Oh Jubilee." Lilia said in a mournful tone.

"We need to do this." Was all that the king could say. His voice sounding resolute in his decision, just like in every other decision he made.

"But your lifespan."

"It's fine. I've decided to end things soon. You don't have to worry about such a thing."

"Is that Pandora's resolve too?"

"Yes. We've decided this together." He said, looking up at the sky.

"I'm done playing my part. Everything else that follows is up to him." The king added, looking up at the sky with an obvious emotion. Not of gloom nor sadness...but that of freedom.

Lilia looked at him. She looked at the same person who picked her up when she was thrown out by her own family. She looked at the man who gave her a place to go home to. The person who showed her the real world and, who supported all her inventions.

The same man who fulfilled all that he promised to her. And the man who, if only they met in more favorable circumstances, could have also loved. With all her heart and devotion.

But fate was not that kind. Not to the Void King, and not to the Seraphim who supported this human.

That's why Lilia had no room for sadness. She needed to be strong for the sake of those who fought for humanity's future.

"If we're gonna do this. You need to follow every word I say."

"You're the boss." Jubilee said, already back to his normal tone.

"First of all, how many days do I have to finish this?"

"Ten days."

"You do know how difficult it is to set up the wirinngs for Pandora's Box right?"

"Yes but, I also know that you've done plenty of wirings recently. You know, with all the houses you've made where mana could flow."

"Are you planning to kill me too?" Lilia said, making the king laugh just a bit.

"You're not gonna die from that my queen. Don't over-exaggerate."

"Fine. But this is the last okay? No more rush jobs after this. Do I make myself clear?

"Like I said. You're the boss."

"You keep on saying that like it's real. It's creeping me out man."

With this, the king and queen of the Void have gotten themselves busy once again. Preparing for a future that only they were sure of. All while risking their life in hopes that they aren't too late. In hopes that the calamity would wait for them to finish preparing.

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