A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 628 - : Knowledge Development

Chapter 628: Knowledge Development

Time passed.

To Sorcerer-Apprentices, the battle between the Hydra Wrath and Shadow Argus Sorcerer Academies that happened once every ten years was like a catastrophe descending once every ten years, but to Demon-Hunter Sorcerers like Grimm, an experiment would maybe take a few ten or hundreds of years, a trivial ten years’ time was too short.

And now, the Hydra Wrath and Shadow Argus Sorcerer Academies had battled six times, which meant that sixty years had gone by.

The Hydra Wrath Sorcerer Academy was still persistent, their Mana Pool still did not show any tendency of being exhausted.

While under the support of the Sorcerer Academy’s considerable task to distribute large numbers of Magic Stones, the educating job in the academy was being conducted very smoothly, the total power of the Sorcerer-Apprentices was able to partially battle against the Shadow Argus Sorcerer Academy.

The seventh academy war was about to start, today, the fourth stage of Grimm’s Mask of Truth project research had also made some breakthroughs.

In front of Grimm’s test bench, a thirty-seven-centimetre long black and white giant mosquito was placed on it with its wings spread out.

The black and white giant mosquito’s body was divided into five parts which were the head, thorax, abdomen, wings and legs. The wings of the giant mosquito were eighteen centimetres each, with transparent scales, the head, thorax and abdomen were twenty two centimetres long, covered by alternating black and white scales, the mouth on its head was a piercing type, evolved into a thin beak which functioned by piercing other creatures’ skin, and sucking their blood.

However, the true secret about this black and white giant mosquito variant was actually its six legs and its antennas.

The way it sensed things, was to sense creatures’… breathing.

Breathing was the process of the organism exchanging energy and gas substance with the outer environment, and the average flesh and blood creature’s breathing mechanism involved three interconnected links.

One, lung ventilation for exterior breathing.

Two, gaseous transportation in the blood.

Three, inner breathing, organism tissues and blood exchanging gases.

The normal lung capacity for an average adult in the Sorcerers World was between two thousand five hundred and four thousand millilitres, as for Anatomy Refinery Sorcerers, it would normally reach up to fifteen thousand millilitres or more.

Living beings, through breathing, would absorb the elemental energy and gas substances in the world that benefit the body, at the same time, expelling waste matters after the necessary utilizations.

The waste matter was exactly the clue to sensing the traces of living beings, it was also the reason why Sorcerer Grimm’s Robe of Representations lost its function in the face of these black and white giant mosquitos.

On the six legs and antennas of the black and white giant mosquitos, densely packed sensing feelers could be seen distributed all over under a highly-powered lens of a microscope, they could sense the breathing of nearby living things according to the changes of the surrounding airflow law, and then find its targeted prey.

This also meant that Grimm only had to research these sensing antennas thoroughly, then the fourth stage of the Mask of Truth project could be carried out naturally, the Mask of Truth’s insight imagery and the power of the fine gauze in between truths would improve further, a step closer to the epic level tool that Grimm had been expecting.


Seven days later.

The research on the black and white giant mosquitos temporarily came to an end.

Grimm now needed to improve and add functions to the Mask of Truth according to the research discoveries. It would involve some magical tool rune transformation and magic array knowledge, which required a large amount of time to arrange and calculate.

In the meantime…

Grimm went into another experiment lab, the experiment lab was empty, only a large container densely covered with an Energy Conservation Seal was placed in the middle of the room, this was the most common supporting experiment equipment in the Sorcerers World, it had even been functioning since Grimm found the ancient experiment lab within the Black Isotta Realms.

“Young Master, this sacrificial communicator void creature is quite fascinating, we might be able to become sacrificial communicators in the future, luring those Foreign World lives to sacrifice their own lives to summon our descent, caw caw caw caw.”

From the way Little Myna described it, the power of sacrificial communicators was something similar to that of evil demons in legendary stories.

Luring people by telling them they could grant any wish of theirs, leaving a clue to summon their descent at the moment when they were highly alert, waiting for the time when they were not able to solve the temporary issues they desperately longed for, or when their life was in great danger, they would eventually think of them, and from there sink to the deepest abyss of no return.

Grimm slightly smiled and shook his head, he did not reply.

With the Book of Truth in his hand, Grimm muttered a sorcery curse, a large amount of sorcerer texts flew out from the book, after that the Forgotten World Gate opened, a few sweaty hands were tugging on a void creature, slowly releasing it bit by bit at the gate of the Spectral World.

“Sorcerer, let’s talk things through, don’t be like this! Sealing me won’t bring you any benefit, my void power is useless to your physical life, whatever you want from me, just say it…”

The void creature was showing a part of its giant body from the Spectral World which was like showing the tip of an iceberg, as it struggled, attempting to free itself from the pull of the sealing power of the little sweaty hands, while begging Grimm for mercy.

Being sealed in the Forgotten World for a few years had honestly made this void creature afraid of the withered and desolate Forgotten World.

Was there any difference from death?

Under the Mask of Truth, Grimm smiled, his gentle look was actually Grimm’s way of showing his excitement and greed as the experiment sample was willing to cooperate.

“Knowledge! To a Sorcerer, knowledge is the real priceless treasure, what knowledge can you give me?”

He paused for a moment, and Grimm added coldly, “If you cannot give me knowledge that moves me, then you, as an experiment sample, will be the source of knowledge that I obtain.”

Little Myna sneered, he then added, “Caw caw, and also the Forgotten Treasure, any substance that can resist the Forgotten power, all of them are Forgotten Treasures!”

The void creature found a way to leave the Forgotten World, and became excited.

“Knowledge? Respected Sorcerer, I call myself a sacrificial wanderer, you can call me that too, then may I ask, what knowledge do you wish for?”

He smiled and nodded, Grimm said deeply, “The ways you, sacrificial traders, use your powers, is the knowledge that I want.”

Without hesitation, this void creature patiently and slowly explained the mode of operation of its own ability, like how a human from the Sorcerers World would explain how to eat, excrete, urinate.

After a full two days’ time, Grimm finally understood the theory of this power.

However, the thing was, Grimm did not have the Half-Step Time Insight Ability to capture the time gaps in between void tides, and so he could not carry out experiments to apply the power.

“Oh, you can operate souls in such a way? As expected from a void creature, your perspective of looking at the world is certainly very different from beings from the physical world.”

Grimm nodded with satisfaction, as if acknowledging the knowledge explanation of the void creature, and then said, “Tell me about the physical world that you’ve travelled to in detail, it’s okay, I still have a lot of time.”

This time, the void creature started to explain its experiences of travelling to sixteen worlds…

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