A Professional Avenger

Chapter 35

As a Taoist Master, Lin Tongzhao had a little bit of a reputation and was quite famous.

Frankly speaking, regardless of any era, there would always be people who believed in the existence of Gods, Demons, and other supernatural things. People believed that there were things in the world that couldn’t be explained by mere reasoning. For things like that, humans decided to formulate a concept that was easy to comprehend. For example, the theory about Karma, Heaven, Hell, and Reincarnation. This situation became even more apparent in the world where Ghosts and Demons do exist.

When Lin Yuetian arrived at the address given by the Village Head, Lin Tongzhao was still entertaining a guest of his. It’s a businessman who came to ask his opinion about the Feng Shui of some Real Estate.

Taoist Master Lin was in the midst of explaining his finding, using the phrases of ‘Bound by Mountains and Near Water’[1]The 3rd Principle of the 15 Principles of Feng Shui—依山傍水原则—Bound by Mountains and Near Water—as mentioned in Prof. Wang Yule’s book, “The Chinese Art of Kanyu”. … Continue reading—‘Unobstructed Qi[2]Basically a strategic place, with no land or geological barriers. If you’re interested, you can read MORE ABOUT FENG SHUI BASIC PRINCIPLES HERE—‘A Feng Shui treasure land!'[3]A place with good Feng Shui. Living here can help people prosper and starting a business here will be guaranteed to make a fortune, basically, a promising place ensuring rich and prominent life for … Continue reading—and ‘A place where Fortune Gathered‘. All of his divinations were positive, the businessman laughed in delight and his movement of pulling out money from his pocket afterward was just as light.

Lin Tongzhao himself appeared to be a middle-aged man donned in a snow-white tunic suit [4]this kind of clothing but with a white Color.

. He grew some goatee beard imitating what most people imagined an Immortal Master would be like. The way he spoke was smooth and flawless like an inscrutable or cryptid Wise Man, thus, easier to bluff most people.

When he first saw Lin Yuetian, he thought that Lin Yuetian was also one of his usual customers who came to his door, so he treated the young man amiably. As it was, right after he knew Lin Yuetian’s true intention, his attitude immediately turned a-180-degree. Paying no heed of basic courtesy, Lin Yuetian was promptly dismissed. Even if he tried to persevere, repeatedly coming to see him several times after that day, the Taoist Master rejected him without fail.

Toward this kind of uncooperative behavior, Lin Yuetian felt immensely dissatisfied. It’s been affecting the efficiency of his mission completion. To express his disapproval of such interference in his mission, Lin Yuetian resorted to his old way of dealing with problems.

After inquiring about some information regarding Lin Tongzhao’s current residence, he pried open the door lock of his house in the middle of the night, and paid a visit to Lin Tongzhao’s bed chamber. Soundlessly, he sat at the corner of the bed with a kitchen knife in his hand, as he watched the other man’s sleeping face with a gentle gaze.

In the morning when Lin Tongzhao woke up after some good night’s sleep, before stretching his waist and getting up from the bed, he was faced with the metallic gleam of a knife as soon as he opened his eyes.

Now, he finally realized that Lin Yuetian no longer came to beg for help, let alone came to have a civil discussion about some countermeasures with him. Lin Yuetian’s attitude was clear: Help me. This is not a negotiable matter.

Those who are barefoot aren’t afraid of those wearing shoes, that’s why those who fear death are afraid of those who don’t fear death[5]a CN proverb, meaning people who have no more or nothing to lose are most dangerous.. Lin Tongzhao instantly wilted inside, though, on the outside he enthusiastically ushered Lin Yuetian to be welcomed in the living room, all the while acting familiarly by calling him Nephew Lin and so on. The Taoist Master even offered the best tea that he had kept in secret as hospitality.


The System didn’t expect to witness such a turnaround and was rather impressed.

As if he was not the one who hurriedly chanted the Buddhist Scriptures the moment Lin Yuetian pried the door lock last night, right now he was praising Lin Yuetian instead, [“Unexpectedly your way of doing things can be this effective.”]

Lin Yuetian didn’t respond to him as he was currently busy acting his part as the desperate young man.

Imitating the way the Original character of his current body, Lin Yuetian began telling the story of his ill-fated life with a sad face. Every killing attempt the Jade Ghost had done was described in detail, including how he had been terrorized by supernatural phenomena, driving him to almost die in fright. His story truly invited sympathy and pity as one heard it. Though, strictly speaking, he spoke no lies, since the Original Owner had truly been scared to death.

Even Lin Tongzhao couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

And Lin Yuetian grabbed the right opportunity to ask him if he had a way to deal with the Jade Ghost.

“Nephew Lin, it’s not that I don’t want to help you…,”

Lin Tongzhao discarded his pretense of the mysterious Immortal Master. In contrast to his usual sophisticated way of speaking, right now he was speaking rather awkwardly.

“Well, I understand where you might be coming from, considering that the Taoist inheritance in your lineage has been broken and all, but to tell you the truth, even if the Taoist methods of my side have been preserved, but the condition is not much better either.”

“Our family has been separated into countless branches over the years. And we have also faced downfall and loss several times, now in the current generation I was the only one left alive. It was due to the decline of Taoism Practice that I originally have an idea of joining hands with your lineage, Nephew Lin. But it turned out your side of the family is even worse off than us…”

“…and Now I, alas, I am ashamed to say that all I’ve been dealing with are only Feng Shui, Horoscopes or Fortune Telling…While I know about the original Ghost Refining technique…but, how to control the successfully refined ghost… I really do not have any power to deal with them.”

[“Listen, this is why I told you not to get carried away…”] The System dejectedly said.

[“That Jade Ghost dared to boast that Lin Jiayang’s descendant couldn’t destroy him, that ought to be no groundless statement. If Lin Tongzhao really has the power to exorcise him, his reaction should not be that mild. He’d fight tooth and nail to stop you from contacting Lin Tongzhao back then.”]

“I know already, it’s not like I haven’t thought of such a possibility.”

Lin Yuetian continued to say, “I have long been prepared for this outcome. If anything, the fact that Lin Tongzhao actually has the ability of Ghost Refining is a pleasant surprise for me.”

The System went vigilant. [“Hold on, what are you planning to do?]

Lin Yuetian didn’t reply, and instead went to speak with Lin Tongzhao, “There is something that I inferred from what you said earlier, and I’d like to ask you for confirmation.”

“Oh? I wonder what that is?” Lin Tongzhao was intrigued.

“The Taoism Practice has long been lost. Right now humans can’t fight against Ghosts like how they used to.” Lin Yuetian then frankly proposed his idea, “If so, then can humans use ghosts to deal with Ghosts?”

“?! You, don’t tell me you are thinking about—” Lin Tongzhao exclaimed in a startled voice.

Lin Yuetian, however, continued to speak flatly, as if he was discussing what should he eat for lunch tomorrow.

“Exactly. I want you to refine me into a Ghost.”

The System, [“??!! What the actual F—?!”]

Lin Tongzhao, “??!! Are you out of your mind?!”


One Human and One System seemed to be in the same frequency at the moment. They felt like their worldview had been turned upside down.

Lin Tongzhao couldn’t help trembling as he spoke, “Putting aside the obvious matter about your Life and Death, Ghost Refining itself is a wicked and heretic means! Our Ancestor—Lin Jiayang—died miserably shortly after the separation of the two Lin families. Afterward, some of the next generations also attempted to continue his practice but all of them had no good end! I don’t want to be involved with this anymore!”

“It’s not something you could choose whether to be willing or unwilling. You have to do it.

Lin Yuetian pointed out, “The Jade Ghost was murdered by your Ancestor. He is bloodthirsty, ruthless, and vengeful. You say, after he kills me, do you think he will let you go? Obviously, he won’t. He will continue to exact his revenge, and after my death his next target undoubtedly is you.”

Lin Tongzhao was visibly frightened as he heard about his doomed fate.

His beard quivered as he tried to argue, “Even so, I…”

Lin Yuetian suddenly softened the tone of his voice and began to speak gently, “There is no other choice left for us.”

“There is no other way but to eliminate the Jade Ghost once and for all to avoid any disastrous future. If you are worried about the evil karmic of Ghost Refining, then you need not. The reason why Ghost Refining has been considered as wicked or evil is because the practitioners murdered living humans.”

“But now, you won’t commit any murder since everything is voluntary. You are helping me instead. Where does any karmic retribution come from in this case?”

Lin Tongzhao felt his resolution start to shake. He pinched and twisted his goatee as he fell into contemplation. He was struggling fiercely inwardly.

On the other hand, Lin Yuetian, quietly watched him fighting his dilemma, with an unfaltering yet tender gaze.

After quite a long pause, Lin Tongzhao eventually sighed in resignation.

“There’s no helping it…the matter has come to this point. And this is the only choice left. However, you, on the other hand, have to bear the pain…”

“…Alas, forget it, let’s talk about the current affair. Our Ancestor chose to embark on this practice because he desired the strength of the Ghost after being successfully refined. How powerful the Ghost would be, depends on the resentment contained in the material, or if the human used originally possessed an evil soul. The Jade Ghost was such a case. Our Ancestor had a Hired Killer with enough evil in his soul presented in front of him. Later, after he died, killed by our Ancestor, the resentful energy in his spirit became even stronger. That’s why the Jade Ghost is that powerful even after hundreds of years have passed, and still has the power to wreak havoc today.”

“…As for you, well, you have been betrayed by your beloved[6]Referring to the OG!Yuetian being betrayed by the Jade Ghost, you have been under terror for so long, your Yang energy has thinned out, and most importantly—your horoscope is Extreme Yin. After you become a ghost, you should be powerful enough to contend against the Jade Ghost…” Lin Tongzhao finished his evaluation.

“…That’s it, Let’s first make some tests on you.”

He took out a few pieces of yellow talisman with some runes written on it from his sleeves, and began to chant some incomprehensible words.

Suddenly, with a flick of his fingertips, a piece of talisman flew into the incense burner and burst into flames.

He instructed shakily, “Pay attention closely, drop some blood from your fingertips in the fire and recite the Scriptures with me!”

Lin Yuetian took a dagger carved with Eight Trigrams[7]Something like this:

from the table, swiftly sliced his fingertip, and drip the blood into the fire. Following Lin Tongzhao’s guidance he went to recite the Scriptures with him.

The fire at the incense burner suddenly flickered even when there was no wind blowing.

Lin Tongzhao closed his eyes for a while as he looked like he was grasping over something.

Not long after, however, he snapped his eyes open as he ‘Hissed‘ in surprise.

“How strange! How could you bear no resentment at all?”[8]As a heartbroken and desperate person LYT should have some amount of resentment, but he has nothing since the Assassin-LYT basically has no sentiment either to his Client or Target

“How about you try and test it for the second time.” Lin Yuetian suggested.

Lin Tongzhao followed his suggestion, and this time, he watched as he saw the fire from the talisman turn dark for a moment, before bursting into an-eight inch high flame.

He was utterly dumbfounded.

‘I have never seen such an exaggerated amount of evil spirit inside a person’s soul!!’

Even those dangerous murderers he once met in prison none of them carried so much evil!

At this moment, the gaze he used to stare at Lin Yuetian had been completely changed. It was as if he was looking at the reincarnated Hannibal who apparently was hiding himself within the jungle of steel.

“How about it? Is it alright now?” Lin Yuetian voiced his doubt.

“Oh…Yes, it’s all well…” Lin Tongzhao shuddered.

In the end, he still described what he found out, “Your Horoscope is Extreme Yin, the evil fate of Lone Star[9]Lone Star of Tiansha or Tian Sha Gu Xing—天煞孤星—refers to the fate of a person who is doomed to be alone all his life. Although it is a great ominous sign, it doesn’t affect … Continue reading, the evil spirit is extremely thick! It looks like killing karma accumulated for many reincarnations![10]T/L: bullseye, old man!”

“…Such a superb material and splendid quality, if refined into Ghost…I, even I do not know what kind of Ghost could this be made into…”

Lin Yuetian laughed.

“Then, what are you waiting for? Let’s refine it.”


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