A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 37: part 1 - A twist of fate.

Lol foxaholic site runner “releases must be a minimum of 2000 words.” Me working 12 hour overnight shifts: “lol oops, oh well.” SR:”chapters no more than two parts.” Me as I post part 3: “part three is like part 2 just bonus words, I’m a translator no an engineer my job isn’t counting numbers and stuff.”

Also! You cant blame me for all these ads i put 2 marking my comments before and after the chapter! All the others have nothing to do with me.

It was midnight, the barbecue was over. I was on the second floor balcony of my room thinking about what I told Sierra. I’d said that I wanted magic to remain like a dream but even I have killed. Not just monsters but people as well. It seems kind of optimistic to call it a dream at this point.

At some point Hilda appeared inside the room.

“As I thought, leaving to you was the right choice.”

She came out on the balcony, folding her arms against the railing.

“Leave it to me?……..you saw?”

“You mean when Sierra hugged you? Of course I saw, mom and dad did too.”


“Don’t worry about it, those two are just happy that she has friends she can trust. It was right to rely on you, continue taking care of Sierra for me from now on too ok?”

Hilda turned to leave but stopped just short of entering the room.

“Also, don’t forget what I said before ok.”

She disappeared into the corridor.

[Magical tool {Dragon crystal ring.} Is reacting to something.]

Suddenly I heard an announcement and a screen appeared before me.

“Dragon crystal ring? ”

That must be that thing that Sieg gave me. Pulling it out of storage I placed the ring on my finger.

“Is just putting it on like this enough or?….”

“……Huh? Is it connected?……..probably. Nito can you hear me?”

I can hear voices but they’re mixed in with static and is difficult to make out. It appears to be three separate people talking.

Although it gradually stabilized.

“Nito, can you hear me? Its Sieg.”

“Yeah, I can hear you. You’re that guy that tried to kill me.”

There’s no way I’d forget that little tid bit.

“Speaking of killing people, you guys are the ones that attacked Greyberg right? As you’d expect from a terrorist organization. You said it was just an investigation so I assumed it would involve something I don’t know a little lighter maybe?”

“Nito, there’s something I want to confirm but, where are you right now?”

“Razhausen…” I tried to sound unfriendly.

“I see, so you’ve already traveled that far huh?”

“Sieg, there’s no time.” A girls voice filled with tension floated through.

“Sorry, I would like to explain this to you properly but there isn’t time. However it seems you know what we’ve been up too in Greyberg somehow so if its alright I’d like to speak plainly.”

“Well you guys are practically celebrities so… What do you mean by speak plainly?”

“Do you remember when we invited you to the organization? ”

“Yeah you wanted me to be a part of Dragons heart right?”

“So you remembered. So how about it, you feel like joining?”



“Well if I think about it, what I’ve been wanting to see are actually pretty close.”

“You have reason to hate Greyberg as well?”

“More or less, if I think about it, it wouldn’t be all bad teaming up with you guys, there’s some good aspects as well.”

“I’m relieved to hear that, it makes what I’m going to ask next easier to say… Nito, will you lend us your strength? ”

“Lend you my strength?”

“When we entered Greyberg, we fought with the forest wizard Albert Morrow.”

That old guy in the hall with Aries.

“Oh that delightful old man, I know him.”

I could hear laughter from the other end of the connection when I said that.

“Apparently it seems that you have reason to come here as well.”

“Alford, I keep saying we don’t have time.”

It seems the laughter came from Alford.

“Since you know it makes this quick, we had a problem arise. Albert made a name for himself a long time ago as a sage on this continent but, he was also a central piece of the hero summoning. ”

“So, what was the problem?”

“I need to rest my body.”

“……I see. So, in other words you want me to take your place?”

“Aries and Johannes still remain in the castle, both are reasonably skilled. Furthermore, you have their personal guard that reports directly to them. It will be a lot to handle for Eliza and Alford if they go on their own.”

“Is there a reason for this timing?”

“Originally I would have waited until I healed but with the hero summoning we have to act now before there is a war.”

“Are you going to kill those that have been summoned as well?”

“We do not know of any sins that those who were summoned have committed. Only those involved with the summoning will be killed. Although everyone in the castle will also need to die.”

If you’re going to kill them, it has to be now. I was thinking the same thing.

Although I don’t know the extent of my classmates power I now have allies to back me up. I can’t pass up a chance like this.”

“…..ok, I’ll help you this one time. But I still haven’t decided whether or not to join your organization. ”

“I understand.”

“Also… I get to kill Aries and Johannes. ”

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