A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 34: part 2 - The Return Home

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“Nito-sama has been promoted to B rank. Congratulations.”

After visiting Sharon we came to turn in our quest report. However after the request was reported finished the receptionist suddenly announced this.

“B rank!? Did they say B rank?!”

“Toa-Sama has been promoted to C-rank.”

“Isn’t this strange? I was just an F rank and now I’m a B, even Toa is a C…”

“Orders from the guildmaster. There is no issue with these promotions.”

In other words the problem is the guildmaster.

“Sierra, are promotions always like this?”

“No, the shortest amount of time taken to reach the next rank is about a year. However it usually takes several to do so. Getting promoted to the next rank is difficult.”

Calculating at a year’s time the shortest time to progress from an F rank to a B rank would be 4 years. However according to Sierra that’s nearly impossible. The fact that it’s only been a month since I’ve arrived leaves only one explanation.

” Does this promotion include the Nootkerane as well?”

“I am not able to give a detailed explanation, however I can have the guildmaster contact you?”

“No thank you.”

There’s no mistake, not telling me the reason for the promotion is just strange. Reinhardt said he would keep the story to himself as much as possible but it seems to be leaking out.

…… Wait a minute.

I registered at the guild as “Nito”.

I told Reinhardt my name was Masamune.

But the guild promoted me anyway…. This is bad.

In other words, at the very least the guild and the white knights know that Nito and Masamune are the same person.

“Sierra, have you heard anything from Reinhardt? Like about my promotion or something?”

“No, I haven’t heard anything special.”

Right, we just got back so there’s no way she could have heard anything.

“Excuse me, is Sierra Ecarlat here?”

“I am but..”

The reward that was put on hold has been prepared, please sign here. ”

It seems like they were instructed to hand over the nootkeranes reward once we got back.

” Oi! You bastard healer! You did well this time didn’t you! ”

From behind me came the annoying voice of Yogi. I’d prefer it if he left me alone at the moment.

“I’m sorry Masamune-dono. Annette sent a message, I have to return to headquarters.”

“I understand, we’re fine here so go ahead.”

Sierra nodded and left.

“Hey don’t ignore me! You just got back from another goblin extermination right? ”

Turning back the expression on Toa’s when she saw Yogi seemed to say “him again.”

“It’s a little embarrassing but yeah~ that’s right!”

There’s no point in getting to involved with this guy, it seems better to laugh it off and agree.

“You bad person! You bad person taunting master!”

However, Nem seemed to have other ideas as she dashed in front of me.

“What the? Is this shrimp your companion?”

“I won’t allow it!”

Nems shoulders shook her hands balled up into fists.

“You’re getting on my last nerve you bastard every time we meet you’ve got a new girl. What miss? You wanna do it with me?”

Yogi crouched down, eye level with Nem.

“Master fought a basilisk, he could crush something like you in an instant.”

“Hahaha, you’re funny little girl! However your jokes aren’t the point right now. The point is this little healer boy.”

He stood up making eye contact with me, his teeth were the opposite of clean and then in the next moment Nems back appeared before my eyes.


Nem had her right fist cocked all the back in the air.

“[Cat Rage]!”

In that moment Nem scored a clean hit square on Yogi’s face.


Yogi flew backward and crashed into the wall. Those gathered in the area turned and with a “Oh Yogi again.” began talking once more. It seems he was nocked unconsciousness as he no longer moved.

“Nem, what was that?” Toa asked.

“Cat fist! That bad guy made fun of master, so this is the concequence.”

“Well he was annoying and a-lways stuck his nose in our business so, it’s probably fine.”

I’ve come to the guild by myself a number of times and without fail Yogi has something to say. Without even considering that the so called cat fist has considerable power, I see now why Sharon said she was stronger than a healer. To pack that much power in such a small body, Nem has a bright future. More important still, how did she get caught by a slave trader when she had cat fist?

“Nem, when you got caught, did you not use cat fist?”

I asked even though she did appear to be weak at the time.

“Did they make you sniff Silver vine?” *1

It seemed Toa knew something about this, apparently there was a cat maid in Toa’s castle. According to her silver vine makes someone from the cat tribe fall into something like a drunken stupor. However the effect seems to be weaker as they grow into adulthood.

“There should be training to resist though.”

“Nem did you do any kind of training?”

“…….. Nem didn’t know.”

Nem seemed a little down as she answered.

Silver vine or matatabi is an alternative for catnip it grows in areas of Japan and China. It’s a real thing you can buy your cat.

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