A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 176: Long Time no See

Nito, Toa, Nem, Sufilia, Frencesca and Dolly were all invited into the throne room at the castle in Dams Arden. On the throne in front of them sat Schneiser.

“Nito, first allow me to give you this. It’s a letter of recommendation to the mage church. As long as you give them this they should be able to take care of everything without issue. After you get the title I request that you come back here so that we may form an alliance.”

Schneiser seemed to see that alliance as something that had already been decided upon. It also seemed as if he had prepared everything in advance when the door to the large hall opened and a young man with blonde hair appeared.

“Dad! Welcome back!”

The young man grinned.

“Chris! I am in the middle of an audience with someone right now, Don’t be rude!”

Christoph Daniel Dams Arden, also known as Schneiser’s son and the prince of Dams Arden.

“What’s wrong dad, I haven’t seen you for a long time! It’s okay isn’t it? More importantly, Dad!”

The people around me seem to think that he is quite the stupid son. Coming in unexpectedly and acting like this even in front of guests. Still he is a prince so technically only Schneiser is allowed to say anything to him.

“I want to buy a ranch off in the east to build a villa. But even though I said that I would pay they had the nerve to refuse, What should I do?”

“Ranch? …..You mean the one run by Frank?”

Schneiser asked while holding his head in his hands.

“Yeah, Please dad, can’t you say something to him for me?”

His eyes were glaring while he seemed to have a smile on his mouth, he looked like a thug. Schneiser might be a great king but maybe not the best when it came to being a parent.

“I’m not going to talk to him. What did you say before, that you wanted to demolish the ranch?”

“What? Yeah? I don’t know?”

Chris was glaring at his Dad but it didn’t seem to be a menacing glare.

“That ranch produces a lot of the meat that is used to feed the people of this country. Are you trying to starve our people by demolishing it?”

“Please! I want to build a villa!”

However it seems that Chris was only thinking about himself.

“Stop being an idiot and get out of here right now!”

Schneiser stood up and shouted. A son like this brought nothing but shame to him as a king.

“……….Damn it……”

Frustrated, Chris went to leave. The hall was quiet as Masamune and the others didn’t say anything and were only watching. However Chris suddenly stopped at the exit.


He started to smile again as his gaze landed on Toa.

“What’s up with this beautiful woman? You want to come play with me?”

There is trash no matter where you go. The dirty look on Chris’s face was unbecoming of royalty as he stared at Toa. It seems he was fascinated by her beauty but Masamune intervened.

“What are you doing?”

Chris turned a threatening look on Masamune but he just looked back at the prince with a gentle expression.

“Shneiser? You told me to become an adult that is adored by children. Are you really going to let me do this?”

Masamune’s eyes never left Chris as he asked this.

“Chris! That’s enough!”

Schneiser was angry but Chris never even looked at his father and just smiled a little.

“I’ll overlook it this time. Peasant.”


With that Chris left and the sound of the large door closing echoed around the hall. Inside it remained silent for a while as Schneiser tried to figure out what to say. Even the normal apology that might be heard in a situation like this never came so instead of waiting for Schneiser to speak Masamune started.

“Schneiser? I don’t mean to pry into your family affairs but I don’t think there will be a next time?”


“I’m just an adventurer…..or maybe I should say mage. But I’m different from any mage that is around here. I don’t hesitate to kill people, even if they are royalty. If a country was to chase after me I would just destroy that country. Of course I wouldn’t do it without reason but one of my friends being harmed is reason enough.”

Schneiser didn’t respond for a while. He thought that he needed to do something about his son but it seemed like it was too late now. Chris was born because of his own neglect. Just because he was being hounded by Nito didn’t mean that he could do anything right away.

“……..Yeah….I will keep that in mind.”

He couldn’t really say anything else. At that time the door to the hall opened again slow and quiet this time meaning that it was someone else besides his son.

“King Schneiser, it’s been a long time.”

A man appeared with another expressionless man beside him. Nito assumed that he was supposed to come here since the guards didn’t stop him.

“William! You’re early!”


As soon as Masamune saw his face clearly he remembered him.

“Hmm? …..Oh….You’re Nito are you not?”

William Vector. He was the merchant that was with Sierra when he met her on the way to Razhousen.

“Keys, I haven’t seen you in a while either.”

Masamune nodded to him as well while Schneiser just sat on the throne confused.

“You guys know each other?”

William was the one to answer.

“I escorted Nito to Razhausen at one point.”

“I see…..Hmm? Does that mean that you met Nito before he was the hero of Razhausen?”

“That’s right. Although Nito was already a hero at that time.”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

Schneiser seemed really interested in Nito before he had become a hero.

“You haven’t heard about the hero of Tanya village? Before saving Razhausen Nito saved a boy in the village from bandits. Although he said that he didn’t want to stand out so Keys and I kept quiet about it. Although it seems that someone this strong can’t hide after all. “

Masamune smiled bitterly at how William exaggerated his actions.

“William, you overestimate me. That was just by chance, I am not that kind of person.”


William looked at Nito’s face and gradually his expression changed from a smile to something closer to his true expression. As a merchant William never showed his true feelings. A smile is a weapon after all.

“Nito, Your expression seems a little darker than before.”

Toa and Sufilia who were always around Masamune may not be aware of it but William could see the darkness there.

“Hmm? Darker?”


William didn’t reply but just looked at Nito.

“Is it just me? Although I will never forget the face that I saw, What happened to the Nito in my memory?”

William was looking at him strangely. But it wasn’t his fault when he met Masamune he had a dark look but he had just come to a different world and was feeling a slight sense of relief because of that. During this time was when William had met him but Masamune’s expression now was darker than that time although he himself was unaware of it. He intended to appear normal but just as the abyss appeared in the eyes his state of mind appeared on his face.

“I’m sorry. Here we are celebrating our reunion when it’s time for Nito to head to the mage church.”

“The mage church?”

William seemed surprised.

“Nito is going to become a great mage?”

William’s guess was spot on but given all the information so far that had been printed in magical communication and that nito was here it wasn’t hard to understand what was going on.

“You’re the same as ever, William.”

William bowed towards Schneiser who was surprised by his information gathering.

“By the way William, does you being here mean that the cargo has all been unloaded?”

William was still a traveling merchant after all.

“We are currently transporting it to the warehouse.”

It seems that Schnieser had commissioned William for something.

“I understand. In that case to you mind guiding Nito to the amge church?”

Schneiser and William were old friends, because of this Schneiser could tell by the look on Williams face that he had something he wanted to tell Nito.

“Of course.”

William once again bowed towards Schneiser.

“Thank you.”

William then turned around and got a good look at who all was there.

“Aren’t you Toa?”

Although they hadn’t talked much William remembered Toa was well.

“It’s been a while.”

Toa spoke normally now unlike before.

“Weren’t you heading back home?”

Masamune was the one to answer the question instead.

“Yes. I intend to take her there soon.”

“I see.”

William checked each of their facial expressions to see what kind of relationship they had now. This was a skill he learned from being a merchant.

After that Masamune introduced Francesca and Dolly before leaving with William who had been surprised to find out htat Francesca was a reporter for magical communication. Of course currently Francesca’s name had also become famous as she was the only known reporter to have had contact with Nito.

After that they left the castle and headed down the giant staircase in front of it as William guided them towards the mage church. There they saw a familiar face.

“Nito, That…”

The first one to notice was Toa.

“Aren’t you…”

Leonardo seemed to have remembered Toa, Sufilia and Nem.

“Long time no see Leonardo, I came as promised.”

I had met Leonardo in front of the dungeon before and finally kept my promise to him to visit this country.

“Hmm? What? I’m sorry but, who are you? Have we met somewhere?”

Leonardo didn’t seem to know who I was but I soon realized why that was.

“Oh right, I guess you wouldn’t know what my face looks like.”

I never showed him my true face and even now I was using a skill to make my magical power able to be perceived.

“Wait a moment.”

I changed the earring back into a mask and released the skill effecting how my magic power is perceived. In that moment Leonardo’s expression cramped and his forehead began to sweat.

“What about now?”


Once he figured it out I removed the mask but for some reason his expression remained how it was.

“Your magic power just now…..”

Leonardo was speechless. The skill that I got can hide my level and as a result my magic power as well. The level that I set it to was 10 so the skill decreased my magic power to be that of a level 10. However once the skill is undone my magic power goes back to it’s original level. Leonardo had instantly felt the increase in power to the point that it was beyond the range that he could perceive.

“Long time no see… Looks like you’re the same as ever…”

What does he mean, same as ever? Oh he probably is talking about my magic power.

“More importantly Leonardo, What happened with Khalifa?”

“ I took her to Tanya village as requested. But…”

“Hmm? What?”

Then Leonardo began to explain what had happened.

“What? You went to Greyberg?”

Apparently Khalifa had wanted to go to Greyberg so see about a princess named Guinevere. She wanted to assassinate her, as expected of a legendary adventurer, she’s even more crazy than I am. I’ve never invaded a country by myself before.

“Hhhh… So, what happened? I mean, you’re still around so?”

“I don’t know either. It seemed like she got in contact with an acquaintance and decided to turn back just before she went in.”

It was a wise decision not to invade. According to the story that I heard from Khalifa, if Guinevere really is that one from back then she would be ridiculous and might even be involved in Kagetra’s death. It wouldn’t have been wise for her to go alone, if she had it’s possible that she would have died without me ever knowing.

“So that’s why you’re here.”

“Yes, After that I took her back to Beyoment and returned.”

My question is, who was the acquaintance that she met? However it seemed as though Leonardo didn’t know either.

“I see…. Sorry about that, she might have ended up causing a war.”

“Yeah, but it’s fine now since it all ended without incident. By the way, Why are you here now Nito?”

“That’s because….”

I briefly explained the situation, of course I left out what happened at the school.

“An alliance!?”

Leonardo was astonished.

“Yeah, if I didn’t agree to it that guy probably would have never shut up.”

“That guy?”


“The king!? You…that guy…..”

Leonardo seemed to be astonished that I didn’t show the king proper respect.

“Well then Nito, I am employed as a gold knight so if you are to form an alliance then I am sure that I will be there as well. Have you been in this country for very long?”

“Not really, once I finish my errands I plan to go sightseeing properly.”

“I see, in that case I will speak to you again once you come back to the royal castle.”

Leonardo bowed slightly as he headed up the stairs again.


I apologized to William and Keys who were waiting for me.

“I don’t mind. This is my stance.”


“I prefer to watch without talking. Besides when having a conversation with friends it is better if people like me didn’t barge into the conversation.”

“I wouldn’t call him a friend?”

“Really? You looked pretty happy to be speaking with him.”

Then Francesca spoke up.

“Nito, You must be well connected to know a knight of Dams Arden.”

Dolly had managed to refrain from taking pictures of Leonardo but he was holding his camera as if he really wanted too.

“Dolly, I’ll check with him about it later.”


Dolly let out a short laugh.

“Well then, shall we go?”

I want to get this over with quickly.

“I will show you the way there then.”

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