A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 173: A leap

The town of Lagoo.

For some reason after Masamune and his friends left town a fire had sprung to life in the town square.


“””””Run away!”””””



Screams were heard all over town as people dressed in white attacked those who lived in the town indiscriminately.

“Don’t think you can run Humans!”

Magic was flying all over the place and you could hear the clash of swords as they collided with eachother.

“Don’t chase them too far, you don’t have to do it all yourself!”

The charitable bloodline.

Various people were dressed in different styles of white clothing. Each and every one of them seemed different from others as well. Some of those dressed in white only came up to the knees of some of the townspeople but they used large axes to chop legs off of anyone not dressed in white. Doing this caused their own white clothes to become dyed red with blood.

“Please! Stoop!!!”

The townspeople begged for them to stop but they did not because they were under the command of Ankh and were merciless.


A small man dressed in white swung his axe and ended the life of one of the men in the town.


Ankh calls out to the small man.

“Yes, Lord Ankh.”

“Convene those who do not belong. We are going to make this town our next base.”


“You are a leader. I asked for a town.”


Gudufka runs off.

‘Those who do not belong’ referred to the people that were dressed in the white robes.

“Lord Ankh, why?”

Someone from the town approached Ankh, their legs wobbling from blood loss.


Ankh slowly turned to look at him.

“You….were our hope! My daughter, my son, my wife, they all idolized you! Why did you kill them!?”

The man looked devestated.

“Fuhahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahahaha!”

Ankh just laughed loudly at the man’s cry.

“If you don’t want to die then die once. I told you that, did I not? Why should I guide you?”

Ankh asked the townspeople.

“I help those that are in despair and I guide those who are seeking something. But what can I do if the person is incompetent?”


At that moment the man who was beside Ankh burst into a shower of blood and was gone. However soon after even the blood disappeared.


Ankh looked around him for a moment in silence before muttering to himself.

“Don’t ask stupid questions. Humans are such stupid creatures.”

Then a large number of Ankh’s followers gathered around him.

“Lord Ankh! The townspeople are running away from the town!”

One of the people gathered there seemed in a hurry as he said this.

“I see… That isn’t good.”

“M, My apologies.”

The follower bowed his head and apologized.

“You do not have to apologize. It was I who told you not to chase them to far after all. You all are special, preserve your lives and leave the mistakes to me.”

Ankh held his hand over his head and cast a large magic circle. The circle began to grow even larger at a surprising pace until it enveloped the entire town. But it didn’t stop there as it continued to expand outside the town until it had encompassed all of those that were running from the town as well. As the magic circle passed over those who were fleeing their feet suddenly stopped moving.

“There, they cannot escape anymore.”

Then Ankh issued his commands.

“Kill them all! Don’t leave even a single one of them alive! Kill the humans!”

The followers screamed and leapt to obey.

“Give instruction to those who conform. Don’t kill them and wait for contact. Annihilate everything else!”

The followers scattered and even Ankh himself began to move. Ankh blew people away turning them into blood. He did so with a familiarity that one might start work at their day job. Everytime Ankh would see someone they would burst into a shower of blood before even that would disappear leaving no sign that there had been any life there at all.

Finally there was only a single scared human left. A girl.

The girl was neither begging for mercy nor letting her fear show on her face. She was just staring at Ankh with a dead look in her eyes.

“…..I see, Do you want to die?”

Ankh suddenly asked.


But the woman didn’t answer.

“Dying isn’t bad. If you are accepting of your death then you are the same as I am.”


The woman still didn’t answer.

“You don’t have to speak. I can understand your heart. If you can accept it then pray silently. I will understand.”

Ankh spoke but it was impossible to tell if the woman was listening.

“So the question is. Will you abandon humans?”

Ankh turned back to look at the town as a gentle wind blew through it. There was no screaming anymore, then after a moment he turned back to the woman.

“You pass.”

Ankh told her that she had passed but she still didn’t say anything.

“I will receive your anger, remorse, and your regret. You will be understood here. The charitable bloodline gives a home to those who do not belong anywhere. You will be saved as a new world is waiting for you.”

One of the small followers appeared there.

“Lord Ankh, we have finished the cleaning of the townspeople.”

The voice sounded young.

“Good work. Call Todd and Gudufka and tell them to gather their brothers and the conformers into the square.”

“Right away!”

The follower runs off and the Ankh turns back to the woman again.

“We will now perform the reincarnation ceremony.”

Ankh put his hand on top of the woman’s head.

“Do not worry, it only takes a moment. After it’s done you will be one of us.”

The womans skin began to change color, even the shapes of her face and body began to change. Although it didn’t take long for the change to be complete.

“Your reincarnation is complete. You are now one that does not belong. But I will not force you to do anything. You have a choice, you can either follow us or you can leave. Which do you choose?”

“I will follow.”

The womans eyes were still weak but she seemed a little more hopeful than before.

“Fu…It’s decided then.”

The womans skin was now white and clear with pointed ears. He black hair and turned blonde and her eyes were now blue. When they reached the town square they saw the followers there along with a group of people behind them. Beastmen and other races were there, but not only them a few humans could be seen as well.

“Line them up in the square we don’t need to go anywhere else.”

The amount of people there was less than Ankh had expected.

“We will go through with the reincarnation before the explanation.”

Then as he did with the woman he touched each person on their head causing their body to begin to change. When he had finished he began to explain.

“You are all free, I will not force you into anything. Those who wish to follow me should stay here. Those who do not should leave. But I promise that I will not betray those that choose to follow me.”

Ankh spoke slowly.

“Well then, welcome! Those of you that have remained!”

Cheers echoed around the town in response to Ankh’s words.

“We shall make this our base! The leader here is Gudufka and starting tomorrow we will invade Pacantin.”

“Huh!? Pacantin?”

The followers were confused.

“Yes, I have received information that the king collects beastmen as slaves. They live miserable lives, the scale will be much different that Cattleya as it is a much larger country and the king is one of the 7. However I shall take the lead in this so you only need to follow me.”

The follower’s expressions couldn’t be seen.

“One more thing, Next to Pascantin is Utopiya. That country allows slave trade that includes other humans. This of it as a stronger Cattleya.”

“Are we going to do both of them in quick succession?”

The followers asked again.

“It depends on the situation. I am just telling you all what I am doing so as to not make you all uneasy. I have already sent someone to Pascantin so I will be going either way. You all have until tomorrow to decide if you want to participate, then only those who want too will be brought with me.”

A different follower spoke up this time.

“Lord Ankh, we normally only make a move after getting a feel for the situation. What has prompted this sudden change?”


Ankh began to explain.

“It’s true, up until now you have been going and staying with the townspeople gathering information about the town and the surrounding country.”

Everyone nodded.

“But Pascantin is different. This country deserves no time or grace. If we did it this way then our brethren would be brutally killed. The two kings do not care meaning that unless we take action our brothers will continue to die in these two countries.”

All of those with masks looked at the ground when they heard those words.

“Humans are cruel. They have no feelings towards anyone who is not human. Although they are human beings they are monsters. Someone has to kill them, there is no time for hesitation. I will go there tomorrow and then go after Utopiya next.”

Everyone that was gathered there listened to what Ankh had to say. Although the actual situation was still unknown even thought it looked to be a sort of master slave relationship between Ankh and the others, it seemed most chose to be there.

After Ankh’s speech was over he moved everyone over to the tavern and with that the town of Lagoo had become the base for the Charitable Bloodline.

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