A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 170.5: Mystery of the Dragon king part 1

“Why is this happening right after I get back?”

This was the Dragon’s heart headquarters. At the black dragons command Vaham had been going around the continent gathering information on current affairs, etc. Sieg, Alford, Eliza, the butler Sebastian and then the fifth member would be Vaham. With Nito coming in as the sixth member and Ichijo being the seventh. However before when Sieg was telling Nito about the internal structure of Dragon’s heart he left out Vaham. In other words Sieg doesn’t consider him as a member.

Vaham isn’t involved in the fighting and is more so responsible for gathering information, although his information is accurate. The information for the Greyberg case was also gathered by him. When he returned this time though Sieg and the black dragon were busy arguing with each other.

“Why don’t we be quiet for right now. I have something to say that involves us all.”


How does it involve us? Vaham was wondering, but he didn’t ask and just watched. Unlike Eliza and Alford he didn’t wear robes and instead wore a light Jacket. Although he was short he had dark red hair that was even darker that Alford’s. Vaham was known as a Demi-human. Most Demi-humans look like humans but have the same physical attributes as beastmen. This is because they are a race that is usually born between a human and beastman.

“Vaham, what is the empire doing?”

Alford asked with is arms crossed.

“There’s no movement. It looks like they’re waiting for something. It doesn’t look like the war is going to start yet. But you can’t be too careful.”

“I see…. Anything else?”

Vaham returned regularly to keep everyone informed. He’s an indispensable part of Dragon’s heart.

“Do you know the charitable bloodline?”

“Didn’t I see something about them in magical communication?”

“Yeah, That weird religious organization that claimed to be some kind of charity.”

“And? What about it?”

“It is different from Ixos’s Adams faith. That might cause a problem.”

Vahams expression seemed unpleasant.

“A problem?”

Alford didn’t quite understand. It was just a cult group, most people would have no interest in it. In fact most people should be interested in the ‘Hero Nito’ right now?

“There are bad rumors about any organization. Of course this is also true for this one. Or rather, the only thing that I’m hearing about them are bad rumors. Although the speed of their growth is not odd there have been rumors that they are gathering beastmen.”

“I see. It looks like the empire. So what’s wrong? So far it just sounds like any other organization.”

“That’s about the reaction I expected. This might be something only I can understand as someone who gathers the information. We have been talking about this but they don’t know anything about the actual situation.”

“The actual situation?”

“Yes, I was following Ankh Amadeus but I lost track of him. He seemed to be aware that I was tailing him.:

“He noticed? You’re kidding.”

“I’m being serious.”

Vaham was a master at tailing people. Not even Sieg would notice.

“However there is a reason that I failed. I followed after him using just the basics, eyes, magical power, and ears. However the most important out of all of those is the magical power, however I didn’t feel anything coming from him.”

The issue was that Magical power inhibiting equipment was quite valuable and not sold in normal shops. You have to have special connections in order to obtain it. If Ankh was wearing that kind of equipment then what purpose would he have for hiding his magic power? If organizations have that kind of connection then the obvious next thought is to believe that there is someone behind the organization.

“I asked believers about Ankh. But all of them said that they didn’t know him, they instead came back saying that the god of life would save me. Of course this is often the case with religious organizations such as these.”

It seemed like Vaham was having a hard time.

“What I found was that they were recently established but no one knows when. Their believers are all over the continent and the rate of their continued growth is abnormal. Their believers work for free and doing field work and anything else they want them to do. On the surface they are a charity but a charity would not be able to grow this fast. Meaning that there has to be someone backing them but I can’t find any information about who that might be.”

Alford was thinking about what Vaham said while Sieg and the black dragon continued to argue.

“Should we go and handle them?”

“I don’t know…… I don’t know about the believers but something is weird about Ankh. I can’t forget the nausea I was seen. I’m not sure about much else but I’m sure that he is dangerous.”


Alford said to hold a moment as it was Sieg and the black dragon who would decide. Although that didn’t really seem possible at the moment.

“Who is Kagetra dad!? What was the purpose of Dragon’s heart!? Please answer me!”

The black dragon seemed to have his back up against the wall while being questioned by Sieg. After a moment he sighed and the black dragon’s expression seemed to say that it couldn’t be helped.

“Sieg, calm down. I intended to tell you everything anyway.”


Sieg was doubtful.

“Where should I start? This organization’s aim is to crackdown on those who abuse their power. It is our goal to annihilate corruption so that we might have peace. We are supposed to support the world from the shadows. However there are also my personal feelings mixed in. Kagetora… and my late wife Viola.”

Viola was Siegs mother. However she was no longer part of this world causing Sieg to look down. Sieg had joined this organization mainly because his mother had passed.

“This is a story from hundreds of years ago. When the dragon king passed away I hated humans. I spend time flying around the continent just killing those who did wrong. Protecting the spirits, elves, dwarves and whatever beasts that I could. The world was much worse that it is now. All non-humans were seen as monsters and anyone who interacted with them were branded heretics.”

Humans were cruel back then.

“I used to worship the Dragon king, that hasn’t changed even now. When he was alive he used to say that humans are stupid creatures.”

The black dragon closed his eyes remembering the words of the dragon king.

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