A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 159: Chewing

Ichijo rushed onto the battlefield.


I used more summoning magic and just like before a reddish black shadow spread out in front of me before it suddenly shot up towards the sky like a weird curtain. The curtain rose high into the sky before it finally stopped moving. Suddenly information about the summons and memories of a tragedy flowed into my head.

“King huh….”

A king was fascinated by a queen and eventually was turned into her puppet, losing his mind. The knights of the realm couldn’t abandon their king and were caught up in this as well.

Then, the king appeared. He was huge and he wore a rusted crown and armor to match with a sword in his right hand. The giant king had appeared from out of the shadow.


The king responded to my will with a high pitched scream and stepped towards the demons with his greatsword held firmly in his hands.

“What is that!?”


The demons were no longer thinking about killing humans and panicked at the sight of the giant before them. Ichijo continued to cast his explosion magic but the demons were not ignoring him.

The king swung his greatsword at the demons and when it hit it caused a large crack in the earth beneath it. Those who were hit by the swing where minced together with the earth. Those who were lucky enough not to be hid directly were still blown away by the force of the swing while others were knocked down by the tremors that ran through the ground. Even Saeki and some of the others lost their footing.

“What did you call out? ……….I have never heard of something that huge.”

It seemed that Oswald hadn’t fallen over, he has strong legs for an old man.

“ ‘What’? It’s magic. Don’t you teach your students magic everyday as well?”

Oswald didn’t respond to the provocation and just stood there with a stern look on his face. I can’t allow myself to have any respect for them though otherwise I would end up getting swallowed by the abyss again.

“This is what someone who can actually fight looks like. Can you see Saeki? What you learned can’t be called magic, you learned a circus act. You thought you were great because you could handle fire but in the end you couldn’t do anything.”

I might be letting some of my personal vendetta get involved here but it was a fact nonetheless. Saeki might have been a sage but I think he was keenly aware that he couldn’t do anything in this situation.

“Nito… Why are you this strong?”

Kotori spoke from behind me. I could tell by how she asked this that she wasn’t asking Nito, She was asking Masamune. She’s becoming a hassle, if she messed up and called me Masamune the n the others would likely start calling me that and I hate talking to other people to begin with. Although the people around her didn’t seem to notice what she meant with those words so I decided that it was okay to answer.

“I was forced to, unlike you people I didn’t have some sort of fake blessing I could rely on. Only you summoned heroes have something like that.”

I wanted to smile evilly at them all but they wouldn’t have been able to see it because of the mask.

“You guys have some sort of blessing from the gods right? But you’re still all so immature. Yet you all have such high level jobs, that’s a big difference compared to someone like me whos a healer. Didn’t you say there was a missing hero that was a healer just like me? That you abandoned him when the princess cast him away, if he was alive, I’m sure he would have a grudge against you all.”

Other than Kotori all of them had decided that Hidaka Masamune was dead, that’s why they haven’t noticed me.

“You said your name was Kotori?”


“I was in the same situation as that Hidaka. I was banished for being incometent. Although I wasn’t very close to any of them and I didn’t ask for anything from them that was a betrayal. Thats why I understand, how Hidaka must have felt. Do you understand?”


Kotori looked away.

“Do you all understand? Healers are called incompetent wherever they go. Just being a healer means that everyone gets to laugh at me, they can’t become adventurers because no one would form a party with them. The world has judged that they are the weakest and can’t help anyone. If Hidaka was alive this is the kind of life he would be living right now.”

Nem, Toa, and Sufilia all listened to what I was saying without averting their eyes.

“Did none of you go out and try to find him, wasn’t he a summoned hero just like all the rest of you?”

“I want to help…It took a while but I thought that I wanted to but..”

It was Hiragi that answered.


What am I even talking about? What am I going to do after I hear what they had to say.

“I couldn’t help! I didn’t even know if he was alive! And…..We were weak…”

“Ichijo is searching for Hidaka isn’t he? But yet all of you are living sheltered lives as students.”

Then another person stepped up.

“Ichijo is the real hero. We are different. We don’t even know if Hidaka is alive and we can’t look for him.”

Kanoi was the one who spoke this time.

“There are monsters out there and still so much that we don’t know about this world.”

Mitaria spoke next. These two were the ones who were with Kotori at the banquet. When I looked at them I felt a little sick to my stomach with worry thinking that Kotori might have said something.

“So, you have no obligation to help?”

“It’s dangerous out there. If one one us was sent out there we would die wouldn’t we?”

Majima and Kihara.

“Nito, We aren’t able to head out there right now but at some point I will go to look for Hidaka because I’m sure he is out there alive somewhere.”

Kawachi is still the same as ever. Unaware of how big of a hypocrite she is. She just wants people to recognize her for having good intentions, she might be the worst of them all.

“Why do we have to go look for Hidaka.”

Kida was the one who spoke.

“Kida? What are you talking about? Hidaka is one of us.”

Kawachi tried to appeal to him.

“One of us? That doesn’t sound right. He’s barely at the level of an acquaintance. There’s no reason for me to put my life on the line to go searching for him. Besides he’s most likely dead anyway so this is all just a bad joke. Sorry but, I’m going to have to pass.”

Kida laughed as he said this, he hasn’t changed at all.

“It was exactly like Koizumi said, you and Saeki bullied him and you don’t think that you should receive some sort of punishment for that!?”

“Bullying? You said that before but I wasn’t bullying him. Hidaka even said it was fine and I was only asking him to do some annoying stuff or me, whats the problem with that?”

Kawachi seemed to have gotten tired of Kida. These guys are trash, why am I fighting to protect them right now? No, I’m fighting because I don’t want them to die….yet.

“He was tossed away because he was incompetent.”

Saeki said.

“He’s not here because he was incompetent. If he was capable he would have been here taking classes with us. But we wasn’t just like we are being protected by you right now right. I don’t know what your circumstances are but theres no reason to go around blaming others. If you feel so sympathetic towards him then why don’t you go find him.”

“What a wonderful argument. You don’t feel embarrassed at all saying that?”

“I don’t have to listen to the guy that killed Kyogoku. Hidaka was incompetent and wanted to die in the first place. He tried to commit suicide so he just got what he wanted. We got rid of incompetence and he died, I see it as a win-win.”

As soon as Saeki finished saying what he did Sufilia suddenly attacked him.


I called her name trying to stop her but she didn’t even hesitate.


Saeki was blown away by the holy magic but unfortunately it wasn’t enough to kill him.

“I got a little angry, these people are unpleasant.”

Sufilia turned back to Saeki and the others but her normal smile was gone and all that was left behind was anger.


I called her name again and she heard be this time, turning around as if surprised.

“Stop it…. Calm down.”


Sufilia lowered the staff that she had been pointing in the direction of the students.


The heroes ran over to him as I walked over and held my hand out over him. I guess I should at least heal him since I am a healer.

“Don’t touch me!”

Saeki pushed my hand away.

“Don’t touch me with those dirty hand you used to kill Kyogoku.”

Saeki was hurt but he continued to say stupid things like that. When I turned around I saw that Nem and Toa were angry as well. When they noticed that I was looking at them Nem looked away a little remorseful but the look on Toa’s face never changed.


When I called her name Toa gave me that same unnatural smile from before. But, before I deal with that I have to take care of the demons. All the heroes had rushed over to support Saeki now while I was left to figure this war out all on my own.


Kotori said.


I don’t need these guys and my will hasn’t changed. It has remained the same since the beginning.

“It’s troublesome having you apologize to me. Hahahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahaha!”

I ran towards the battlefield to work out these thoughts I was having.

“Isn’t it tiresome?”

“It’s fine.”

“Really? You want to kill them but you don’t, you’re not tired of that?”

“…..It’s all for myself isn’t it?”

I won’t hesitate when the time comes, I still remember the vow that I made in the dungeon.

“…..True, but you know you can vent to me right?”

“Don’t try and get me to talk about my feelings here. I’d be much happier just casting magic. It was my dream after all.”

“Maybe that’s why Master’s magic is so different. I don’t think any other magician would refer to magic as a dream, normally they would just see it as a tool.”

“The essence might be a tool but for me it was a dream.”

“You’ve changed after all master.”

“Is this about my past?”

“Of course there were other candidates who liked magic but none of them referred to it as a dream.”

Apparently I and my magic have both changed. Is that why no one is able to understand it?

“《Black Ergo》”

I cast the large black ball again taking out several demons in front of me as I brought out the executioners axe and began to separate Demons from their heads.

While doing this I also sprouted the wings from my back.

“Bell we’re going for the demon queen, How’s the abyss?”

“No problem.”

I got the OK from Bell that I wasn’t being swallowed by the abyss.

“《Chewing smile》!”

A huge red and black magic circle appeared over the top of the fort that the demon king was in.

“That’s some crazy magic!”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

The next second a face appeared out of the magic circle with its eyes wide open and a large smile on its face. After a moment it just….Smashed into the fort.

“”Your Majesty!””

“”Your Majesty!””

“”Your Majesty!””

For the first time the demons stopped fighting and looked over at where their queen was supposed to be. Meanwhile the face that had smashed into the fort began to chew it up as its eyes seemed to be looking around for its next meal.

“I killed the demon queen!”

“That was easy.”

Bell and I cheered loudly but..


Cassandra fell from the sky swinging a halberd at me.

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