A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 155: Two Spirit Queens

When Oswald caught sight of Sabrina he pulled away from the fighting and went over to join her.

“The evacuation is finished.”

“Good work.”

“How’s the fight going?”

“How does it look like it’s going?”

She could see the corpse of a mage from where they were standing.

“Why is there a student here?”

Oswald asked as he was trying to catch his breath.

“He has a contract with the spirit queen.”

“What did you just say!?”

Sabrina hadn’t talked to anyone about what was going on with Patrick.

“The spirit queen…. The same as Braums….”

“I’m going to let him support us from behind.”

“Teacher I’m going now!”

Patrick however rejected what Sabrina had just said and went to head off with a ‘I can do it’ attitude.

“Not now, What am I supposed to tell Arnold if you die?”

“It’s okay as long as I don’t run out of magic power.”

“Don’t be so overconfident.”

Oswald interjected as well albeit calmly, the battle had taken its toll on the old man and he no longer had the energy to get angry.

“Braums over there is a spirit mage as well, he too has a contract with a spirit queen.”

Braums was still fighting with Kaiser up in the air.

“Fighting a demon isn’t the same as fighting with a human or a beastman. You need to be careful and listen to what Sabrina says.”

With that Oswald left the rest up to Sabrina and turned to go back to the battlefield. While he was away mages were still dying and the pillar giant had been killed as well.

“Alright! Let’s go!”


Sabrina and Patrick joined the fight as well.

“《Guardian’s Sword》!”

Sabrina summoned a blue sword while she ran while Sarah and Yui appeared next to Patrick.


Sarah understood what was going on immediately and only wanted to confirm Patricks intentions.

“Yeah I’m going to try my best here. Please lend me your power, you two!”

The two of them nodded and in the next moment Patricks body was wrapped in a mirriad of blue, red, and orange flames as he ran towards the battlefield.

“A little more!”

Sarah had been matching the input of her blue flames to the amount of orange that Yui was putting in.


Patrick listened to her advice and accepted more of the flames.

“Teacher! I’m going in from the right!”

Patrick wanted to go forward on his own but despite his wishes Sabrina declared that she would follow him.

“I’ll support you.”

Patrick had no choice but to accept it since it didn’t make sense to start arguing when facing a horde of demons. In the next moment however blue flames erupted from Patricks body and he accelerated with the Yellow and red flames in either hand.

“《Spirit Queen’s flame》!”

The blue flame wrapped around Patrick’s entire body in order to keep it stable.

“Sarah, Yui, Let’s go!”

Patrick called out to the two of them.


The flames began to gather together on Patricks chest, they wiggled and formed into a ball until he scooped it up and was holding a blue ball of flame. He squeezed his hand around it, crushing it so that the fire spilled out around his right hand. After that he shook his hand towards the demons, he did so three times sending out a total of 9 blue fireballs. The fireballs seemed to scorch the air around them as they flew out and smashed into the demons.


The screams of the demons didn’t last long as the fire engulfed them and burned them to ash.

-I can do this. With this I can do it.

Blue flames began to cover Patricks entire body again.

“Wait right there!”

Sabrina commanded from behind him.

“Stay here!”


“You will eventually reach your limits with this unfamiliar magic. So all you have to do is send out the fire and burn them. Besides, it looks rather dangerous…..Right?”

Sabrina asked Sarah and Yui for their opinions as well.”

“Patrick, she’s right. You’re still immature and if you rush out there you could end up having your life cut short. You should focus on support for now.”

With Sarah saying the same thing Patrick was convinced, after all he trusted her.

“Alright, If that’s what Sarah says I should do then that’s what I’ll do.”

There was a bond between Patrick and the spirits, seeing that Sabrina felt like she was seeing someone who was the exact opposite of Nito. However in the next moment Patrick felt a large amount of magic power headed in his direction but it was already to late for him to dodge.


Something suddenly flew in and landed a kick in Patrick’s stomach.



Sarah and Yui chased after Patrick as he was blown backwards. A black skinned red eyed demon with two horns on its head had appeared in his place. Sabrina immediately went to attack the demon with her sword but…

“I have no business with you.”


The demon flicked Sabrina’s sword to the side and casually kicked her away, her sword disappeared as she flew throught the air.


“Nnnnn….. I’m okay.”

Yui helped him up while he held his stomach gasping for air.

“You’re a strong mage, are you a spirit user?”

The demon was coming closer.

“I can’t have you killing anymore of my friends. We just came to save lady Totalica, but I’ll have to have someone like you die.”

As soon as Patrick could stand on his own again he was ready to fight. Sabrina on the other hand was unconscious somewhere to the side. Patrick generated the blue flame again.

“Spirits huh? …..Why do humans always want to control others? You’re really stupid creatures.”

“This is different from control, its a mutual bond. You wouldn’t understand.”

“I don’t want to understand either. You’re just a lower life form.”

The demon pulled out it’s sword and moved as some sort of black fog moved to cover its body. Patrick shot fire at it while the demon countered with its sword.

“As expected of a spirit.”

The sword became useless rather quickly.

“This was a new sword….”

The demon threw its sword away then flapped its wings and suddenly accelerated towards Patrick.


“I know!”

A pillar of blue flame erupted in front of him.

“Patrick, use flying magic!”

Sarah called out urgently.

“I can’t yet!”

“It’s fine just do it!”

Patrick didn’t seem to fully understand but he didn’t have time to think about it and he pushed out the flames.



In response to Patricks shout Yui sends orange flame towards Patrick while Sarah sent her flame towards him as well. The flames seemed to concentrate on his back splitting into two and taking the form of wings.

“Alright, here I go!”

Although he was unable to do it during practice Patrick shot up into the sky while Yui and Sarah followed him with their own wings of fire. However they were being chased, the black demon was following behind them and was shooting magic trying to knock Patrick out of the sky while he fled for his life.

Braums could see what was happening from a distance.

“Voluto, could that be…?”

‘There is no mistake, that is the spirit queen of fire, Salamander.”


“The contractor is the one running away.”


It was rare for two spirit mages to be in the same place, and even more so for them to both have contracts with a spirit queen.

“Does it mean that ‘that time’ is getting close?”

‘I don’t know.’

But the two of them didn’t think it meant anything good.

“Don’t look away from me!”

Kaiser shot out a fire spear as well as a tornado at Braums.

Oswald saw the moment that Sabrina was blown away but he knew that if he left where he was then the mages around him would die. He pulled out two different wands that he had stashed against his chest.

“You two use these!”

During his time as an adventurer Oswald became known as the guardian alchemist because even though he was not a senior alchemist his magical tools were unparalleled. They allowed the user to use all kinds of magic including healing and all kinds of attack magic.

He handed the wands to two of the mages standing near him. He did this so he could go and rescue Sabrina.

Everyone was already almost completely exhausted. Ichijo was still shooting explosive magic at the demons while he was being supported by Fiora. Meanwhile Patrick wasn’t experienced enough to deal with the demon that was chasing him and was focusing on running away. No one was coming to help him as Sabrina had been knocked out and was currently being treated by Oswald. The surviving mages were attempting to use the wands they were given to heal themselves but they didn’t have much of a gap to use them.

Braums for his part was fighting Kaiser, and although the demon had easily been restrained by Nito he was proving quite the handful in relation to Braums.

“Let’s put some distance between us!”

One of the mages on the ground shouted to the adventurer next to him but in that moment the adventurer’s head went flying off.


The mage’s mouth was left hanging open at what he’d just seen.

“Gyahahahahaha! Humans are so weak! I knew you couldn’t count on Kaiser’s information! We came so prepared for this that it just feels stupid now! Gyahahahaha!”

Kaiser was made the laughing stock of the kingdom when he’d returned and reported that he couldn’t do anything against Nito but that he’d found Toa. He said that the humans were not normal but he wasn’t aware that the people who could do what Nito had done was limited to him alone. Kaiser had requested permission to move his army and since he was a relative Queen Cassandra had allowed it. She believe the report that he had given to her and the result was Kaiser looking like a fool.


One of the mages bodies burst into a shower of blood leaving only three mages left standing.


There were a lot of Adventurers and and merchants who had come to see the tournament but there were many who were not willing to help and so only three were left. At first they were able to gather strength from each other but seeing what had happened to the others their courage had reached its limit.

“Uwaaaaa! WaaaaaaaaWaaaaa!”

One of them seemed to go insane and ran.

“Gyahahahahaha! This is great! He’s running away! Gyahahahaha!”

After seeing one of the mages run away and the demons relaxed enough to start laughing the other two mages broke and ran as well. This left Braums, Ichijo, Fiora, Patrick and Schneiser with his knights. Although several of the golden knights had been killed and only a few of them remained. The situation seemed to be going from bad to worse.

The only good news what that thanks to Oswald’s magic Sabrina regained consciousness. Although it looked like she’d received a severe head wound and was unsteady on her feet. She would no longer be able to fight. Everyone was exhausted and Braums seemed to be the only one still able to put up a fight. However he wouldn’t be able to protect everyone on his own.

The only other hope besides Braums seemed to be Patric but he wasn’t used to Sarah’s power yet and was running away from the demon chasing him.

“Is running away the only thing you can do human?”

The black demon tried to provoke him but he didn’t have the leisure to even listen to what the demon was saying as he tried to keep himself in the air.

“Sarah! I have to land for a second!”

“Not possible! If we land now the demon will catch up instantly and it won’t end with just a kick this time!”

Patrick had no chance against the demon as he was now and could only run away. But in the next moment…


Suddenly a sound was heard from behind him.


Sarah looked back and let out a sound of surprise so Patrick looked back as well. When he did he saw that the demon was losing a large amount of blood from his mouth and chest. Patrick stopped moving and stared when the demon looked into his eyes and smiled.

“What…is going on?”

When Patrick asked that the demon fell to the ground and after looking at the two spirits beside him he rushed after it to confirm its fate.

“It’s dead…..”

Patrick could see that the demon’s chest seemed to be hollowed out. He looked around and could see something wiggling or rather pulsing on the ground.


Patrick couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Its heart.”

Patrick couldn’t understand why the demons heart had seemed to suddenly fall out of it’s chest and he looked around trying to find an answer to his question. Then in the center of the battlefield his answer appeared in the form of a red and black mage.

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