A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 150: Still a hero

Kyogoku’s head was blown off sending blood spurting everywhere.


The knight behind me screamed, stop? That wasn’t possible, he was already dead? I jumped backwards instinctively as a magic circle appeared at my feet. Chains flew up from the ground out of the circle that I’d just vacated.

“Oh, restraint magic?”

“Capture him!”

The king of Dams Ardan ordered his knights to detain me.

“So, am I expelled?”

“We’re well past that.”

Oswald was furious and those words made me laugh, I put some distance between us for now.

“I don’t know the meaning behind capture me though?”

“There is no explanation needed, you’re a fool who uses his power to fulfill his own desires.”

Schneiser looked at me with contempt.

“Are you all stupid? The only thing I’ve done is accept the duel as Kyogoku wanted. I took this seriously because that’s what he wanted. You have no right to control his will or his life. Do you think that just because you’re the king you’ll be forgiven for whatever happens? That you can just violate the rights of the students? You people are the essence of stupidity.”

“Watch your mouth when you talk to his majesty!”

One of the knights yelled at me.

“What’s next blasphemy? ……You’re an idiot too.”

“You have only committed one crime, murder!”

“I understand that this is school property but that doesn’t matter to me. Not killing here might be part of the school rules but Kyogoku’s life wasn’t yours. Kyogoku declared that he would fight to the death even after Oswald told him not to.”

Schneiser’s expression didn’t change as he answered calmly.

“This conclusion is common sense. You committed murder at this tournament. That fact remains the same and is a good enough reason to have you restrained. No come with us quietly.”

“So….It’s war then?”

Schneiser’s eyes widened when I said that. It was just a joke but it can’t be helped if that’s the way they want it.

“Bell……Your turn.”

I opened the entrance to the dungeon next to me and I heard his voice answer from inside.

“Okay master!”

I took hold of [Belphegor’s wand].

“It’s been a while hasn’t it?”

I haven’t summoned bell since we destroyed Greyberg.

“…..A talking……wand?”

Oswald was in shock when he say Bell since the existence of a talking want was supposed to be a fairytale.

“I have some questions. Magic items are a thing so why are talking wands treated as fairytales? Why do we have such different ideas about the abyss?”

“What are you talking about?”

Oswald was confused.

“Convenience! You have no idea what the abyss is but it’s convenient for you to think of it as a bad existence. But I wonder who judged it to be so? Why the abyss and talking wands don’t exist in this world? It all boils down to someone’s will.”


Schneiser looked just as confused.

“You don’t know? I heard from Sabrina and understand why you two know about the existence of the abyss. That you were told to monitor it by the founders of the schools, Adam’s two disciples right? Meaning that the one behind all this was Adam’s.”

The spirit queen had said the same thing.

“A fool of the abyss. You were bound to his will without even knowing it. There is no such thing as a fool of the abyss. You humans are always like that, Adams bound things and people in that way for his own selfish reasons.”

Somewhere in this world Adams must still be alive living under a different name. Sarah had said that the three terms contradicting the abyss had been left by Adams. I don’t know what it means, only that in this world Adams is treated like a god.

“Stop talking. As a criminal your counterarguments well be heard at the trial. For now you have the right to remain silent.”

Schneiser gave me a sharp look.

“Capture him.”

However the knights didn’t move.

“What? Are you scared? Is it because you know you can’t restrain me?”

“Come with us quietly. If you don’t you’ll be chased until the ends of the earth. There’s also the matter of the empire. So if you come with us now I may still be able to solve this somehow.”

“Fu… Is that the power of a king? What do you want to do with me? And the empire? If they’re that scary maybe you should just leave them alone.”

“You don’t know the emperor Uranus. He was recognized as a genius at a young age by Victoria, the academy of the end. His magic power is immense and he’s incredibly talented. I know him very well and he must be stopped.”

Haven’t I heard of this school before?

“Your crime of killing Kyogoku can’t be overlooked. But, as king I must make the best choice for the sake of the world. For that the matter of your crime is simple. I’m asking you Nito, come with me quietly.”

It was at that moment….



A section of the audience exploded.


Schneiser was surprised.

I felt that it was a little noisy outside the arena a bit before this happened. But it was no wonder why nobody else noticed. It seemed like whoever had done this was somehow concealing their magic power. The explosion had caused part of the wall to collapse and the people that were once looking down on me were now running away. The pushed each other aside as they ran for the exits

“How ugly. But I guess humans are all like this. I just don’t feel anything for them anymore.”

Through the smoke I could see a large hole in the venue and a mob was pouring in one after the other.


Schneiser couldn’t believe his eyes.


Despite his confusion Oswald was quick to answer. They came a lot faster than I expected. Since they probably came for Toa, I figure I probably should have killed that one demon but it was much too late for that now.

A mob of demons was pouring in through the hole, each and everyone of them all looked different. Some had horns, some didn’t, they all had different colored skin and some even looked like beasts.

As soon as the entered they randomly attacked the spectators who were running away. I could see them screaming as they were killed and blood sprayed through the air.

“It’s like a slasher film.”

“Your majesty!”

“I know! We’ll postpone this ordeal with Nito, we have to get rid of them first!”

The knights moved out immediately, going off to rescue members of the audience. There was an announcement telling us that we had been surrounded and that outside of the town yet another mob of demons had appeared but that they didn’t know the details.

Are they really that intent on catching Toa? I feel like there’s something that I was unaware of going on here. Maybe the daughter of the demon king had some kind of important meaning.

Speaking of which, who was this announcement supposed to be for? Oswald? Sabrina?

“Your majesty, please run away. We will hold them here.”

Oswald scattered the demons that had come onto the field.

“I understand. What’s going on? Why are there so many demons?”

“I don’t know.”

“Is the demon country on the move?”

“I don’t know. Your majesty please escape.”

It wasn’t just the commoners who were being cut down, fights between the students and the demons had begun in various sections of the audience.

“As I thought, just studying magic isn’t useful.”

“The opponents are demons. This won’t be easy.”

Oswald glared at me as my three companions came running over to me. They had jumped down into the field from the audience. Of course I had been keeping watch over them this whole time as would have rushed to them immediately if they had been in any danger.


Toa looked upset.

I know why, I had killed a student right in front of everyone. Her emotions seemed unstable because of that, I hope she doesn’t have another episode. I could sense negative emotions coming from Toa while Sufilia looked the same as ever. Nem however looked strange.

“Master? Why did you kill him?”

That was the first thing Nem asked.


I wasn’t able to put it into words right away. Kyogoku had been one of the heroes and would have been a threat later on. I had my reasons but I didn’t think Nem or Toa would understand right now even if I told them.

“Lord Nito, I am proud of you. He wanted to die otherwise he would not have challenged you to a death match.”

That was Sufilia’s thoughts on the matter. Of course Kyogoku had kept the other things he said at a volume only the two of us could here so as not to reveal my identity.

“No, he didn’t want to die.”

I denied what she said, if I didn’t Sufilia would have supported me but I can’t lie.

“Then why!? Why kill him!?”

Toa asked.

“Killing him wasn’t necessary was it?”

Toa and Nem had tears running down their cheeks.


What? I have no……Regrets? When I looked at the two of them I suddenly felt pain in my chest. But I knew this would happen. I was free of thought when I blew Kyogoku’s head off, I wasn’t thinking about anything? Even remembering it, it played back in my head like a video.

What? I…..

“Lord Nito?”

Sufilia was looking at me with a worried expression.

“I have a reason… but I can’t say it right now.”



There was no response to that.

A winged demon suddenly appeared in the sky above us.

“Lady Totalica! I’ve come to get you!”

The purple demon pointed his silver sword at the two near Toa.

“So their aim was Toa huh? So they’re with that other demon after all.”

I appeared next to him instantly and slammed my foot into his stomach.


The demon was split in half as he was sent flying off into the distance. Oswald was using long range magic to wipe out demons.


Oswald stops his attack.

“You might despise us but we’ve always made the best choice we could at the time. I can’t protect everything but I want to protect what I can. I have an idea.”

Oswald had suddenly started talking.

“Of course the kings are fools that use their power for their own self interest. I don’t have the power to resist.”

So you don’t do anything?

“A l0ong time ago I prayed for world peace and vowed to save anyone I could without discrimination. Eventually I was given the title of Great Mage and before I knew it I have become the principal of Fishnatika.”

I felt a deep sadness and regret coming from him.

“And that’s how I became aware that evil hides in the darkness. The former principal looked as if his power had been absorbed, he was weakened. But I know now that it wasn’t because he was sick, it was because he couldn’t stand the darkness. But he told me that protecting the school was the only way to stop the world from falling into chaos.”

“What is that supposed to mean something to me? In the end didn’t you just want to monitor the abyss?”

“Nito you have power but right now you are heading for the darkness. The darkness is invisible but it blocks out the light and invites chaos. When the darkness can be seen by everyone the world will perish. There is evil, and there is justice and as long as the world turns away from the evil no more will come. That is how we keep the peace.”


“Think. What is the meaning of power? You are strong but at the same time you are weak. But because you have power you do not have to be resigned to fate. Nito…. Become strong….. And think now about the things that only you can do.”

Oswald turned away from me after he finished.


The body of Kyogoku laid at my feet.

“Nito…..That guy….Do you know him?”

Toa seemed to be asking why I killed him if I knew him. Her voice was quiet.

“No…..Not really.”

“Then why? Why did you kill him?”


Because while I was cast into the darkness and abandoned these guys had formed a bond with each other. I was the only one left out.

“I told you didn’t I? These people abandoned me. They let me die, they could have helped me but they let me die. Those feelings of being abandoned will never go away.”

It’s a feeling of unspeakable sadness.

“As I spend time with you I was able to gradually relax but I still remember those feelings. Why am I the only one that has to face these emotions? I can’t heal because these emotions won’t go away. So….. I killed him.”

I had no choice but to kill them in order to get rid of the darkness that was inside me.

“Nem….I’m sorry. You have followed me this whole time but I’m sorry for being so pathetic. I’m sorry that I’m a pathetic master.”

Nem should choose someone better, she shouldn’t be stuck with me.

“Toa…. I’ll take you home because I promised. And then our journey will be over.”

This is for the best.


Toa frowned as she looked at me.

“I will follow Lord Nito.”

“No, Sufilia I will take you to the prophet. Your journey with me is over as well. You are a princess so you shouldn’t be involved with someone like me.”

Sufilia’s eyes opened wide at what I said. That’s right because everyone will die, in the future I might lose Toa so I should just leave. That way noone will die. Toa looked towards the sound of someone screaming, her expression sad. Toa was pure.

“In the world that I came from, there were no elves, dwarves, beastmen or demons. It was all just fiction.”

The three of them looked confused while someone still looking depressed.

“That’s why for me, it was a dream. Coming to a parallel world was a dream come true. That’s why I didn’t want to kill. I wanted to save it but….”

I’m not a hero.

“That may have been a mistake to begin with. Somewhere deep in my heart I may have been discriminating but bad guys are bad. It doesn’t matter what race you are.”

So in the end, I’m going to do a good dead where these three can see.

“I’m going to kill the demons.”

It was already a sea of blood and the damage was spreading even further.

“Toa, What do you think? I…Should I save everyone?”

However I just don’t have the heart to save humans anymore. That’s why I need a push, a push forward from Toa.

“If Toa asks, I can save the humans.”

I felt like Bell was staring at me. The demons were the same race as Toa, if i wanted to help I would have to kill demons.



When I saw how she looked at me I felt conviction in my heart.

“Save everyone.”

Toa said it clearly.


And that was my answer.

“I’ll be a hero one more time.”

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