A Hundred Times For a New Day

Chapter 56

Chapter 54: Improved Secret

With the secret trading channels of a few landlords, Yun Ye finally got the foundation to take off, and spent most of the month in the sea eating spirit-level premium food.

With the rapid progress of the cultivation base, the proud sons of the noble family must be astounded.

And Yang Shu, Shu Zhu and his wife ate this spirit-level excellent food all day long. Even if the body was dragged down, they quickly broke through the realm within a month and stepped into the Dacheng realm, pointing to perfection.

Then came the problem…

Without the awakening technique, how to awaken the spiritual roots?

After Yun Ye woke up about this problem, he realized how sinister Xian Xuetang did not allow rumors about the awakening technique!

The official government is fundamentally cutting off the inheritance of the commoners. It is necessary to enter the Xianxian Academy to awaken the spiritual roots? !

“Unfortunately, the government probably didn’t think about it, that there are people who can eat spirit-level excellent food from the sea, right? Dacheng? Haha, consummation is not a problem, then the spiritual root will recover naturally, and there is no need for awakening!”

Yun Ye used the most simple method to break the game, and there was no need to go to major families to trade.

In doing so, in addition to not having to pay a huge price, it can also paralyze major families. Without the ability to independently cultivate spiritual root resuscitators, it is not even an ordinary spiritual family. What about aristocratic families?

What is the threat?

Of course, even so, the Yang family’s purchase of supplies was done in secret, just in case.

Some materials from outside the town are simply transported to the small manor outside the town, and there is no need to enter this Baishi Town to attract attention.

However, this operation costs money like running water. If the high-grade raw materials are used, the Yang family’s industry will not be able to support it.

A serving of blood beef is 20 mysterious coppers, which is too expensive compared to one serving of ordinary grains.

In order to save some money, Yun Ye specially developed a production process for ordinary food.

The first step can compress one hundred parts of raw materials to ten parts, and can maintain 80% of the effect.

In the second step, Yun Ye added various medicinal materials and converted the raw materials into liquids in a similar way to making wine.

In this second step, the weight can be reduced by another 70%, but the effect is greatly increased.

In the end, Yun Yecai made this medicinal liquid into Youshi, which melts in your mouth, and the difficulty of digestion is less than 10% of that of general Youshi.

To put it bluntly, ordinary food cannot absorb too much nutrition because of the limitation of the body’s digestion speed.

Yun Ye completed the digestion steps outside the body, and then input it into the body, which can naturally greatly improve the digestion efficiency.

In this way, only 100 to 130 coppers can be used to make a spiritual-level premium food, which is 90% cheaper than the 2,000 coppers of blood beef.

The food expenses of thousands of mysterious coppers every day, the Yang family can barely afford it.

After a month, Yang Shu and his wife, relying on Youshi, were only one step away from the awakening of their spiritual roots.

Especially Yang Shu, he has a C-level physique, and with the help of imagination, he has traveled nearly 20% of his distance.

Yun Ye felt that Yang Shu might be able to step into the perfect state of Qi Yangshu faster than him.

When Yang Shu has mastered the spiritual technique again, he will be able to protect himself to a certain extent, so that a random robber will not endanger his life.


Sitting cross-legged in the room, Yun Ye tried to awaken his consciousness again.


The brain seemed to have been hit hard, Yun Ye was in a trance and had a splitting headache, but he was used to it: “It failed again, and sure enough, if the Qi raising technique is not successful, the chance of awakening is too low!”

Eight months have passed this year, and Yun Ye has practiced awakening for about six months.

To be honest, normal people are probably not as boring as him.

Although the awakening technique has a great effect on awakening the spiritual root, it can only be used once, and no matter how skilled it is, it is meaningless.

As for awakening the consciousness and awakening the spirituality, the effect of the general awakening technique is too poor, and the chance of being perfected will not increase much. Basically, no one is bored enough to forcibly master the awakening technique.

It is estimated that the pharmacists in the logistics department who make medicated meals are watching jokes. There are too few people who can insist on doing useless work like Yun Ye. It is a little fun.

“Huh, I have mastered the awakening technique to a small extent, and I almost understand why the instructor of the school can instruct the students to modify the movements of the Qi-raising technique at will.”

“Next, I’m going to improve Qi nourishing technique and go further on the secret path!”

Yun Ye got up, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and slowly entered a state that was almost inward looking.

After awakening the spiritual root, you must first be able to perceive the spiritual power before you can control it.

And spiritual power and life energy are similar things.

It’s just that spiritual power is the spirituality of the five elements, and life energy is the spirituality of yang.

In other words, the spiritual root resuscitator can completely perceive the Yang Xing spirituality in other people.

This can be perceived in a state of concentration after a few months of training.

The more skilled you are, the clearer your perception will be.

The teachers of the school are all spiritual root resuscitators. They can sense the life energy of the students, and they are naturally handy when giving pointers.

Yun Ye performed a set of Qi nourishing techniques and concentrated on observing the changes in her yang spirituality.

Originally unknown why, the vague and abnormal changes in the body are now a hundred times more clear!

Yang spirituality directly points to the essence of the body!

Its change is the essence of Qi Yang Technique!

“When practicing Qi-raising, some of the meridians are lit up, and they are gathering the surrounding yang spirituality!”

“It turns out that the optimal solution in theory should be dynamic. Where there is yang spirituality, it will be active and collect these yang spirituality.”

“But ordinary people can’t do this at all. They can only focus on the position where they have more yang spirituality, instead of updating them all the time.”

Having mastered the secret, Yun Ye started activities to explore how to light up the meridians everywhere.

Under the guidance of Linggen’s perception ~www.readwn.com~ Yun Ye finally realized the treatment of the children of the aristocratic family.

There’s a huge difference between having “teacher” guidance and not having “no” teacher guidance!

Although there is no way to dynamically update through the medium of teachers, it is entirely possible to update once a month or once a week!

If it is updated once a month, and the rest of the conditions remain unchanged, the training speed can be increased by 30%!

If it is updated once a week, then this range can be increased to 50%!

And if it is updated every day!

The increase will be more than 100%!


Yun Ye can be certain that those geniuses who stood out from the Spiritual Law team and forcibly squeezed into the Black Armor Army must have fully understood this characteristic of the Qi-nourishing method, and only then did they change their lives against the sky!

“How many secrets does the family hold?”

Yun Ye broke out in cold sweat.

This is a small qi raising technique, and there are so many ways.

What about spiritual methods?

Is there really only spirituality?

Yun Ye encountered a dilemma that all learned scholars generally encounter: the more you understand the world, the more you discover your ignorance!


The ID card vibrated.

Yun Ye picked it up in surprise and looked at it, his pupils contracted.

“Crazy-level mission recruitment! All the black armored troops in Hongshan immediately go to the military camp to gather!”

“Violators, behead!”

The big military camp is the place where the core members of the government have been practicing for a long time, and it is also the headquarters of the Hongshan military camp.

It’s just that unless there is a major event, the government generally does not convene the Black Armored Army to gather at the headquarters.

Disaster-level quests mean that you will inevitably encounter a disaster-level demon event!

And this time, if the Black Armored Army is to take action, I am afraid the scale will not be small!

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