A Hundred Times For a New Day

Chapter 39

Chapter 37: Fire In My Heart, Pass The Test!

“Zhu Zhaohong, Xie Rongfu, haven’t you two started yet?”

Yu Wen glanced at the two who hadn’t thought about it yet, and the tone was already bad.

“I abstain.”

Xie Rongfu said.

“Since this is the case, Zhu Zhaohong will be promoted directly. After today, you can officially join the Black Armor Army. The other two, the identity token is withdrawn, and the Wupao is retained by himself and directly joins the Spirit Magic Team.”

Yu Wen said.

“Ha ha…”

Zhu Zhaohong almost popped out between her teeth a few times. She glanced at Yun Ye, her scarlet pupils were full of murderous intent, but in front of Yu Wen, she still didn’t do anything and waved her hand: “Two wastes, go!”


Twice in a row yes.

Wang Lixian was also among them. He was cured by Shuizhu Youth in a short period of time.

The hole in the chest, the size of a fist, is completely healed, which is simply amazing.

After being punched through the chest by Yun Ye, a huge shadow appeared in Wang Lixian’s heart, and he didn’t dare to look at Yun Ye again.

(What is this for? Leaving Team 3?) Yun Ye glanced at Yu Wen, who was light and cloudy, and the others didn’t feel like it.

“Don’t look at it, they are going to challenge other teams. As for whether it is a real challenge or a fake challenge, hehe.” Yu Wen sneered and pointed at Yun Ye, “You, come here!”

As soon as she felt that her body was out of control, Yun Ye knew what was going to happen next.

His heart was cold. Although he had never overestimated the virtues of these people, he had expected this, but after it happened, he still felt that the world was disgusting…

Everyone in Baishi Town is pursuing the law of the weak and the strong.

If he is not mistaken, the next step is probably the “answer if you have any questions”, just like the captain of Shi Baiyan.

However, since he dared to expose it, he would naturally be sure to hide it from the past.

Extreme Flame · Heart Fire!

This is a flame that reduces the combustion ability, high temperature killing ability, and even the influence range to zero, leaving only the speed of energy transmission.

What fire can heal itself?

Naturally, it is a flame that does not harm itself, but only transmits energy. The effect of the fire in the heart is to increase the physical ability dozens of times, obtain extremely strong regeneration ability, and the ultimate ability to isolate inside and outside.

Divine law is the law of the soul. Although there is no sign, it still belongs to external interference.

When the fire in his heart was burning, it was absolutely impossible for divine law to invade.

In order to ensure that the fire in the heart can fight against the commander-level figure, Yun Ye even took the initiative to shrink the fire in the heart to the head, allowing Yu Wen to interfere with other parts of the body.

What is very miraculous is that although Yun Ye has guarded his head and can move his head freely, his body is actually controlled and he moves towards Yu Wen.

(It turns out that the soul of this world is not in the brain, but in the whole body…)

“What kind of flame is this.”

After walking in front of him, Yu Wen asked directly.

“Cang Yan.”

Yun Ye replied.

“Is it his own creation, or is it a talent?”

The man in the hand realm put down his bronze mirror, and his bright eyes swept across Yun Ye. For a while, Yun Ye felt that he was constantly being ripped apart.

He immediately understood that this man was a magician, and his spiritual power might be stronger than Yu Wen’s.

“If I can create this kind of killer move myself, I can become an immortal.”

Yu Wen didn’t expect anything at all, so he also directly controlled Yun Ye’s live Q&A.

So that other teammates don’t care about him and do bad things to him.

“Tell me, how did you get this Cang Yan out?”

Yu Wen continued to ask.

“I don’t know, it comes naturally.”

Yun Ye said.

“Sure enough…”

Everyone present shook their heads slightly.

From their perspective, they can naturally see the gold content of Cang Yan. Flames of this level have always been inherited from blood, or obtained by devouring fire zodiac treasures. They have never been cultivated, let alone created by themselves.

The man in the mirror also shook his head: “There is no smell of exotic treasures, it should be pure blood inheritance, or spiritual root mutation.”

“Trouble… Forget it.” Yu Wen waved his hand, Yun Ye clearly felt a surge of energy entering his body, heading straight to his head, and fiercely confronted the fire in his heart.

At this time, the restraint on the body had been lifted, Yun Ye took a step back and shook his head, the fire in his heart had already wiped out this power.

After standing firm, Yun Ye showed no expression, and continued to be his silent teenager, as if waiting for the veterans to speak.

Everyone could not realize for a while whether he had forgotten or not.

However, Yu Wen doesn’t really care. Deleting the memory is just a breeze. If you don’t delete the mere civilians, you can’t change the sky.

Lingkong’s defect, blood inheritance can’t work.

Yu Wen poured himself a glass of wine and said, “Since you have entered our Black Armored Army, the members must get to know each other, and let me introduce you again, Yu Wen, Golden Earth Shuangling Root, Spiritual Law cultivator, the soldiers of the third team. Chief, UU reading www.uukanshu.com You can call me the captain or the boss.”

He drank a glass of wine in one gulp, pointed to the man who looked at the mirror again, “This hanging man, Liu Wujing, we have the biggest background here, the second zodiac sign Feng Linggen, a cultivator of divine law, just treat him as a deputy soldier. Come on, I’m not listening to him, although the Heijia Army doesn’t have a deputy position.”

“The person who healed the waste just now, Xiang Liangren, Shuimu Shuanglinggen, and spiritual cultivator, he doesn’t care about fighting, he only cares about healing and defense, and he is the first protection target of our three teams. You just saw his level, Hehe, if you have a good relationship, maybe you can live a few more days.”

Xiang Liangren immediately retorted: “Captain, this is not a good statement. As long as it is a team member, I will do my best. How can I fail to save it? It’s just…”

“It’s just an order, right?”

Yu Wen interrupted.

“This is nature, everything has its order, I just obey the law of heaven.”

Xiang Liangren nodded seriously.

Yu Wen was obviously too lazy to talk nonsense with Xiang Liangren, and went on to introduce the other three: “Zhuo Zhongjie, an earth-type spiritual cultivator, a reckless man with a very poor level, of course, it’s fine for you.”

The big man took off his helmet and nodded to Yun Ye. He had short hair that was rarely seen in Baishi Town, which was very eye-catching.

Even Yun Ye, who came from a small village, used to have long hair, but he seldom took care of it and looked messy. This big guy named Zhuo Zhongjie was a different kind.

“Han Guan, a gold-type spiritual cultivator, his strength is good, but it’s far from enough. Of course, it’s no problem to cut you.”

“Finally, Liu Jingyu, if you don’t include the newcomers, the only woman in our team, a water-type spiritual cultivator, is very bad. How bad is it, maybe you can beat it. If it wasn’t for the surname Liu, it would be time to leave today. It’s her!”

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