A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 72: First day at work.

After the chase through the mansion, You Xi Wang was given some verbal lashing about how he was being irresponsible and making the family worry. He then had his dinner and was about to go to his room when his aunt called him to her room. When he entered, he saw her holding the guitar in her hands as she asked, "Xiao Wang, can you tell me what is this musical instrument? I have seen the Vibra, but this is unlike what I have seen."

You Xi Wang smiled and said, "Aunt, this instrument is called the Guitar, unlike the Vibra which can be played by people who are trained to do that. This instrument can be played by anyone with some practice. As they gradually improve their skill will improve and they will discover new ways to play it. The style to play a Vibra is too rigid, even the posture is pre-defined while the guitar gives one freedom and flexibility."

Chen Qianbei nodded and said, "How about we manufacture it and sell it? Since it is a musical device, the council will approve of it."

You Xi Wang then said, "Umm, okay. We will do as you say. I will give you the specifics of manufacturing processes and then you look for a company that makes Vibra. We will work in collaboration."

Chen Qianbei nodded and gave him the guitar. After a small talk, You Xi Wang retired for the night. The sun came up and Emily arrived to wake him up for the day. She entered the room and saw You Xi Wang sleeping with his mouth half-open. As she was about to move closer to him she saw a slight tent protruding on the lower half of the quilt he was covered in. She instinctively moved her hand to grab it, but just when her hand was a few centimeters away she froze. Her face turned beet red, and she retracted her hand while gulping a mouthful of saliva. She closed her eyes and took a few moments to calm her down. 

She nudged You Xi Wang on his shoulder and said, "Young Master, the sun has risen. Wake up please."

You Xi Wang grabbed her hand and dragged her to his side on the bed, Emily shrieked she tried to resist and said in a very low voice, "Young master let me go, I have work to do."

However, the effect was the opposite of her plea as You Xi Wang pulled her closer and kissed her lips gently. Emily was stunned and tried to put some resistance, but after a few moments she started reciprocating his advances and the two felt each other while they entangled with each other. 

Celestia carried Maya in her arms as she made her way towards You Xi Wang's room. She knocked on the door and spoke in the speaker on the side, "Big brother, are you awake? Maya seems to be sick." her anxious voice woke up the love-drunk couple as they quickly sorted their clothes and You Xi Wang opened the door. Celestia gave them a confused look but ignore the feeling as she saw them both blushing a bit. 

You Xi Wang walked up to Celestia and took Maya from her embrace. He then smiled at the girl and said, "My little fairy, Maya is just a few weeks old and she needs to be fed spiritual energy. She has become my spirit beast, so I need to feed her the energy. She is not sick, don't worry." he patted her head with affection and sat down in the lotus stance with Maya in his lap. He spoke to Emily, "You guys go ahead. I will see you over breakfast."

You Xi Wang channeled his spiritual energy and passed it onto Maya. This was a process to nourish her beast core and also strengthening the bond these two shared. After he went to take a shower and got ready to leave for the dining hall. He wore a white shirt, blue jeans, and paired them with white sneakers. He always liked to dress. He took Maya and placed her on his shoulder, making his way to the dining hall.

The family shared a filling meal. Afterward, You Xi Wang and his sister both left for the company office together with Robert. Despite being the son of the owner, You Xi Wang never visited the company office. He attended the parties and company functions, but they were all arranged away from the office. But he had a business in his past life, so he was excited about visiting the office. Soon the pair of siblings reached the office edifice and alighted the vehicle.

You Zhichi turned to face him before they entered the building. She gracefully took out a silver-colored bracelet, a pendant was hanging from it, the word YOU was engraved on it. She took her brother's hand and gently tied the bracelet on his right wrist. He looked at her with a confused expression and asked, "Sis, why the gift?"

You Zhichi was one head shorter than him in height now. She raised her hand and spoke while brushing her hair to a side so they don't fall on his forehead, "This bracelet is given to the Family Master and Grandpa gave it to me when we were leaving. Congratulations on officially becoming the family master, Gougou." her voice was cheerful and her gaze was full of affection and warmth. You Xi Wang felt moved and hugged her shoulder as they moved to the entrance chatting with smiles on their faces.

The building was not tall, but it was only 10 floors high but, it was designed as if a dragon was raising its head to charge at the heavens. It was an exquisite construct building even if the scale was small compared to the modern skyscrapers in Silica City. At the entrance were four guards in black battle suits, they all carried assault rifles and handguns. They saluted as the pair of siblings arrived. As they entered through the gate, a wall-mounted scanner activated and performed a search on them by using a laser. 

You Xi Wang was fascinated by the sight and he heard a voice in his head. 

[Here we go again.] the system spoke up after a long time. 

'Oh, how come you are talking? I haven't heard from you since that fight." You Xi Wang replied to him in surprise.

[Well, I was busy absorbing the soul energy I siphoned off from that low-life. So, it took some time before I could speak up.] the system informed You Xi Wang about his exploits. After suing that soul spell the system absorbed quite a huge amount of soul energy from Kojo and refining it took some time. In short, the system was updated.

You Xi Wang listen to it half-mindedly. He was more focused on the architecture inside the building. The pillars were made of carbon fiber. The ceiling comprised glass using natural illumination and it also absorbed the heat energy turning it into electricity. There were light panels inside the walls, flying disks to commute inside the building, elevators did not have walls, and were operated by a light panel hung in the air. These things could be seen in You Xi Wang's old-world too, but here the scale was too big. 

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