A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 70: Kick-Off.

In his past life, You Xi Wang was a small yet successful entrepreneur for two years. In these couple of years, he led his sales consultancy business to be a big shark of the small pond. If only his so-called success hadn't gotten to his head, and he became complacent enough, making him take a step in the big league and getting his ass-whooped. The reason is very simple, even if you are talented and good with brains, it does not guarantee that the world will let you achieve what you want to achieve, someone's profit is someone's loss and vice versa.

So, when You Xi Wang took his step into the big league with no support and backing, the already established players of the game learned about his ways. His success in those two years made them envious and insecure of his existence in the game, so they eliminated this threat called You Xi Wang by plotting and ganging upon him. What they did was very simple. They planted spies in his office, learned his ways, and blocked his ways. They thought he will go back to his small leagues after this, but who knew that his will broke and he detested the world for being the way it was.

It was not his creativity but the others who held him back.


After cleaning up when the Elders and the executive members reached the main hall they found You Xi Wang already seated on the throne and his eyes were closed as if lost in deep thoughts. They decided not to disturb him and when all the members gathered, You Xi Wang opened his eyes and greeted them all with a nod. He stood up and came to the center of the hall. He looked around and said in a deep voice. 

"Last time, I made plans for expansions. Though there have been some changes we can still use it. Big sis, I asked you to plan an advertising campaign for our Lithical Iron motherboard, but now that it is a Council exclusive product we cannot advertise it. So, we need to come up with another product and look for some allies before we expand because survival in the market alone would be very hard." 

You Chengshi, the second elder of the family, spoke up, "How about we open up a pharmacy in Croma city? It is a big city and pharmacies are profitable."

The members present whispered among them, discussing the feasibility of this idea. Similarly, every elder presented ideas from designer clothing to perfumes and from weapon shops to auction halls. Everything they could think of was then presented. You Xi Wang kept strolling as he could not decide which idea to follow. Suddenly he remembered a sport popular in his old world. His stroll came to an abrupt halt. 

He said addressing the audience in the hall, "How about we open a game workshop?"

You Junwang, the eighth elder of the family said, "Xiao Wang does this world not have games already? What will be the differing criteria?"

You Xi Wang answered, "Grandpa Junwang, every game in Metropia is based on either cultivation, beast hunts, or facing the dark side. The game I came up with might turn into a sport in real-life too. There is no fighting involved, and a proctor will watch over the players to see they do not violate the rules. This game will not use any weapons but a ball as a medium of play. This game will attract people, believe me."

You Ziyuo, the ninth elder and former family head and also, You Xi Wang's biological grandfather asked, "Xiao Wang, child elaborate this game of yours to all of us."

You Xi Wang nodded and started speaking, "Matches may be played on natural or artificial surfaces. The color of artificial surfaces must be green. The field of play must be rectangular and marked with lines. These lines belong to the areas of which they are boundaries. The two longer boundary lines are called touchlines. The two shorter lines are called goal lines. The field of play is divided into two halves by a halfway line, which joins the midpoints of the two touchlines. The center mark is shown at the midpoint of the halfway line. A circle with a radius of 9.15 meters or 10 yards is marked around it." he took a short pause and observed everyone listening to him keenly.

he took a deep breath and continued, "These were the regulations of the field where the game will be played now allow me to state the dimensions of the field. The length of the touchline must be greater than the length of the goal line.

The Length of the field also called touchline should be a minimum of 90 meters or 100 yards, and a maximum of 120 meters or 130 yards. 

The width of the field also called the goal line should be a minimum of 40 meters or 50 yards, and a maximum of 90 meters or 100 yards."

You Naixin spoke up, "This all sounds so complicated. Xiao Wang, can you not make this simple."

A wave of laughter spread across the hall, You Xi Wang smiled and shook his head as he said, "Granny, if it gets simple then what will be the difference between my idea and others? Anyhow, should I continue?"

You, Shan Wang, spoke up, "Yes, go on." he was the youngest executive of the family, he was very skilled in marketing other than martial arts. 

After approval, You Xi Wang continued to speak about many things, from the ball dimension to the player allotment, from what gestures were forbidden to what things could do during the match. This process was lengthy, but as a soccer fanatic himself, he persisted and elaborated on the rules and scoring policy of the game, and many miscellaneous things. His vision garnered attention from everyone. When he was done someone asked, "Young Master, can I ask you something?"

You Xi Wang nodded, "Yes, please do Uncle Chang."

You Chang asked, "Young master what will be the benefits of this game, and what is this game called?"

You Xi Wang said, "It will make the kids a bit more physically active as they will be playing it in the V-R pods, just like other exercises these days. Second, It will help them learn unity and better human conduct. Is that enough or should I elaborate on this as well? As for the name, let's call it Football?"

Others nodded in agreement and approval. 

You Chang smiled and said, "I understand Young Master, I will make a report on this and handle the NOC procedure with the council. Will that be okay?"

You Xi Wang nodded, "I appreciate that, Uncle Chang. Please get that done, I will brief the technicians in the company tomorrow to create a virtual game place according to my rule description. With that said, you all may leave and get to work, If this is successful we can make You Family a top family."

The crowd walked out, now only the elders remained as You Xi Wang asked them to stay behind using his soul communication. He walked up to the throne and from behind it, he took out a bag. This bag made others very curious. You Xi Wang held it in front of them and said, "I found this elixir by a lucky encounter. It is one of the most highly sought treasures in this world."

You Wanqiang, the fifth elder of the family spoke, "Why the build up Xiao Wang?"

You Xi Wang then replied, "It is a blood shake tree"

His word made everyone freeze because they knew the value of this elixir. Before they could ask anything more about it, You Xi Wang opened the bag and took out a spherical container. He deployed a soul barrier to stop any signals to leak out before taking the container out. He opened the container and everyone saw it. You Xi Wang then turned to You Naixin and said, "Granny plant this in a place nobody knows except for us. My friends helped me with it so they will have a share when it matures. I hope no one has any objections. If you have objections, then please come forward, and I will explain my actions."

You Shengyu, the seventh elder of the family spoke up, "You are the master of the family and The family will support you unconditionally until you make us do something which has gone against the family and our pride. We understand why you want to keep this plant a secret because it can both be a boon and a curse to us. So, the fewer people know about it the better."

You Xi Wang looked toward him with a gratified gaze. He then handed the plant to You Naixin and the bag and the container to You Xianhui, the third elder, and asked him to dump this bag somewhere in the whispering wood by a trustable man under his command. He then looked at the time it was already noon. 

The elders nodded and after a small talk, they all left to attend their own matters.

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