A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 73: The man in the sky

Alex's heart and brain could almost explode into pieces.

He quickly tried to dash away but he was held in his position by a power that suddenly appeared from nowhere.

"Not again!"

He shouted in terror in his mind.

It was when Jennifer held him like this he felt terror in his mind, now he was experiencing this constraining power again.

He was powerless against it.

Then he concentrated on all his buried angry emotions. As he focused on his anger to possibly bring up any physique that would help him to eliminate the restraining power holding him in one place, he heard a swoosh sound.


He looked towards that sound and saw that it was a beautiful woman. She had flew out of the pool.

She had an attractive face but wounds could be seen all over her body and she was pale white.

Then the formless power holding Alex fixedly at a spot vanished allowing Alex to regain his body back.

This should be the divine beast. She had taken the form of a human. Then he wondered why she removed the binding power placed on him earlier.

He wanted to ask a question when she suddenly spoke. "I am sorry for what I did earlier. I need your help. My name is Nadja and I am from the water dragon kingdom. It was destroyed by the fire dragons after a great feud between them which ran for millions of years. I am now the only surviving member of my race and I arrived here months ago. Then, I was pregnant but I successfully gave birth to my child in this place, on land. Because of humans that had come here, I moved my baby into the pool I dug to hide it away from human cultivators and beings from other races. I am going to die very soon. But before I go, I want to place into your custody and care my only child. Please take care of him"

Then she brought out a large egg from her spatial ring.

Alex was speechless.

He didn't know what to do.

When he regained himself, he nodded his head and accepted the egg from her which he stowed away into his spatial necklace. He was also given her spatial ring.

The egg was still an object. Once it hatches, he wouldn't be able to store it again in it life form in any of his storage treasures.

The only way he would be able to store living things like humans is in shelter-type treasures i.e treasures in the form of a building for living and beasts in beast bags.

Nadja then continued. "Please take care of him well."

"But.. But why did you choose me of all people?" Alex asked confusedly. He believed he should still be seen as a weakling at this cultivation stage. So he asked.

Nadja managed to give a smile even as she was in great pains. "It's our culture to give things to those who come to us when we are exceedingly desperate or in dire need of something. You came when I was dying and was seriously hoping to get someone who would take care of my baby" she replied.

"But am a nothing" he said.

"You are now. But I believe in future, you would be an expert that would cause skies to disappear and seize planets and stars" she said with a smile.

Then she grunted and coughed out blood.

"Life is leaving me. You need to go. I would go back into the pool and die in there. Please take care of my baby" She said.

Alex felt sad in his heart for this woman. Then he hurriedly said. "I have many god-level recovery pills with me. You could recover."

Nadja smiled. "Thank you. Keep it for yourself. You would need it later. Besides, I don't think any pill can help me recover. I used a forbidden method of my race to escape from the clutches of those people. It granted me great speed but in the end, for that speed, I paid with my life and soul essence. Go now." she said in an hurried tone.

Just then


"My heart is touched." A man laughed and said as he descended from the sky. He was cloaked in a form of black energy that revolved around him.

This energy concealed his appearance and figure from both Alex and Nadja.

But Alex, whose eyes still shone with golden abstruse patterns in them saw who was behind the concealing energy. He saw a face he couldn't recognize.

Alex was able to as the heavenly mystery revealment god-eye was still active.

It was an eye that could see infinitely far, through all forms of concealment and to a higher level, see into the mysteries of the world.

It was these same eyes Alex used to see Michelle in that pillar of light back at the Skull valley.

Nadja looked at this person and asked in a worried tone. "Who are you?"

"I am the one who would kill this boy, take out the treasure that had merged with him and then leave with your child who would become my pet. I hope it turns out to be a girl so I can drive my cunt into and gain the best pleasure under the heavens and in earth from. Hahaha!" the man replied and laughed evilly.

Nadja's eyes shone with fury. But there was nothing she could do, she was weak. But she made up her mind. She would fight this man till her last breath. Then she mustered her remaining strength.

She transformed back into a large dragon and roared at the man.

The man held his head as green veins appeared in his temple. Then blood could be seen streaming down the man's ears, nose, eye and mouth.

This was a roar that targeted his soul. It could almost rip apart.

The man was just recovering from the soul-rending roar attack when Nadja in her blue dragon form swung her massive tail at him.

Her powerful muscular tail struck him and he was sent flying for hundreds of feet.

His chest caved in from that strike and blood spurted out from his mouth like a fountain. He became greatly injured by that one strike.

The man knew she was a divine beast but one that was greatly weakened and was nearing her death. So he dropped down from the sky to kill her and kill Alex, and then leave with the treasure and egg. But he didn't expect her to become this powerful by speaking some vexing words.

He got what he deserved by underestimating Nadja.

Alex looked at Nadja in her beast form and was amazed by her power. Also, he just realized she was the one that produced those soul-shaking roars then. He believed she did that to scare away the students that had come here in search of the water dragon egg.

Since Alex wasn't a target of the roar, he wasn't affected by it.

She transformed back to her self but she looked worse than before. Her beautiful face had vanished as she now looked extremely old. Her hair was white and body was very thin. It had emaciated. She was drying up.

Alex felt really sad for her.

He knew he had to leave here as there was nothing he could do to a grand saint emperor stage expert.

He quickly ran away and Nadja became happy at how astute and decisive Alex was.

Many minutes later...

She saw the expert flying towards with blood all over his face and body. She tried to transform again but she realized she couldn't.

A bead of tear formed in her eyes and rolled down her cheek.

The only prayer in her heart was Alex should get far away from here so that her baby could be given the chance to grow.

There was a flash of light.


A large sword pierced through her flesh, stabbing into her heart and past it.

The man then gave a sinister smile and pulled out the sword. The instant she did, blood gushed out like a fountain from that wound. Then he swung his blade around cutting off her head.

Her headless, lifeless body fell to the ground and blood poured out from it like a small stream.

Nadja's corpse became soaked in her own blood as it formed a pool around her.

Alex at the moment had covered a distance of hundred kilometers. He had infused his leg muscles with his mutated strengthforce energy. This made them very powerful and were able to produce a force that propelled him at high speed.

Also, he pushed his power over air to the maximum. Strong winds howled behind him as they significantly added to the speed he was running at.

Very soon, Alex had left the area.

But the noise of the battle that occurred and the boy moving at shocking speed did not fail to attract the attention of the other instructors.

They ignored the battle and rushed after Alex.

Due to the large amount of powerful cultivators on Alex's trail, the region between his brows suddenly began to tingle and then he felt warm there which suddenly turned hot.

It was like a danger warning system.

Alex looked back as he ran and saw about twenty-four instructors in the saint emperor stage blazing in the air towards him at astonishing speed.

Two of the instructors were from his academy. They were going after him to ask what he was running from and possibly how he was able to achieve such a speed.

Such a number.

Alex's heart became filled with terror.

Was he not done for? He asked inwardly.

Leaving a sonic boom in the air, the instructors blazed across the sky at high speeds and appeared in front of him.

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