A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 371: A God-eyes appears

Next morning...

As Alex was still seated in his cross-legged position on the ground, the rays of the sun penetrated through the windows of his room in that inn and shone on his face.

Then his snapped open in the next instant, while a brilliant smile that hid many emotions appeared on his face.

Sharply, he stood to his feet from the ground and made his way out of the room.

Once he got out of his room and walked down to the central room, he met his men already there. They were discussing on how to cautiously and efficiently carry out the order that their boss, Alex, gave to them.

Immediately they saw him, they stood to their feet and greeted "Good morning, Godly Punisher"

Alex nodded his head at them with a smile in his face.

He then said "I am leaving. I also have some business that I want to take care of. See you guys later in the evening. And make sure you come to me with good news"

His men nodded their heads.

"Surely, boss. We would bring back good news for you." One of them confidently said.

"Good!" Alex said.

He then continued "And you shall all be rewarded"

Once he made that statement, he headed towards the door and left their rented multi-room apartment in that inn.

Immediately he came out and his treasure-mask activated, his face instantly morphed into another face that he imagined in his head.

He then headed into the already busy street in search of a desolated or deserted place where he would be able to do what he had in mind, which was discovering his many other God-eyes and understanding how to unleash the inherent powers that they possessed.

After walking down the street for sometime and couldn't find a place to enter that would then lead him to a really distant place where he desired to execute what he had in mind, he chose to enter a beast-drawn carriage moving up the street.

Then after telling the beast-carriage driver to take him to a really far place where nobody has ever visited before, the beast-pulled carriage began to move at a high speed towards that place. Although the driver was shocked why Alex wanted to go that kind of place, but after guessing that Alex was a cultivator, and possibly wanted a serene place and one that hasn't been accessed before by anyone to engage in extreme cultivation or some form of hard combat training, the shock that had initially surfaced in his heart rapidly faded away.


After five hours of moving at a really high speed, in which they had far left the human settlement areas in the city, they finally got to a place like the one that Alex wanted. And without surprise, this place was a valley where lots of mountains could be found. But this place was so quiet that it gave the feeling that it was a graveyard instead of a valley, since it was just too silent. It was like there was no form of any activity in this place. However, it was what Alex wanted, a place totally devoid of any creature.

Then when he got down from the carriage and handsomely paid the carriage driver, he suddenly shot on foot at a high speed towards the valley.

When he arrived before the chains of mountains that lined both sides of the valley, he gave a smile.

"Finally. Now, I can practice without any holds barred." He said.

Then he immediately got to work.

Now focusing upon his eyes, he began to unhurriedly chant words in his mind. While these words that he began to utter in his head, were the ones that he had formed and compiled into a long list as he was being brought down here by that carriage.

'Brilliance... Brilliance... Brilliance...' He repeatedly said within as he concentrated upon that word, and then on his eyes to bring about the manifestation of a God-eyes that had the power of Brilliance.

However, nothing happened. But Alex who had a really stubborn determination continued to do so, since he knew that only with persistence, perseverance and a great resolve would his effort yield any type of fruit.

But after chanting that word for more than thirty minutes more, and completely focusing on his eyes to force a particular God-eyes to appear, he stopped in the next moment with a ugly and displeased expression appearing in his face.

"I guess I don't have a God-eyes that inherently possesses the power of brilliance then." He said with that unhappy expression still in his face.

He then shrugged it off and took a deep breath.

Once he exhaled and calmed his flitting mind, he started his God-eyes appearance compulsion exercise again.

But before he could think of another word that he had prepared when coming down here, a thought suddenly flashed in his head.

"Or I am saying it wrong?" He asked with a curious gaze in his eyes.

He then answered himself "Hmm. I could probably be doing it wrong, I guess. Let me give it another try with other words."

Then focusing again on his eyes, he began to chant within himself.

"Light control..."

With intense concentration and a powerful will that wouldn't submit to Kings, Gods and Devils, strange, glyph-like characters began to appear on the surface of his eyes.

Then all of a sudden, his body brilliantly lit up with a type of overbearing radiance that actually outshone the sun in this region by a factor of hundred times, and then with all the colors that one could possibly think about, dying the entire valley in this region. At this moment, he was like all the colorful rays of light in the world and beyond, had come together, fused and transformed into a sentient being, easily invoking in one the feeling that he was a living embodiment of unparalleled luminescence and the myriad colors in the world. That was how he could be simply described.

Even if a True God or some deity-like cultivators were here, they would have to close their eyes, or they would simply burn, as the intensely bright, infinitely-colored rays of light would damage their powerful eyes beyond repair.

The intensity of the polychromatic rays of light that bursted out of his body and spread into the far distance in the whole region, turning the color everything in their path into the myriad, near-boundless colors that they possessed as they simply dyed them, was simply insanely bright that it luminance was equal to that of many larger suns hovering a few feet just above the ground. So, at this point in time, he could be regarded as a human-shaped collection of behemoth prismatic suns.

Then surprisingly, the millions of colored rays of intensely bright light that continuously emitted from his powerfully built body, each carried with them a great and incomparable sharpness that seemed to affect even the air around him, and then the earth that he stood firmly upon.

So, the air for many hundreds of meters incised apart due to the extreme perceptible sharpness possessed by the individual light rays that shone into the far distance from Alex's tall body. While the earth around him and for many hundred feet too, which was dyed in the innumerous colors of the god-blinding radiance emitting unceasingly from his body, developed thousands of thin and thick, deep gashes in them. It was like tens of thousands of swords or blades wielded by resentful ghostly beings struck the earth hard or stabbed it deep. Then the towering, immense mountains around him had reduced to dusts because of the sharpness-bearing, colored rays of blinding light gleaming from Alex's body that could be fully likened to a group of suns.

After all these happened, an information abruptly surfaced in his mind.

"Chorltur's God-eyes of Iridescent Lacerating Luminance"

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