A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 352: New realm-energy

"That's all I guess, Layla. I have to be on my way now" Alex said.

"Alright. You be careful too" Layla said.

"Sure" Alex nodded.

Then he vanished from her office and reappeared in a hall in the treasure-palace.

Immediately he appeared in the treasure-palace, the treasure-palace jetted away in another layer of space back to his organization.

Not long, he arrived there.

Then when he was teleported out of the palace to his room, he sat on his bed in the cross-legged position and began to think of what next to do.

He knew that just giving his girlfriends treasures and telling them to stay hidden from view wasn't enough to protect them from his enemies. He needed to kill them, that's the only time they would feel safe.

So, he began to think of what to do so he could kill them.

Then he arrived at one which was to lure them out of their hiding place.

He knew that they were doing things in the darkness because of his uncle, but when he eliminated his uncle factor, he knew that they would surely reveal themselves to him.

Then he began to think of how to go about this.

After a short while of brainstorming, he finally decided on what to do. And this was to make his men announce to the public that he was leaving to another state to do something which would bring in more members and money to his organization.

"Yea. That's just what I am going to do. Besides, all the enemies I have unknowingly made would come for me on that day I would appear in another city. Then when I slay all of you, I would pass your possessions to all the members of my organization." Alex said.

Then he closed his eyes to try to understand the profoundness of a particular realm-energy that he had in mind. And this energy was Animateforce energy, an energy that could simply give life to non-living objects.

Once he infuses anything like an object with this energy, the objects would become alive. They would possess sentience or awareness of everything around them and the world at large. Then if he deeply understood the energy to a great level, the objects infused with this type of energy would possess a higher degree of awareness, like a greater consciousness and would be able to act independently on their own. So as an example, a stone that is infused with this type of energy at that particular stage would be able to think of cultivation and would then cultivate on it own to grow into a rock and into a mountain all in the name of becoming stronger and unmatched. However, they would still be linked to their creator and have no choice than to submit to him. It's only when their creator dies would they no longer be under anyone's control and would be able to fully exercise their own will.

"How cool would it be to have exceedingly tall, walking mountains or massive living islands as my guards or protectors? Haha. I surely need to cultivate this energy. I would just unleash them in their hundreds and they would cover the sky and overshadow the earth. Enemies would surely dread me for that. But for now, it's only a dream." Alex said.

Then he began to contemplate about the energy.


Few days later...

"What exactly is going on this time?" Lenna asked her brother.

"I don't know too. It's like everyone of them just disappeared." Maximilian said.

"Have they started cultivation in seclusion or what?" Lenna asked Maximilian.

"Probably." Maximilian replied.

"What? Why would they start secluded cultivation at this time that we need to slaughter them?" Lenna asked angrily.

"Sis, I don't know. I guess it's better to just wait for them to come out of secluded cultivation. There's really nothing to do now than wait for them." Maximilian said.

"Ugh" Lenna uttered with anger in her tone.

"Can't we send someone to silently enter into the Immovable Mountain Academy to kidnap that bitch, Olivia?" She asked her brother.

"That could be possible. But what if that person was caught? That would spell great doom for our plans and us. We need to be very patient so we could have all of them in one place and torture them to our desire before we finally slay them." Maximilian said with chilling coldness in his tone.

"Alright" Lenna agreed.


A week later...

Alex who was in the cross-legged position on his bed suddenly snapped open his eyes.

Then he brought one of his hands towards his face.

When he did so, he caused a small wisp of flame to erupt from the surface of his hand. Then he released an energy into it which caused the wisp of flame to suddenly take human form and begin to walk on the surface of his hand.

Then upon another thought from Alex, the fire on his hand which had taken human form suddenly transformed into a bird and screeched. Then it transformed into a cat in the next second and meowed.

Seeing all that was happening, Alex gave a bright joyful smile.

"Finally" He said excitedly.

Then he produced a sky-blue, long sleeve shirt from his mom's spatial necklace and threw it at the ground.

As soon as he did so, he shot a focused beam of animateforce energy from the tip of his index finger towards the shirt on the ground.

And immediately the shirt was struck by the beam of animateforce energy, the shirt glowed only for an instant before it lifted itself off the ground using the sleeves it had to stand upright.

It then began to walk towards Alex using those sleeves as actual legs.

Then when it got to where his bed was, the sleeves which the shirt used as actual legs fully bent before straightening. And once they straightened, the shirt leapt high into the air towards Alex who then caught it with a smile in his face.

"This is really great" He said excitedly.

"I am going to cause commotion with this new ability of mine everywhere I go. I might even be nicknamed The Invisible Ghostlord or The Tyrant Ghostking. Haha" Alex said with a mischievous light in his eyes and laughed raucously.

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