A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 345: Gossiping about their husband II

Layla smiled.

"Well, it's good that you guys reconnected. At least, apart from you trying to become strong, one of your burning heart desires has been granted unto you. So, I guess you would be full of happiness. I am really happy for you, Olivia" She said.

Olivia smiled.

"If my heart was a vase, it would be greatly overflowing with happiness and then sink to the bottom of this feeling which had become a sea." She said and grinned.

"So, how did you guys reconnect? Where you did meet each other to upgrade your relationship status?" Layla asked.

"Well, it was at a small village that was being troubled by some really bad guys who were after a little mortal girl that had the shocking ability to manipulate light and bring about healing" Olivia said.

"So, it was at that village that Alex saw me and came forward to greet me. But at that point in time, he had changed. He wasn't like the Alex I knew many years ago. This version of him was naughty and would do some crazy things that would shock you. But above all, he was now way more powerful than I could have imagined. I don't really understand how his abilities work. It's like his powers grow every time he makes a small or tiny achievement in his cultivation. He is someone I would never comprehend. Just imagine him entering into a state where he now possesses the power to battle Saint-stage cultivators while being at the peak-phase condensation stage. I feel it's a feat that can never be replicated by anyone in the world, since I have never heard from anyone or read in books of ancient and present records of a cultivator having such ability. Only him I think should have that ability in the whole realmverse" Olivia said confidently.

"Yea. I have also seen that side of his numerous abilities that he annoyingly keeps hidden from us." Layla said while Olivia grinned.

"But do you think that you have actually seen it all? Haha. You haven't seen anything. His abilities are great in numbers. It's when you think you have seen it all that he would exhibit a form of power that would shock you and upturn your entire knowledge about him and his insane abilities." Olivia said.

Layla laughed.

"I know. I have experienced that too all the time I was with him. He would always exhibit a kind of power that would scatter my knowledge about his true abilities." She said while Olivia nodded.

"So, tell me, Layla. How did you come across Alex? Or was he that came to meet you because of your beauty? You know, he really likes beautiful girls." Olivia asked with a smile that gave hints of curiosity.

Layla smiled.

"Well, to be sincere, it was a story I heard about you that made me make a move on Alex." She said.

Olivia became surprised.

"My story? What story is that?" She asked in a perplexed tone.

"When I heard how you would be married off to any boy that would beat Alex which you claimed to be an unparalleled battle genius, I wondered if what you said about him being an unmatched battle prodigy was actually true. Although I didn't go to watch the battle as I was tremendously busy with my own thing, I heard from my workers how Alex jumped to the platform from afar to fight everyone that wanted to climb up that particular stage for your hand in marriage." Layla said, trying to recount all that her workers told her about the battle of geniuses they requested from her to go watch.

"When everyone had finalized in their minds that he definitely wouldn't appear due to the shocking number of genius-level challengers that he was going to fight, he actually appeared and with a style that filled everyone's heart with awe. He introduced himself as your boyfriend to the world, and he did it in such a way that gave everyone who were witnessing the event the absolute feeling that you were his possession that cannot be acquired by even the Deities themselves, or they should be prepared to have their souls and bodies torn and ripped apart." Layla stated.

Then she continued "So with unbuttoned jackets to reveal his well-carved chest muscles and highly defined abdominal muscles and with a blade and a sword crossed at his back, then with the aura of a valiant hero and that of a freedom fighter endlessly exuding from his body, he appeared to make the whole world know he would solidly stand behind you and help you break whatever wave or ripple would come at you to crush you. And as tyrannical as he appeared, he fought all his opponents in that same style that he appeared in. He overwhelmed his challengers and viciously struck them like he wanted to eternally brand a message in their minds that they should never ever go for another person's lady. Haha." Layla said and laughed when she ended her statement.

Then she resumed her speech "And I at that time was having an immensely weighing issue with cultivation. I was born with a serious cultivation defect in which I require a partner to cultivate. After going to so many states only to find out that the guys I chose to be my cultivation partner were nothing but bastards and lustful morons, I had to let them go and forget about cultivating to become a powerful expert that could shake worlds with a wave of my hand. At that point in time, I was extremely depressed and emotionally devastated. I started to see all male cultivators as trash and didn't want to have anything to do with them. But my budding hatred for male cultivators was cut off when I heard about Alex. I heard how he came to fight all odds for your sake. He appeared proud and strong and tyrannically crushed all his opponents to prove true what you said about him to your family and to the whole world. When I heard about this, about how loyal, defending and powerful Alex was, I made up my mind to have him as my cultivation partner no matter what. I knew that if I couldn't get him, then I was forever finished. There would be no redemption anywhere for my empty soul."

Layla stopped here and then looked at Olivia with a smile in her face "That's how our love journey started, Olivia. And I have to thank you for this amazing gift that you gave to me. If it wasn't for you, I would have never heard about him. Thank you very much. And I hope that the realmverse enables you to fulfill every of your heart desires"

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