A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 341: Shocked!

"Father, I chose Alex because I felt that he was more trustworthy than the rest of the guys that I met and asked that they should go with me to the legacy ground. The guys I met were nothing more than vile spawns that only wanted my body and then probably dump me after they had gotten what they wanted. Every time I went to visit them to remind them of the legacy, they would always demand for sex from me. But I denied their requests until one day, one of them tried to rape me. It was then that I stopped going to meet any of them. They were all useless people who were nothing more than lustful cultivators in my eyes. When I calmed down and began to think of who next to meet, that's when I heard of Alex and how he fought everyone that wanted to take Olivia's hands in marriage. When I heard that, I saw him as someone that wouldn't turn his back against his woman when the whole world began to mock her. Then I went to meet him and told him about the legacy. That's how our love affair started, father" Layla narrated, not hiding anything from her father.

The king exhaled.

Then he said "I know about your cultivation condition. So, I was also making effort in trying to help you get a man that would become your cultivation partner. But now, you have made all my efforts over you useless"

"No. It's not like that, father. I knew you were also searching for someone for me, but I know the kind of guy that I wanted. That was why I started going to different neighboring states in search of that man that would become my cultivation partner. And I am very glad that my efforts yielded fruits. By a stroke of great luck, I came across Alex who's definitely a hundred times better than any man you would ever get for me" Layla said confidently.

Layla's mother's eyes glowed.

If Layla could talk like this, there was obviously a great knowledge behind what she was saying.

Saying that Alex is hundred times better than any man that her father would ever find for her, was a bold speech, but was one that was obviously backed by a great knowledge about Alex's attributes.

'Hmm' The queen uttered inwardly.

She was about to talk to the king that she should let them be when the king looked at his daughter, Layla, and asked "He is hundred times better than any man I would ever get for you? Well, I believe you can't just say these things unless you are stupid. Anyways, I would like to know why he is many times better than every other guy I would bring to you to be your cultivation partner. Speak"

"Father, I know that you may feel that Alex is doing things because of his uncle who possesses unfathomable frightening strength is backing him up. But apart from his uncle standing solidly behind him, Alex too is very strong on his own. I believe you have heard of how he fought many challengers who climbed up the platform with the intention of beating him and getting Olivia's hand in marriage. But he effortlessly knocked them all away by himself. And they were all the late-phase and peak-phase, Earth Adept stage. While he was at the initial-phase, Earth Adept stage. Yet, they were like ants before him. He easily crushed all of them. Which boy that you would ever find for me would be able to reproduce such a dazzling spectacular feat?" Layla said and ended her statement with a provoking question.

Her father furrowed his brows, he was about to speak when Layla started to talk again.

"Now, apart from being very strong, almost to the point of having no challenger at the cultivation stage that he is in, he is definitely ready to jump into a fight with gods and deities that would ever lay their hands on any of his women or look at them with unbridled lustful gazes in their eyes. And my statement stems from the fact that Alex turned an entire city upside down just because of me. And then, I was only an ordinary girlfriend whom he could just abandon and then go on his way so as not to immerse himself into deep trouble. But Alex actually dived into an ocean of trouble for my sake." Layla said and looked at her parent who had shocked expressions in their faces.

He upturned an entire city just for her?

Then they listened to know how he was able to do that and come our unscathed from it.

Because when they looked at him, he seemed very fine.

He wasn't missing an eye, an arm or a leg.

The people in the palace hall who were also listening to what Layla was narrating had astonished expressions too in their faces.

Layla then continued "We met the son of a City Lord at the city we went to for the acquisition of the copulation-cultivation legacy that your brother, who is the Lord of Smith city discovered for me. The haughty bastard whom we met at a beast carriage garage was trying to touch my face and was arrogantly demanding that I become one of his many wives. Alex who became angered upon hearing what the City Lord's son said, severely beat up him and many of his bodyguard who were at the Sky Lord stage. He even brutally killed one of them which infuriated the high-rank protectors of the city and many other powerful rogue cultivators that dwelt in the city. This then caused them to start chasing after Alex who used an exceedingly fast, one-time, high-speed spatial evasion treasure-artifact. Only the heavens know where he was chased to. After secretly arriving at an inn and began to await his return as he had instructed me, I began to hope that he would not be caught by the cultivators who were from the Great Saint stage and above. Not quite long, he surprisingly appeared before me unscathed, then we began our journey to the site where the legacy was situated."

Of course she had left out many things.

She couldn't tell anyone that Alex had a treasure-palace which was what he used to draw away the cultivators to a faraway place so she could escape and then re-unite at some place later.

When Layla finished her narration, the whole palace became as quiet as a graveyard.

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