A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 43: A Raven's Message

The seven small beings turned their attention to the plant in the flowerpot upon hearing these words. They looked at it with curiosity, and this discussion brought them back to full consciousness.

They flew over to observe the tiny white flower bud.

"It doesn't seem like a species from the Black Forest," one of them remarked.

"Maybe it was brought in from the outside," another suggested.

"It possesses a mysterious magical power," added another.

"It's seeking release," chimed in yet another.

The seven little beings were engaged in a lively discussion, leaving Hua Mi bewildered. He couldn't help but ask, "So, do you have any conclusions?"

Little Red answered, "First of all, it's definitely not a native species. There has never been such a flower in the Black Forest."

Little Orange continued, "Secondly, it's clearly not a natural creation; it seems to have been modified using some sort of magical process."

Hua Mi was intrigued, "How can you tell?"

"Natural flowers wouldn't exhibit such discordant magical fluctuations," Little Yellow explained.

Little Green contemplated, "Engaging in something that disrupts the harmony of nature, this seems very much like the work of an alchemist..."

An alchemist's work? So, it was very likely a plant that had been altered through alchemy, just like that vial of mutated potion – a creation of alchemy. Could it be related to the previous owner of this small cottage? Hua Mi recalled the skeleton at the bottom of the lake. He couldn't help but wonder if that alchemist had met an unfortunate end in the Witch's Eye.

Little Red said with concern, "The current problem is that we can't predict what kind of effect the magic contained within the flower will have once it fully blooms."

Little Orange added, "Are you sure you want to continue nurturing it? It might harm you once it blossoms, and even if it doesn't necessarily lead to death, it could make you sick. It's a pity that no one will be able to take care of you. Shouldn't we get rid of it?"

Hua Mi was also considering this issue. Between curiosity and his life, he would definitely prioritize the latter. But if he could ensure his safety, curiosity, as an important human motivator, also needed to be satisfied to the fullest. After some thought, Hua Mi asked, "How strong is the magical power it contains?"

Little Red said, "It's not particularly strong, but its effects will at least cover this small cottage."

Hua Mi nodded, understanding it. How much energy could be stored in a single seed? The War Hammer only sensed it after using water magic to merge with the lake, but it didn't detect anything while on land.

So, he came up with an idea. "I'll place it outside in the flower field, away from the small cottage. You can continue using magic to ripen it, but don't let it fully bloom. Allow it to grow naturally during the final stage. Can you do that?"

Little Red nodded, "No problem."

Little Green looked at him in amazement, "You're a genius!"

Hua Mi moved the flowerpot outside into the flower field, keeping a safe distance. The pseudo-flower spirits surrounded the pot, just like before, each of them channeling their magic into the plant.

Initially, the flower bud showed no response for several seconds. However, suddenly, it quivered and began to grow. The petals slowly unfurled. What was particularly peculiar was that as the flower bloomed, its once pure white surface started to display streaks of various colors, like rainbow bands appearing in sections. These colors changed as the perspective shifted.

A few minutes later, the seven little beings stopped casting spells, appearing more fatigued. Their wings were drooping.

It seemed they would need to be treated to a honey feast to recover.

"The internal magical power has been gathered and is ready to burst forth. Barring any surprises, it should fully bloom in another day."


To be on the safe side, Hua Mi used a shovel to dig a shallow hole and placed the flowerpot inside it.

After tending to the potted plant, Hua Mi brought out the beehive, allowing the bees to come out and stretch their wings. This had become a daily part of his morning exercise routine. After two months, he had indeed strengthened his physique.

The bees still flew out, but they were noticeably less active. Unless Hua Mi gave them orders to act, the bee colony remained disciplined, like well-trained soldiers. After all, his orders took top priority.

The seven little beings continued to create new ways to consume honey. They were truly talented chefs, having come up with at least ten different methods during their research.

In his free time, Hua Mi started practicing archery. Not for the sake of honing his combat skills – his combat abilities mainly relied on the bee colony and bee control. This was his growth path.

He found it genuinely enjoyable. Surprisingly, the compound bow was quite fun to use. As a sport, once you got the hang of it, the appeal was not inferior to mainstream ball games.

Hua Mi skillfully cut a wooden disc into a ring and hung it on a tree trunk. The tree rings on it served as natural target lines, making it a perfect target.

He began practicing archery with enthusiasm. Although most of the arrows missed the mark, he didn't mind.

He suddenly remembered the gift Sindra had given him, the "Wind God" arrow. It was a special product from the Jade City, appearing quite luxurious.

"Why not give it a try?"

Hua Mi took out the unique arrow and nocked it onto the bowstring. The entire arrow was a brilliant green, and countless threads of yellow-green light flowed slowly inside.

Hua Mi pulled the bowstring taut, feeling a strange sensation in his fingertips. Suddenly, white wind patterns shot out from around the arrow, rapidly rotating around it. The air pressure around the arrow seemed to change instantly, creating a significant disturbance.

The sound of whistling wind filled his ears. Hua Mi's arm trembled uncontrollably in surprise, causing him to release the bowstring in a hurry. The arrow immediately returned to its calm state.

Hua Mi breathed a sigh of relief. The "Wind God" arrow was indeed powerful. Drawing the bowstring, he could feel a strong surge of energy, as if he were in the midst of a hurricane. Thankfully, there was no accidental discharge earlier; otherwise, he couldn't fathom the level of destruction it might have caused.

"Magic arrows aren't to be trifled with."

Hua Mi carefully put away the "Wind God" arrow and replaced it with a regular one. As he pulled the bowstring tight and was about to shoot, he heard a hoarse bird cry from the sky.

His vision and the arrow were simultaneously redirected to the sky. There, a large black bird was circling above.

"A raven!"

Hua Mi squinted his eyes and indeed saw something in its beak that looked like an envelope. It should be the messenger sent by Sindra – the moment he had been waiting for.

At last, I haven't given up.

Hua Mi lowered his bow. The raven dived toward the area below but not directly at him. Instead, it flew straight toward the window of the small cottage, still several meters away. In a precise move, the bird let go of the envelope, and it flew through the window, landing on the table.


The raven executed a graceful mid-air turn, flapping its wings and ascending into the high sky.

Soon, it was just a tiny dot in the field of blue.

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