1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 34: The Great Schism

This meeting between Selim Pasha and Constantine soon ended, as the later repeatedly comforted and pleased the former, promising again and again that he shall have no other inhumane prisoner, and will be treated well as a noble captive before the ransom is paid. Antonius will not be able to bother him anymore in this city.

Selim Pasha is then brought down to reside in a residence built for foreign ambassadors, away from the harbour where Antonius and his men resides and train. However, Constantine's troubles did not stop there, soon a guard came in reporting that the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Athanasius II came to the Palace of Blachernae.

"Oh, dear god what does this old man want this time." Constantine groaned but still walked down the stairs holding his sceptre smiling, greeted the Ecumenical Patriarch Athanasius II and kissed the back of his hand, then asked gently.

"Ecumenical Patriarch, what has caused you to travel all the way here, from the Hagia Sophia?"

"Your Majesty." The Ecumenical Patriarch placed his right hand before his chest and bowed slightly. "As the Ecumenical Patriarch, archbishop in all of the Roman lands and Christian world, I must warn you that all these pagans, non-believers, infidels and heretics are destroying the root of Roman Orthodoxy."

Constantine massages his forehead as he feels the veins popping up again. He knew that this day would come but never knew that it will come so fast. But he still gave a shocking look and asked back with a surprised tone. "Really? What makes the things so severe that required you to come here, your holiness?"

The Ecumenical Patriarch, with that emotionless long face of his, continued in a monotonous voice. "I have heard that you allowed non-believers of God and agnostic people come into the city, which is blessed and protected by the most holy Saint Theodosia and Constantine The Great?"

"Yes, that's true, but I believe that they won't be here for long, only here for trade and commerce."

The Ecumenical Patriarch nodded but continued. "Then there is these Catholics, especially that Latin cardinal Francesco Condulmer sent by the patriarch of Roma, and those barbaric Genoese roaming around in the city."

"Oh…" Constantine forced a smile on his face as irritation slowly started building up in his mind. "What is wrong with them? Did they not abide by the Justinian Laws of the empire?"

"No, your majesty… but they have brought those dangerous heretic believes into our city." The Ecumenical Patriarch said sternly with his dim face.

"These Catholics, they conduct their own heretic rituals disallowing the interference of Orthodox churches… They use unleavened bread in church spiritual ceremonies instead of our leavened holy bread, and they worship statues to represent the saints instead of our icons and pictorial illustrations…"

Constantine soon became bored, fidgeting on the throne playing with his fingers as he has heard of this for countless times.

Seeing this, the Ecumenical Patriarch narrowed his eyes and slammed his holy sceptre against the floor, producing a loud bang that startled the emperor, making him pay attention again.

"…And most importantly, on top of that!" The Ecumenical Patriarch suddenly rose his voice and vociferated. "They spread dangerous heretic believes among Romans, right here, in the holiest city of entire world."

The Ecumenical Patriarch paused and hesitated for a while, then drew a cross with his right hand before his chest and continued. "Oh, merciful God forgive my sins. Emperor, those Genoese and Latin, they claim that the holy spirit is created by the father and son. They also claim that Virgin mother gave birth to Christ with the holy spirit. And above all that, the most devilish part is, they claim that everyone after birth is guilty with original sins, even if they issued a claim of repentance to the father, they still have to clean their guilt in the fires of hell before ascending to heaven..."

Constantine is almost dozing off from the Ecumenical Patriarch's long winded speech, but the later will not give Constantine the chance to, he stepped forward so close to the imperial throne that it awoke Constantine by his natural sense of danger as an emperor.

"Your Majesty, the true doctrine is like the crescent and the sun, which lasts an eternity and never ever changes, thus all faithful believers of god must protect the doctrine against those heretic views! Even it cost their lives!" The Ecumenical Patriarch, more and more excited, with his eyes staring like bull's bells, his white long beard blows up and down from his breathe, pointed at the sky with both of his hands.

Constantine has to continue putting that fake smile on his face and explained. "Your holiness, but like what I said last time, we are all sons and daughters in the eyes of god, and you know, it is the time of difficulties, we need them…"

"I will not accept them as brother in arms, your majesty, don't forget that my predecessors, Ecumenical Patriarch Michael I Cerularious have excommunicated all of them in 1054, thus the cannot be seen as brothers and sisters of god!" The Ecumenical Patriarch Athanasius II shouted out, breaking the emperor's words.

Constantine startled, that warm smile froze on his face, he stood up with no facial expression, and told the Ecumenical Patriarch and all other advisors. "I am tired today, dismiss the court, we shall continue tomorrow."

"Yes, your majesty, long live the emperor." All other courtiers bowed by the sides bowed as Constantine leaves through the side gates.

"Your Majesty!" The Ecumenical Patriarch, the only one left standing right in the centre, slammed his sceptre against the floor, and shouted. "If you still trust those Genoese, Latins and Venetians, let me remind you; Don't forget what happened in the Fourth Crusade!"

Constantine stopped and stood by the gates for a brief moment of time, resisted his temptation to slam the metal door, and paced himself quicker out of the hall, never to turn back again.

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