10,000 Times Of Return, Never Hide For The Teacher

Chapter 26

Chapter 27 The Purpose Of The 9 Nether Demon Sect

In the air several miles away from the Black Demon Sect, Yin Zhengfeng, the elder of the Nine Nether Demon Sect, is coming at full speed, and his cultivation has reached the sixth level of the emperor!

“Really, a mere black demon gate needs to be solved by the emperor himself.”

Yin Zhengfeng complained to himself that he came to the Black Demon Gate for two purposes at the order of the elder Taishang.

One is naturally to pick up the sacrifices prepared by the Black Demon Gate, and the other important purpose is to erase the Black Demon Gate in the Eastern Region.

The Black Demon Sect really thought that they had climbed the Nine Serenity Demon Sect? In fact, it is a purely exploitative relationship.

As a vassal of the sect, the mission of the Black Demon Sect has been completed, and it is not of much use value itself. And they came into contact with too many Demon Sect Xin secrets, and it was time for them to disappear.

“Oh, forget it, deal with the Black Demon Gate as soon as possible and go back.”

With his sixth-level imperial cultivation, it was enough to completely destroy the Black Demon Sect.

Yin Zhengfeng quickened his speed, but as he got closer to the Black Demon Gate, he quickly realized that something was wrong.

“What’s the matter? What a strong bloody smell…”

Yin Zhengfeng instantly became vigilant, and his eyes fell on the Black Demon Gate at the end of his line of sight.

He clearly saw that the mountain where the Black Demon Gate was located was littered with corpses, blood dripping all over the floor, and he frowned at the horrific sight.

This is… someone rushed in front of him and slaughtered the Black Demon Sect? But who is so bold, dare to attack their affiliates of the Nine Nether Demon Sect?

“Yo, the messenger of the Nine Nether Demon Sect, you can make me wait.”

The playful voice sounded from behind, Yin Zhengfeng felt inexplicably familiar, and turned around suddenly, his eyes narrowed when he saw the person behind him.

“Ye Yun? Why are you here?”

As one of the members who ambushed Ye Yun at the beginning, Yin Zhengfeng naturally recognized the former Sword Emperor of the Ancient Dao at a glance, but was extremely surprised in his heart.

Yin Zhengfeng found that he should have been seriously injured, but he couldn’t see through the depth of Ye Yun’s cultivation. Could it be that he got the treasure with hidden breath?

Ye Yun smiled lightly: “I’m here, of course, to do business, to give some color to some people who are provoking our ancient Taoist Sect.”

Hearing this, Yin Zhengfeng looked ugly and said solemnly as he glanced at the miserable state on the ground.

“In other words, you did all this?”

“So what?”

“Dare to attack the affiliated sects of our Demon Sect, Ye Yun, you are so bold!”

“Why, only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light the lights? It’s up to you to kill the door.”

“Stop talking nonsense, and talk with your fists!”

Yin Zhengfeng sneered, too lazy to continue arguing on this topic, the profound energy in his body gushed out directly, setting off a monstrous wind between heaven and earth.

To be honest, he was delighted that this time, not only did he not have to work hard to exterminate the Black Demon Sect, but he could also kill Ye Yun easily, which was the best of both worlds.

As for strength, I learned from Zhao Qiankun not long ago that Ye Yun was in retreat for healing, so even if Ye Yun really got a chance to recover by chance, his strength is at most comparable to the second and third levels of the emperor, killing the opponent with his strength. Not too difficult.

“I couldn’t kill you that time before, this time, this emperor will never let you escape again!

As soon as the words fell, his fists rolled up in a frenzy, like a long rainbow piercing the sun towards Ye Yun, the aftermath of this blow alone shook the sea of clouds in the sky.

Yin Zhengfeng, as the sixth-level emperor, is indeed very powerful, and he can be called a first-class powerhouse in the Eastern Region.

But unfortunately, the person he faced was Ye Yun.

“Escape? Are you afraid you have misunderstood something?”

Ye Yun looked at the incoming punch, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

“I am very strong now!”

Between raising his hand, a vast force fills the space, which is far beyond the imperial level and belongs to the coercion of the Venerable!

The unparalleled suppressing force caused Yin Zhengfeng’s attack to collapse instantly, and the storm also dissipated.

The sudden change made Yin Zhengfeng’s face change drastically, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

“This power… is the Venerable?!”

On this Ye Yun, he actually felt the oppression that only a suzerain could have, no doubt it was the venerable one!

But how is it possible? This guy was obviously injured for a year, why did his cultivation level not drop but rise, and he entered the rank of Venerable?

The emperor and the venerable are separated by a sky in terms of strength, and it is impossible to compare them together.

Yin Zhengfeng was still stunned, Ye Yun’s figure flickered, suddenly appeared in front of Yin Zhengfeng, and kicked his lower body directly.

With a loud bang, Yin Zhengfeng’s body fell like a meteorite, directly breaking through the sound barrier and hitting the ground heavily. There was a loud bang again, leaving a huge deep pit on the ground.

Under the deep pit, Yin Zhengfeng’s mouth was bleeding continuously. When he struggled to get up, he saw Ye Yun striding in the air, and the color of fear in his eyes became stronger.

“You…how could you become a Venerable?”

Back then when Ye Yun was ambushed, he was afraid that he would reach the realm of the Venerable in the future.

“Maybe, because this seat is handsome.”

Ye Yun looked at him with a smile: “Let’s talk about business, shall we? Answer my first questions honestly, and you might be able to die happily.”

When he heard death, Yin Zhengfeng trembled.

“You can’t kill me, I’m the elder of the Nine Nether Demon Sect. If you kill me, won’t you be afraid of causing two wars?”

“The last one said so, it’s already on Huangquan Road.”

Ye Yun squinted his eyes and said, “What about the battle? I really thought we were the ancient Taoist Sect, and I’m afraid you won’t succeed?”

Before his rise, the Ancient Dao Tianzong might have lost to the Nine Nether Demon Sect, but after he became a Venerable, the situation on both sides would be reversed.

Within a few minutes after this, Ye Yun used his strengths and forced Yin Zhengfeng to submit.

Ye Yun immediately asked in a cold voice, “What’s going on with the Lin family? Why did you Nine Nether Demon Sect take the risk of destroying the Lin family?”

Feeling Ye Yun’s icy gaze, Yin Zhengfeng, whose body was already broken, trembled in his soul, and said repeatedly.

“Sect Master, it’s all Sect Master’s meaning! Because the Lin family got it…”

Yin Zhengfeng’s voice stopped abruptly, Ye Yun frowned, just about to continue to intimidate, but was startled by the scene in front of him.

He saw that Yin Zhengfeng was covered with black lines all over his body, and the next moment a black flame suddenly rose to cover him, Yin Zhengfeng screamed with horror and pain on his face.

“I was wrong! Sect Master! Sect Master forgive me…”

Yin Zhengfeng’s facial features were distorted, and his shrill screams resounded in all directions, even more terrifying than being tortured and questioned by Ye Yun just now.

Ye Yun frowned. He was surprised to find that even the power of his Venerable couldn’t extinguish the black flame on his body, and watched him burn to ashes in pain.

“What a strange flame, could it be some kind of powerful curse?”

Although it is not pitiful for Yin Zhengfeng’s tragic end, his death was really unexpected, and there is a high probability that he was cursed by someone, and once he revealed something to others, he would die.

This Yin Zhengfeng died, but it was really a little miserable.

To actually do this to his own royal-level powerhouse, what exactly is the Sect Master of the Nine Nether Demon Sect trying to hide?

What did the Lin family get to bring about the disaster?

The former will be unclear for a while, but the latter matter can be easily found out by calling Xueyan.

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