10,000 Times Of Return, Never Hide For The Teacher

Chapter 235

Chapter 236 Her Royal Highness The Princess Of The Abyss Family

“So is it possible?”

Ye Yao smiled like a naive child.

However, Ye Yun frowned.

“Want to worship me as a teacher? The problem is, this seat doesn’t even know your identity.”

“Do you think anyone would accept an apprentice of unknown origin?”

When I was in Xuantian Continent before, I didn’t need to pay too much attention, but now in this Tianyu, the situation is completely different.

Who knows, what kind of danger this guy will bring him in the future?

Hearing this, Ye Yao also seemed to think it was quite reasonable, she nodded after a little thought.

“Well, I can tell you my identity…”


Ye Yun looked at her curiously.

“Tell me, what is your identity in the abyss?”

This is also something he was a little curious about before, just looking at the other party’s appearance, it doesn’t seem like he will reveal it.

Ye Yao took a deep breath and her expression became serious.

“Then, let me introduce myself again. I am a princess of the Abyss family, with royal blood, Ye Yao.”


Looking at Ye Yao, who looked a little more proud and proud.

Ye Yun thought for a while, then nodded.

“Oh, I see……”



Ye Yao didn’t expect that Ye Yun would have such a frivolous attitude after learning the truth, but Ye Yao couldn’t help it.

“I said you, oh, what do you mean! Shocked! Aren’t you shocked?”

“Uh, what’s the shock?”

“What do you mean, I’m the princess of the Abyss family.”

‘so what?”


Ye Yao sincerely felt that she was being despised.

In fact, for Ye Yun, it is very likely that Xingwu, who has a more prestigious status, has that kind of relationship with him.

Not to mention, a mere princess of an abyss family.

In the end, Ye Yao simply gave up and took a deep breath.

“Anyway, now that my identity has been told to you, can you accept me as a disciple?”

Ye Yun raised his eyebrows and couldn’t help asking.

“Since you are the Princess of the Abyss, there will be no danger or trouble for me to accept you as a disciple, right?”

This is what he cares about the most. He doesn’t want to have a lot of troubles after accepting an apprentice.

“I think should not be……”

Ye Yao thought for a while and said, “As long as no one in Tianyu knows my identity, there should be nothing wrong.”

“As for the clan, if you know that you accept me as your apprentice, you will definitely be very grateful to you, there will be no trouble,”

Ye Yun nodded and asked one last question.

“But we are in a hostile relationship, aren’t you worried?”

Hearing this, Ye Yao smiled and said with a smile.

“Didn’t you say before that it’s that kind of relationship with Lord Xingwu, so will you be the enemy of Lord Xingwu?”


When she said that, it was Ye Yun’s turn to be speechless.

Indeed, long ago, he decided to stand on Xingwu’s side, and naturally it was impossible to be her enemy again.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Yun finally nodded.

“Okay, then this seat will accept you for the time being.”

After seeing his promise, Ye Yao raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said with a smile.

“Then it’s settled!”

However, it seems that there is no so-called etiquette for them to worship teachers.

But this is also in Ye Yun’s mind. The cumbersome master-disciple etiquette is still unacceptable to him.

After confirming the relationship here, Ye Yun introduced her to Lin Xueyan and the others as usual.

“Hello, sisters!”

Ye Yao smiled at the group of senior sisters.

But what responded to her was a crowd of suspicious gazes.

Seeing this, Ye Yao said with a slightly raised corner of her mouth.

“Senior sisters welcome, I will not rob you of master!”

As soon as these words came out, the girls were all delighted.

“Oh, oh, then welcome junior sister, join our big family!”

Chen Lingyi smiled cutely, knowing that this person would not rob her of her master, she felt more relieved.

Lin Xueyan and the others also got to know each other one after another, but Fang Zhiwei was still watching her with extreme vigilance.

The sisters may not feel it, but she can see it clearly.

“This guy, will be so close to Master in the future…and even…”

I don’t know what she saw, the expression on her face gradually changed to depression, and she was still muttering in her heart.

“It’s true that the master has found another competitor for us, and it should be divided into six equal parts…”

However, Fang Zhiwei was not afraid either. As a senior sister, how could he be afraid of not being able to grab a small junior sister!

Even she was a little unconvinced.

What does it mean not to rob them of Master, as an apprentice to like Master, isn’t this a matter of course!

“Absolutely not, as an apprentice, you have to like your master!”

Immediately in her mind, she began to search for any biography that matched Ye Yao’s character.

As for the surface, she simply and neatly smiled kindly at Ye Yao.

“Then, welcome Junior Sister!”

Seeing this scene, Ye Yao was relieved. Anyway, she came here for the relationship between Ye Yun and Xing Wu.

How is it possible, how is it possible to compete with these little girls to become the master’s fairy companion.

At least for now, she firmly thought so.

And Ye Yun didn’t know that a huge Asura field was gradually forming and perfecting.

“Speaking of which, let’s talk, and go to Senior Feng for the teacher’s business.”

As soon as they heard this name, Lin Xueyan’s girls all became vigilant.

Among them, Lin Xueyan said directly.

“Master, are you going to find that woman again?”

Bai Xiaoxiao also pursed her lips and said depressedly.

“Master, please pay attention to safety…”


Ye Yun was dumbfounded.

“What are you thinking? It’s business to find her for the teacher.”

Fang Zhi stuck out his tongue slightly.

“Then pay more attention to safety…”


For a while, the air above Qingyun Peak was silent for a few minutes.

After a long time, Ye Yun gave her a brain crash.

“Look at what’s in your little head, isn’t it because you learned from your senior sister?”

“How come, people are very pure!”

Fang Zhiwei looked at him with a serious face, but Ye Yun shook his head helplessly.

Alas, there is no help, it seems that even Fang Zhiwei will be poisoned.

“Okay, let’s go for the teacher.”

Ye Yun sighed and left.

But he didn’t know that just after he left, something interesting happened on Qingyun Peak.

I saw Fang Zhiwei walking towards her with a smile on his face, as if he didn’t doubt his good intentions.

Ye Yao suddenly became vigilant and looked at her fixedly.

“Senior sister…what do you want to do?”

“Don’t worry, Senior Sister will not bully you…”

Fang Zhiwei raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his smile was rippling.

“That’s right, I want to show you something good-looking, it’s very exciting!”

“Senior sister…let’s not…”

Ye Yao always felt that what she mentioned would not be anything good.

But if you are in a pirate ship, how can you escape?

Fang Zhiwei quickly took out a few books, put them in her arms, and looked at her very kindly.

“Junior sister, if you want nothing left, you have to read all of them.”

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