Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 37

“…” Fu Cao blinked and burned her, what a ghost?

Only Lin Jing smiled for a while, and asked strangely: “Did Fu Cao eat something before?”

Before they were busy, they also helped. But they didn’t pay much attention to what Fu Cao was doing, only knew that she had been busy. Lin Jing couldn’t think of when Fu Cao came to eat.

“Eat.” Fu Cao said with a smile, at this moment she had realized. Brother Long was making a siege for her, and she suddenly felt guilty. She obviously didn’t eat anything, but Dragon Brother said she ate …

Has Brother Long already guessed her identity? Suddenly, Fu Cao was a little frightened, and her zombies had obvious characteristics in the last life. But this world clearly has no zombie characteristics.

Although her pupils turned red last time when she advanced, she couldn’t see the color of her pupils even after she brought her pupils.

“I saw her eating.” Qin Long picked up chopsticks and picked up the abalone and put it in his mouth.

The taste is crisp, fresh, salty and very delicious. Although the red pepper is added, it is not spicy at all, and it does not feel fishy when handled properly.

He felt strange before, letting Fu Cao eat every time. She had already eaten if she did not say she was not hungry. There are some subtle guesses in the vaguely vague heart.

But he didn’t think about the zombie. After all, there haven’t been any zombies consciously able to speak and communicate.

At this time, Zhang Zhongmin and Lu Xun also came.

Lu Xun’s eyes widened when he saw something on the table.

Abalone, fried squid, garlic back shrimp, steamed hairy crab, spicy razor clams, garlic vermicelli scallops …

He couldn’t help swallowing his saliva. His favorite thing was to eat seafood. He immediately couldn’t help but looked at Fu Cao sadly: “Fu Cao … I’ll try it when I’m done?”

Fu Cao has never done seafood before, and this is naturally the first time.

“…” Fu Cao suddenly became speechless. After coming from Dragon Brother, she seems to have forgotten the person Lu Xun … Oh, no, except to find Lu Xun to let him teach Long Brother to absorb the energy in the crystal nucleus.

“I did a lot, or would you like to eat together?” Fu Cao asked tentatively.

“Wow.” Lu Xun nodded seriously, sitting on the seat that Lin Jing had just prepared for Fu Cao.

Zhang Zhongmin blacked his face and spurned Lu Xun fiercely in his heart. No good news.

“Squad leader Zhang, please come over, the steamed custard is still in the pot. It is definitely enough for you to eat.” Fu Cao looked at Zhang Zhongmin standing at the door.

Zhang Zhongmin, who was still abandoning Lu Xun just now, walked over and took a chair to sit down.

Suddenly a table was completely filled, and Fu Cao took out the tableware and chopsticks for them.

The steamed clams in the pot were also ready, and she took out the wrapper and carried it out. A steamed egg in a sea bowl. If Fu Cao does n’t think it ’s enough, he ’s ready to cook noodles.

Anyway, before making the abalone honey sauce, you need to leave the cooking noodles with abalone sauce.

Lu Xun first extended his sinful hand to the hairy crab and broke the hair of the hairy crab: “Fortunately, it caught up today.”

Hearing Lu Xun’s sigh, Fu Cao said coldly: “They all gave the crystal nucleus.”

“Cough cough cough …” Lu Xun almost choked on his saliva, his cheeks flushed. Looked at the four people on the left and right. Eating awkwardly is not good either, or not eating.

“I will eat here later, and I will fill up the crystal nuclei for you.” Zhang Zhongmin didn’t carry so many crystal nuclei on his body.

With that said, Zhang Zhongmin looked at Qin Long: “He also gave the crystal nucleus?”

It was not Zhang Zhongmin who wanted to target Qin Long, but several times he saw Fu Cao diligently send something to Qin Long to eat. At that time, Qin Long didn’t go out for a mission. To say that Qin Long gave Jingnu at that time, Zhang Zhongmin didn’t believe it for half a word.

I did n’t give it back at that time. Now I ’m out of the mission. Should I give it?

Qin Long looked at Zhang Zhongmin and felt that Zhang Zhongmin’s eyes were strange: “Here.”

I don’t know why, even Qin Long gave it to Nucleus. Zhang Zhongmin was still a little bit embarrassed.

Feeling that the atmosphere is not right, Jane silently eats for a round. If Zhang Zhongmin eats here in the future, will he have indigestion every day?

But indigestion is also good, at least not feeling hungry …

“Squad leader Zhang eats here with me, aren’t you afraid that other people think you open a small stove?” Fu Cao said with a smile.

After all, everyone in the base now needs to turn in food and crystal nuclei.

“I also have a mission to go out.” Zhang Zhongmin said coolly, his tone was not very good.

The crystal nuclei and grains handed over by the people at the base are all recorded. Zhang Zhongmin said that he eats here, and the crystal nuclei used are of course his own crystal nuclei.

But speaking of the crystal nucleus, Zhang Zhongmin finally remembered his main purpose of finding Fu Cao.

“I plan to give the people in the base hot meals once every month at the end of the month, and be full. You make a price.”

Fu Cao pouted: “What price are you asking for survivors now? The people here will only increase in the future. The price is now high, you don’t want it, it’s not cost-effective to set it low.”

There are already Tier 2 zombies operating outside, but the people at the base do not know whether it is good luck or what, but they have never encountered Tier 2 zombies.

She was getting tired of the crystal nucleus of the first-order zombies. When thinking of the second-order crystal nucleus, Fu Cao couldn’t help swallowing the saliva.

“…” Zhang Zhongmin slightly twitched his mouth, but thought that the number of people in the base is indeed rising. A thousand crystal nuclei must be impossible: “Then let’s talk about how many crystal nuclei at the end of the next month.”

At the end of next month, according to the current growth, the number of people is likely to reach six or seven thousand, but this number may not be reached.

Fu Cao thought about it for a while while touching his chin: “Three thousand first-order crystal nuclei and ten second-order crystal nuclei.”

“Okay, then three thousand …” Zhang Zhongmin nodded and suddenly felt that something was wrong. He stared at Fu Cao: “What first order and second order?”

A group of people who raised their ears to listen to Zhang Zhongmin and Fu Cao raised their heads one after another, and their expressions became somewhat serious.

But Lu Xun looked a little wrong, and seemed to be in a trance.

Qin Long frowned: “You mean, zombies will advance?”

“Those who have seen the Doomsday novel, should you know it?” Fu Cao took out a crystal white nucleus: “This is the crystal nucleus of the early zombie, which is the first-order crystal nucleus. Now City D has evolved into a second-order zombie It ’s good. But you ’re lucky, you do n’t seem to have run into it. “

Zhang Zhongmin’s hand holding chopsticks suddenly tightened: “Second-order zombie …”

Fu Ke looked at his ugly face and shrugged his shoulders. She hadn’t said that the one who guarded the villa in the villa was almost at the third level.

Tier 1 to Tier 4 zombies are still relatively easy to deal with, because at least there are no abilities.

But once the fifth level is reached, the zombie recovers a bit of wisdom and possesses abilities. Zombies are extremely powerful as soon as they possess abilities, which is different from the step by step progress of human beings.

When the zombie reaches level five, he recovers his consciousness, and the awakening ability is the level five ability.

“The speed of the second-order zombies has evolved, and it is much more sensitive than the first-order zombies. The other changes are not much different from the first-order zombies.” The biggest change of the second-order zombies is speed.

Suddenly got this news, Zhang Zhongmin was not very interested. No matter how delicious things were in front of them, they lost their appetite.

Eating and eating, I still feel a bit bitter.

Fu Cao felt that everyone was in a bad mood, and suddenly stopped talking about the zombie. I don’t know how these people would treat her if they knew she was also a zombie.

She didn’t care about the others, but Fu Cao had to care about Long Ge’s views.

I knew in my heart that this brother Long was different from the previous one, so she didn’t dare to confess.

“I’ll cook noodles for you.” Fu Cao said and walked in.

Jane looked at Zhang Zhongmin in a round: “Squad leader Zhang, if there are second-order zombies, then it will certainly be possible to evolve third-order and fourth-introduction in the future …” As a result, Jane suddenly felt dark.

Zombie evolution must be more and more difficult to deal with, will they really be able to resist by then?

As for abilities, sorry, there are still some abilities in school. But Jane didn’t really see how powerful the powers were. When thinking of this, he couldn’t help but look at Lu Xun.

Lu Xun had the ability, and everyone in the school was very envious. But then gradually discovered that even though he has abilities, it seems that there is not much difference.

It’s not as exaggerated as in the novel, and it even makes people feel vaguely useless.

The pots and steamed rice cabinets delivered to the school have not yet been delivered. Zhang Zhongmin and several people have almost eaten too. The food on the table has been swept away and the noodles have been eaten up.

But Fu Cao is surprised that Lu Xun’s meal is still very large. But this time, although I ate the noodles, the dishes on the table just didn’t move much, it seemed a little absent-minded.

When they were gone, Fu Cao picked up things and washed them.

However, it didn’t take long for a group of people to leave, and Lu Xun, who had just left, turned around and returned. Fu Cao raised an eyebrow and looked back. Sure enough, Lu Xun stood at the door.

“Something?” Lu Xun seemed to have something wrong before, but Fu Cao didn’t know why. I don’t have any thoughts about being an intimate sister.

But Lu Xun came over, apparently wanting to talk to her.

Lu Xun went back and lifted all the crystal nuclei in the locker in his bedroom.

Put the crystal nucleus on the table, the eye circle slightly reddish: “Fu Cao, I’m sorry.”

I’m sorry, but Fu Cao didn’t react for a long time, and he was a little dazed: “What’s wrong with you?”

Lu Xun was relieved to see Fu Cao’s daze. At least she said that today, not for him. But it was still a bit uncomfortable.

Unconsciously, he took what Fu Ke cooked for him as a matter of course.

He used to send the crystal core before, but after sending it twice. He seemed to have forgotten to send the crystal nucleus again.

Because he needs the crystal nucleus to improve his ability, he forgot selectively. And Fu Cao did not remind him.

His life was saved by Fu Cao.

Lu Xun’s eyes were a bit sour, even though Fu Ke didn’t understand why he apologized, but he understood. He almost became his most hated white-eyed wolf.

“This is for you.” Lu Xun firmly gave the crystal core to Fu Cao.

“You keep it, you still need these crystal nuclei.” Long Ge said that human use of crystal nuclei will have side effects, but Fu Ke is not sure whether it is true.

“When I was out on a mission, I killed zombies and dug crystal nuclei. This is for you.” Lu Xun gritted his teeth: “Thank you for cooking me for so long.”

Thank you for saving me.

Lu Xun did not say the latter sentence. His life cannot be offset by hundreds of crystal nuclei.

“That’s it …” Fu Hao looked at him hesitantly, as if to see if he was serious: “Well, this is your food expenses, and you will eat here like Long Brother. “

After talking, she showed a big smile.

“No, I don’t mean that.” Lu Xun was dumbfounded. He obviously gave it to Fu Cao.

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