Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 116


Suddenly engulfed by the black mist, Fu Cao uttered a miserable scream. She felt her skin and body seemed to be in pain from being shattered by corpses. However, she could clearly feel that every inch of her skin and bones were separated. feel.

It hurt terribly, and felt clear and horrible.

The point is, she can’t do anything if she wants to faint. She can only bear the pain that makes her unbearable.

The spatial fluctuations are more intense, and Fu Cao, who is surrounded by black mist, emits a dazzling red light, but the red light is suddenly looming.

At this moment, a black hole suddenly appeared in this gray place, and a strong suction force wanted to **** in Diss.

Diss was startled and turned to face the black hole. The powerful suction made people completely unresistant. He continued to use lightning to attack and the black mist corroded. But it’s useless.

Even the attack was swallowed by the black hole.

Like a devil’s mouth, everything must be swallowed into it.

Diss wanted to catch something in a hurry, but couldn’t catch anything. In the end, Diss could not bear the curse, but was dragged into it by the black hole.

At the moment of being swallowed by the black hole, Diss finally thought about everything he had forgotten.


When Lan Zhi was arrested for the experiment, two personalities were differentiated. The two personalities, regardless of primary or secondary, control this body.

Lan Zhi was not originally a dark power, but because of the appearance of a second personality, the power was transformed into a dark power.

It’s a pity, because Lan Sheng was corroded by the dark power. Therefore, Lan Zhi abandoned the second personality and abandoned the dark power.

And the second personality is Diss. He was sealed by Lan Zhi’s ruthlessness. Suddenly hatred sky, but no matter how he got rid of it can not get rid of Lan Zhi.

Occasionally, Disce discovered that there was some fluctuation between himself and the dark power and time. But I couldn’t get rid of Lan Zhi myself, and I couldn’t study this fluctuation at all.

That’s why I carefully experimented with Lan Zhi’s hand.

The first one is Fu Cao, then Qin Long and the thin man. Seemingly aware of something, Lan Zhi’s seal on him became stricter afterwards. So much so that he didn’t have time to make trouble later.

Fortunately, a tortured day appeared, so that Diss could appear at a critical juncture. Using only the remaining ability to communicate time, I didn’t expect to return myself and the capital of Lan.

Lan Zhi seems to have forgotten about the second personality, and Diss has forgotten everything.

I think of my association with time. Diss was too late to do something, and was completely swallowed by the black hole.

A van was swaying slowly on the road.

Lan Zhi hummed and swayed the steering wheel, causing the car to run like a drunk, twisting and twisting. Gu Ming, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was already weak.

He began to endure not speaking, but now it is really intolerable.

“To kill or to stab, a happy one. Please don’t torture me like that!”

Lan Zhi looked at Gu Ming with surprise: “But if I rescued you if it was not easy, why did you ask me to torture you? Hey, it’s really good intentions and bad rewards.”

Was it changed from the hand of another zombie to the hand of this zombie? Is there a difference?

It seems to be a little different, because he and this zombie don’t seem to have any hatred.

Gu Ming looked at the soft bed behind the van. The girl with white skin was lying there quietly for more than a day. She hadn’t seen her open her eyes.

Her skin was white, but she was rosy in white. She was wearing a white skirt, and her already fair skin was even fairer. Long eyelashes, like two small fans placed on the eyes.

“Hey, what are you looking at?” Lan Zhi glanced at Gu Ming.

“Is she still alive?” Gu Ming doubted. Was the girl who looked like she was asleep really alive?

“Because nonsense, be careful I bite you.” Lan Zhi looked at Gu Ming uncomfortably, but when the **** eyes looked at Fu Cao through the rearview mirror, his eyes were a bit sad.

Had it not been for her breath to change, Lan Zhi could not help but this person was Fu Cao.

The appearance is still the same, but the height and age seem to shrink a few years. It looks like a little loli in her twenties.

He brought out Gu Ming, who was comatose in the laboratory, and when he came out, he saw Fu Cao lying on the ground.

Until Gu Ming was awake, Fu Cao was not awake.

He didn’t know what happened to Fu Cao before, and he didn’t know how Fu Cao became like this in a short time. He was a little skeptical.

With such Fu Ke back, can they really know Fu Ke?

The speed was fast when I came, and when I went back, I drove slowly, and I just walked on the road for ten days. Gu Ming, who was walking, almost collapsed.

At this time, they finally reached the Chaoyang base.

Gu Ming, who almost got off the bus, never wanted to get on the bus again.

A month later.

Fu Cao finally woke up. She was a little confused when she opened her eyes. It took a while before she lifted the quilt and went out. I recognized at a glance that this was the Chaoyang base.

She patted her head, a little dazed, what happened?

“Xiao Bai! Are you finally awake?” The thin man saw Fu Cao from a distance and rushed over and hugged Fu Cao in a circle.

Fu Cao was so scared that he grabbed the thin man’s arm and said in horror: “Skinny, why are you tall?”

The smile on the thin man’s face came to an abrupt end, and he looked at Fu Cao several times. Then he said: “That … no, I didn’t grow tall. Don’t you think the base has changed a lot?”

Fu Cao remembered that she felt the bed was high when she got out of bed. When I came out, I felt as if everything was a lot bigger than before, including the thin people.

Suddenly stretched out his hand, looking at his slender little hand, could not help but squeeze with the other hand.

It seems that it is not that the skinny has grown bigger, but that she has shrunk. Fu Cao was a little bit embarrassed for a time, how could she shrink? I recalled my previous memories.

Staying at the time when Diss can use the same black mist as Lan Zhi, he immediately took a breath.

However, it seemed to be choked loudly by something.

The thin man was busy giving water to Fu Cao, and Fu Cao after drinking several sips of water reacted. Then frowning, she is more sensitive to the source of infection in the air, which is not a good thing.

“How did I come back? Lanzhi?” Fu Cao asked.

“Lanzhi? He said he went to the city to take over the zombies.” At first Lanzhi wanted to bring the zombies, but he thought that Fu Cao not only wanted to take the zombies, but also human beings. Come here, there is no human living area, so I decided to stay in t city.

Fu Cao nodded: “Is Gu Ming rescued?”

The thin man nodded: “Gu Ming is fine, he has already started his research. I don’t know what Lan Zhi did when he brought people back. Zhang Zhongmin originally wanted to take him to City B, but this person refused to ride in a car. , And then stayed at the Chaoyang Base. “

In the end, Zhang Zhongmin went back as many as they came.

Fu Cao nodded: “I have a rest first.”

The thin man looked awkward when she just woke up. There is no doubt that he hastened Fu Kehui to rest in the room.

After the thin man left, Fu Cao took out some fruits from the space and ate some, then he felt his mental state.

Released, the whole earth seemed to be taken by her eyes, crazy and scary.

Her body is no longer her own, she still remembers the feeling of being corroded by Diss at that time. In order to protect her, space contributed all the energy of the space. Because of the lack of energy, the black hole was activated, and Diss was consumed as an energy source.

This is what caused her mad growth.

And her body is materialized from space. It can be said that Fu Ke is not the master of space, she is space, and space is her.

But so far, Fu Cao has not felt how different he is from before. It just shrank a lot.

She narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Then he coughed violently again. Although it is physicalized in space, it is essentially the same as her previous body. She is what she should be, except for her age.

Mentality accurately saw where Gu Ming was, he was studying the virus vaccine, the second goal after the nutrient solution, and the research goal of the purification solution was set after the virus vaccine.

Gu Ming refused to leave, and Zhang Zhongmin sent all the researchers at the Blu-ray base very quickly.

At first, the researchers were unwilling, but they were sent by force. At this time, they were very moisturized at the Chaoyang base, because Feng Han and they would cook for them every day in a trick.

Fu Cao couldn’t help laughing. But he couldn’t help thinking of Diss.

Sighed slightly, if not space. She should really be dead, but there is room. But she couldn’t help thinking, what is the origin of this space?

The end is hard.

The reputation of Chaoyang Base quickly spread, and many people who were courageous began to come to Chaoyang Base.

After Qin Long asked Zhang Zhongmin about his management methods, Chaoyang Base gradually began to follow the blue light base. On the other side of City T, after Lan Zhi took over, he released the former captives.

Who knows, Lan Zhi, who was originally trying to let them go, was scolded by the **** dog.

But that’s the case, Lan Zhi did not continue to raise them, drove out of the base to let them die. Then he began to let the zombies collect useful things from Fu Cao’s side in exchange for crystal nuclei. Eat for zombies.

And began to repair the T city base, because there is no Diss, and the T city base has no power. Lan Zhi got the generator again.

The dome was packed by Lan Zhi’s suit, and was forced by Lan Zhi to replace the suit that was followed by Diss. Wearing sports clothes, he was ran up and down every day at the command of Lan Zhi.

Two years later, the virus vaccine research was successful.

After another four years, Gu Ming finally worked out the purification liquid. At this time, Fu Cao has developed allergy to the virus, and the white skin will rash.

Fortunately, the purification fluid studied by Gu Ming finally succeeded.

In the past few years, humans have almost flocked to two bases. The blue light base in City B, and Fu Chao’s Chaoyang base. Except for Fu Cao, all other zombies were summoned by Lan Zhi to T City.

The entire city of T seems to be suffering from corpses, and all are densely packed with zombies.

But there are Fu Cao and Lan Zhi. The three bases are safe together and there is no conflict.

Most humans go to city B with nutrient solution. Later, Gu Ming also researched various flavors.

A few of them were courageous and stayed at the Chaoyang base. Here, as long as you work hard to work, you can eat normal food, and you can buy fresh vegetables and fruits.

Despite the purification fluid, the source of infection in the water in the soil and the source of infection in the air have been purified. But the land is still deteriorating.

The taste of the fruits and vegetables planted is hard to swallow. Compared to the nutrient solution, it is simply dark.

So people in city B would rather drink nutrient solution than grow vegetables. Then I couldn’t help but admire the Chaoyang Base, where I can eat normal fruits, vegetables and meat.

But this thing is scary and expensive compared to nutrient solution.

From time to time, people with space abilities in City B went to Chaoyang Base to buy ingredients, and returned to City B to sell them at a high price to make money.

However, there are many female powers, and few women without powers. Female abilities are difficult to get pregnant, while ordinary women are very easy to get pregnant.

A woman without abilities, called a purebred human, is now the object of human protection, just like the protection of rare animals. After all, they have become a hope for humanity to continue.

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