Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 I Don’T Agree (Repair)

Two months ago, there was a shocking story in the upper circles of the capital. A junior of the Qi family contacted the doctor privately and removed the female monarch’s wings without any external damage. In order to avoid panic, the Qi family suppressed this matter, but it still spread in a small area.

After that, it was not known who broke the Internet, and there were three cases of vicious imitation.

Mia, as an abnormal male who sympathizes with the females, is highly nervous about this kind of news.

It is said that if someone pulls the collar inexplicably, everyone will be angry. But Song Bai knew Mia’s nature and didn’t care much. Just as he was about to ask him what he was talking about, not far away, a female worm and a sub-female approached one after the other.

The female in front was tall and burly, with dark skin and a lean body, but his attitude was respectful and careful, “Mr. Song, have you performed an amputation operation for the female gentleman?”

Song Bai asked, “Who are you?”

The female behind stabbed the female in dissatisfaction and handed Song Bai a stamped document, politely saying: “Mr. Song, I am the president of the Male Insect Protection Association, this is the chief of the Jiangcheng Police Department, we are here. The purpose is to decentralize punishment measures to the criminal Sardin for harming the male worm, the director will implement it, and I will be responsible for supervision and video recording.”

Song Bai: “Xiong Bao?”

The president said: “Exactly.”

The male protection is a unique organization on the bug star. It is different from the women’s protection association on the blue star, which has no real power. It is subordinate to the judicial authority and has certain powers. As long as the male bug is involved in the case, they will appear. For example, last time, before Song Bai was sent to the hospital, Xiong Bao was the first to arrive at the scene. Now, Xiong Bao is responsible for monitoring and recording.

However, in the Zerg novel, as long as Xiongbao appeared, it would be bad for the protagonist Shou.

Song Bai flipped through the document twice and confirmed the conjecture: “You want to punish my female monarch? What kind of punishment?”

The director is familiar with the whole process of the case. Although he felt that the punishment was too heavy for the female worm, he still explained: “It can also be said. But we act in accordance with the rules and regulations. The thing about worms must be…”

The president patted the director. He had great pity for the male worm who had been hurt by the female worm in front of him, and could understand his impatient mood, and took the words: “Mr. Song, we only see criminals when Punishment measures can only be announced, and they cannot be announced until you see your lady.” He patted the box and smiled thoughtfully, “There are rules.”

The chairman’s smile made both Song Bai and Miya very uncomfortable.

Song Bai returned to his indifferent look, he waved his hand: “Come on.”

The president followed closely, and the director couldn’t bear it, but he didn’t say anything. After all, as long as the case involved male worms, the position of the president of the male security was definitely listed above the director, no matter how sympathetic he was to the female worm. There is no way.

Mia was interrupted for questioning just now. He was so angry that he stomped his feet and wanted to just stay here, but he couldn’t bear to worry. After all, Sardin was his spiritual idol for many years, and Song Bai had no positive attitude before. In response, he was still afraid of the operation, and he followed.

To the door of the ward, the military police faithfully guarded.

Seeing Song Bai, they breathed a sigh of relief, and when they saw the three insects behind Song Bai, they became alert again.

Song Bai stood at the door, opened the door lightly, and pointed inside: “See for yourself.”

The president squinted his eyes for a while, and was pushed away by the director behind. Seeing that Sadin was lying on the bed, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Mia squeezed in from behind and saw that Sardin was in good condition, and tugged at Song Bai’s sleeve in dissatisfaction: “Sir, it’s fine, why are you bluffing me?”

Song Bai glanced at him, lightly, and withdrew his gaze.

Mia felt the irony inside, and he pulled Song Bai again. At the same time, the president was pushing the door to get in, and Song Bai pinched his arm.

“Just for you to see.”

Only let you see, not let you in.

From just now, I felt that the attitude of the male insect was a bit strange, and it turned out to be deliberately defending the criminal female.

The chairman laughed a little stiffly. As the chairman of Xiongbao at Mingzhou headquarters, the reason why he came to the Jiangcheng branch this time was because the impact of this incident was too bad. Otherwise, he would really not be able to drive him, the leader of a state, to follow Ming. The state capital traveled thousands of miles to the border town. Besides, as the president, he has always claimed to be the friend of the male worm, and it is the first time that he has eaten here.

The president smiled and said, “Sir, this is…”

“What kind of punishment?” Song Bai said lightly.

“According to the regulations, we can only hand down the punishment to the criminals alone, and you can see when we are done.” The president thought that the male was trying to understand the punishment and explained patiently.

Song Bai didn’t believe his nonsense, didn’t he understand what he wrote? In the book, after Xiongbao came, Sadin’s mental state fell from the humble moment of facing the hero to despair. If it was said that the penalty had no starting effect during the period, he would not believe it.

“Then show it to me first.”

The president restrained his smile, knowing that the male worm was really protecting the female worm, and was dissatisfied: “Sir, you are hindering us.”

“That’s my queen, and I have the right to know what punishment you’re going to give him.”

The president really doesn’t understand what this male is thinking, defending a criminal who hurt him?

Finally, he sighed and explained, “The fact that the hero cannot be present during the sentence is also for your consideration.”

After all, this punishment was also used for the first time on females who harmed the male lord. In the past, it has been used on those criminals who have committed crimes with extraordinary results. However, considering the relationship between Sadin and Song Bai’s future husband and wife, the above specially instructed that the males must not be present to see them, so as not to completely dislike the females.

“I’ll ask again, what punishment?” Song Bai paused, his eyes penetrating.

The president’s attitude towards the males was completely annoyed. He had never been hurt before, and he was so rushing to protect the females by cutting prices.

Seeing that the momentum was not right, the director hurried up to smooth things out, “President, the rules are dead, the bugs are alive, don’t obsess about these dead rules.”

As the director, he was indeed unavoidable to condemn Sardin, but on the way, he heard a lot of boundless guesses from the president, saying that the nature of female insects is not good, and that they should not be female monarchs. As a married female, he knew that the accident was an accident, and he felt a little sympathetic to Sardin. Just now, when I suddenly heard that Song Bai might have performed an amputation operation on Sadin, he knocked over the cup in shock. Now that he saw that Sadin was fine, the president really hated it, so he couldn’t help but say a few words to help.

Song Bai responded quickly. The director and Song Bai sang in harmony. The head of the chairman was dazed, and he couldn’t help saying: “Then, let’s go together.”

Entering the room, Sardin stood up in surprise: “Master!”

He looked at the two insects in front of him vigilantly, and then suddenly another dwarf came in. Sardin relaxed and said with a smile, “Mia.”

Mia is the younger brother of his best friend.

Mia just wanted to ask Song Bai why he didn’t say hello and suddenly came in. Hearing Sardin’s words, he walked over to his bed and said embarrassedly, “Hello, sir.”

The chairman turned on the camera, intending to let Mia go away, and suddenly said: “Are you… the second young master of the You family?”

The director lives in Jiangcheng all the year round, and while opening the box briskly, he said, “You family? There is no You family in Jiangcheng.”

The president rubbed the corners of his eyes and forced himself to endure: “It’s not Jiangcheng, it’s Kyoto!”

The director’s hand paused, and he almost trembled from the bottom of his heart.

The You family is the last and the youngest of the four aristocratic families in Kyoto. Anyone who pays a little attention to the Kyoto family knows that the youngest generation of the You family has only two worms, the eldest son of the female worm Youshen, and the youngest of the male worm Mia. Counting the age, it is exactly the same as the worm in front of him.

Jiangcheng is just a small town, and it can’t even be close to the capital. As a result, the two descendants of the family are now concentrated in this small ward.

You family, Song Bai looked at Miya and suddenly remembered a detail.

A few years later, Allen seems to have married into the You family.

One is a stinky, rude and reckless male, and the other is a mature, capable and hot-tempered female. I really don’t know how the two came together.

Over there, the director read out a document first, and then took out the black device in the box.

Song Bai’s awake eyes suddenly widened.

That is a complete set of electronic anklet device.

In Lanxing, this law had already been popularized in the era he lived in. However, in order to prevent people with previous sexual crimes from committing crimes again, the court forced them to wear electronic anklets, so that the public security organs could supervise and track them 24 hours a day. There was once a radio station dedicated to filming the suffering of these criminals in their daily lives, with the intention of calling for humanitarianism, but once it was broadcast, it aroused the disgust of all audiences, including Song Bai at the time.

Song Bai clearly remembers that people wearing electronic anklets dare not socialize, go to the doctor, or step out of the house. As long as they leave the fixed area for a few tens of centimeters, there will be continuous electronic alarms, as well as non-stop electronic alarms from the police. video calls and inquiries. They say they are afraid of the strange look from others when the alarm goes off, and that feeling is not as good as going to jail.

The edited documentary magnifies the pain and misery of this group of criminals.

However, all the audience, including Song Bai, were like a mirror. They wear them because they seriously violate human morality and the bottom line of the law.

They are self-inflicted and deserved! This kind of scum should be extinct at birth, and it is best not to be born at all.

But what about Sardin?

Sardin led these troops to guard the front line and defended this planet. His twenty-four years of life were pure and innocent, without any smudges. Some of them were just illustrious military exploits and honors.

However, how can such a Sardin be equal to those scumbags who commit crimes?

How could this be?

Song Bai involuntarily held down the director’s hand and said, “Speak the last paragraph of the document again.”

The director did not know why, and repeated: “The wearing time is not less than three years, and the cross-city trip must be reported to the local police station in advance, and keep a distance of more than 50 centimeters from other male insects outside the home…”

Sardin lowered his head and squeezed the quilt, his heart was as barren as an icefield.

Since he was a child, because of his father, he had seen those criminals, and he also knew what kind of life they lived.

He had heard a bit of news earlier that he would use a new type of punishment this time. He knew all about the punishments the Legion used every year. . Unexpectedly, the punishment was so severe this time that it directly passed the punishment and changed it to a mental punishment.

But so what?

If it is a person with strong self-esteem, it must be quite cruel, and life is also very difficult.

At the age of four, his mother asked him to run several kilometers in ice and snow. He would still cry at that time, and he would still make trouble, shouting to find the male father.

But the mother-in-law ignored it and kept going.

The eyes of the passersby gathered around him. He seemed to be a scourge. They accused him, saying how could the little female worm cry, how could she be fooling around.

Finally, he wiped away his tears and staggered forward, following in his father’s footsteps.

His self-esteem and face had long been lost in the snow trek at the age of four.

It won’t be too hard for him.

Sadin apologized, “I’m sorry, Director, I’m sorry to trouble you.”

He said again: “Master, please take Mia out first.”

It’s just that the hero is present, he will have some concerns.

He didn’t want to provoke the lord’s disgust in front of the lord, like a heinous criminal.

The director, the president, and Sardin all looked at Song Bai. Mia, who didn’t know the electronic anklet, was not sure, so she listened to Sardin and went out, and pulled Song Bai by the way.

Song Bai remained motionless.

“I disagree.”

Words are like thousands of pounds.

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