Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

A few days later, Song Bai finally squeezed all the textbook knowledge into his head before the dead end, and his head was so dizzy that even Feili almost didn’t react when he said that he was going to sign a contract with the website today.

Seeing that the president did not move, Fei Li still held a fluke and said expectantly: “President, are you ready to go back on your words?”

“Whatever regrets, they should come, go, go to the conference room.” Song Bai lifted his legs and left.

Seeing that the boat was done, Fei Li’s dream was completely shattered, and he followed listlessly, mourning that a high-quality project was just ruined on the garbage network without insects.

When the dust of this project is settled, he must jump to a company that will never invest in online video.

Naturally, Fei Li wouldn’t know that in just two months, he would be as addicted to the Internet as the young bug, holding the terminal all day long to swipe.

Pushing open the door of the conference room, the worm who was waiting inside turned his head. It turned out to be not the boss of the online video platform he had video communication with yesterday, but another face that all production companies were familiar with and even wanted.

It is the person in charge of the project program of Kyoto Satellite TV.

Fei Li almost screamed out on the spot, but it was Song Bai, who had been busy reciting textbooks these days, and gave Fei Li full authority to talk about the contract, so he didn’t know him. He glanced at Fei Li with a slightly reproachful look. His rude.

Song Baizhen couldn’t be bothered by the textbook, and he didn’t even have much patience. After receiving the contract, he handed it over to Fei Li with confidence, saying that you can sign it if there is no problem.

The person in charge of the other party was dumbfounded. It was the first time he saw such a carefree and careless person. He hurriedly said, “No rush, no rush. We can make a decision after reading it. If we are not satisfied, we can talk again.”

talk again? Song Bai heard that the dark circles under his eyes were getting worse. If we talk about it again, and then catch up with his school opening ceremony, make-up exams, and a mess of transferring departments, how can I be so busy?

Rejection: “Since it has been discussed before, there is no need to delay any more time.”

The responsible worm thought that Song Bai was mocking the last time he came to talk but broke the contract. It was indeed his fault, and his face couldn’t help but feel a little more embarrassed: “After all, after all, we are subordinates, and it is really not good to go against it. .”

Pointing to the contract, “Look again, the new director attaches great importance to this cooperation, and deliberately added a lot of support clauses.”

The other party said so, and Song Bai couldn’t push it any further. After reading it from beginning to end, the cooperation on Heart Dao Insect Star was really honest and honest, and even the proposed contract didn’t dig a little hole.

It was an unexpected joy to have such preferential treatment, Song Bai nodded. Just when I saw the Kyoto radio station printed on Party A’s signature, I was distracted for a moment.

Jingwei, the full name of the online video platform is also called this?

Immediately before writing, I suddenly reacted, where is this online video platform? It is clearly the Kyoto Satellite TV itself, which has been requested before!

Song Bai’s mind went blank for a rare moment.

He apologized, took Fei Li out of the conference room, and asked in the corridor, “What’s the matter, aren’t we talking about an online platform?”

Feili was even more confused than him, and asked back, “Isn’t it a surprise prepared by the president?”

The two stared at each other for a while, until the secretary who arrived late did not explain everything.

It turned out that the person in charge of the online platform did come in the morning, but left in a hurry after answering a phone call. The secretary asked by phone, but the other party was very angry, saying that since they had already been appointed by Jingwei, why did they still play with them and waste each other’s time.

The secretary was also at a loss. It was not until the person in charge of Jingwei arrived that he learned that the new director had taken office. He was eager to make some achievements, so he picked up the project of cooperation with Song that was rejected by the previous director. Because I heard that this high-quality project is about to fall into the hands of others, the new director simply contacted the online platform directly, and simply said that it had been decided by Jingwei, and let them not be boring.

The secretary was a little angry when he first heard about it, but with such a high position in the Jingwei industry, the joy completely dispelled the unhappiness, “It’s a coincidence, it can’t be more coincidental, the previous director killed our cooperation, and the new director arrived. I picked it up again, which is really a great luck.” The secretary was very emotional.

Fei Li also followed with a happy expression of “God really is on my side”.

It was Song Bai, who frowned and didn’t know what to think.

Military Department, Office of the Major General of the Fourth Army.

Sardin sat behind his desk to review documents, his adjutant Ping sat on the sofa not far away, and his seventeenth sigh could be heard in the air.

Sardin stopped writing and looked up at Xiang Ping: “Isn’t that just calling you back in advance, as for torturing me here?”

Ping quickly denied Sanlian, “No, how dare I, how is it possible!”

Sardin closed his pen, his eyes were sharp, but his tone was gentle: “Then why are you sighing?”

The commander actually learned to ask other insects about their minds? What happened in the month he was gone!

Ping is full of doubts, but it is rare to bring some comfort from the old father: Look, my elders will also care about people.

He happily cooperated and said, “It’s just that the military merit is too little.”

However, after being relieved, when I thought of the long list of goals, I almost didn’t cry.

Sardin glanced at him suspiciously and threw his terminal over, “Just change whatever you like in the mall, don’t take your life.”

The mall is a special system within the army based on the exchange of military merit, whether it is a physical object, such as a physical art book, or a virtual one: a blind date with a male of the right age, or transfer to a special position, covering various fields, a Everything is available.

“It’s good to have what I like,” Ping sighed. The promotion opportunity he wanted could not be bought from the mall with military skills.

“Not even in the mall? How much military merit are you looking for? It’s not enough for me to turn you around.” Sardin frowned.

“You don’t have to, military merit is just numbers, it’s no use turning me on… I’ll go, sir, you didn’t inherit your military merit from the God of War, right?!”

The series of numbers on the terminal completely smashed Ping into dizziness.

Talking about his female father, a flash of sadness flashed across Sardin’s face. He got up and walked over, took the terminal away again, and put it on his wrist again, “Don’t say it earlier, I won’t bother to take it off.”

Ping was left speechless by his backlash, it was obviously the sir who threw it to me on your own initiative! Why do you blame me on my head?

Because of the commander’s majesty, he stopped talking, and instead asked the purpose of the trip and why Sardin asked him to come back early.

“There is a shadow of a male worm in the band of thieves in the area you are in. It’s still an adult. It is suspected that it was plundered by the band of thieves.”

Sardin said lightly, but Ping felt a layer of cold sweat behind him. It is not uncommon for the anti-robbery team to rectify the law on the spot for thieves. However, in the hail of bullets, it is not surprising that if the male worm makes a mistake, let alone the military merits, he is sued by the male bail to the Supreme Court, and he sits in prison.

Ping touched the back of his cold hand, feeling scared for a while, and thanked Sadin with lingering fears.

“Thank you, it’s unnecessary. I’ll be there in two days. You just happened to tell me about the local situation.”

Ping sat up all of a sudden, shocked: “Sir, didn’t you say you are going to be a master-husband, why do you want to go on an extraterrestrial mission?”

Those who want to be masters will work in the military department close to home, while for extraterrestrial missions, only those who want to be promoted or accumulate military merit will apply specially.

Sardin leaned back on the chair and pinched the corner of his eyes: “It’s just a deal.”

“Who can force you to do things you don’t want to do…”

“My mother-in-law.”

Ping’s words got stuck in his throat. Sean, the **** of war, is the existence that all military females look up to. Although he wanted to solve Sardin, it was a pity that the internal affairs of the aristocratic family were not yet his turn to be a worm.

“During this time, please accompany your hero.” Before leaving, Sardin finally warned.

As soon as Ping left, Sardin lost his capable look, hugged his knees and huddled in the seat, looking sluggish.

That night, Sardin agreed to the director’s deal, but unfortunately, the female father saw through the purpose, and found that his ulterior motives female father was very angry. The company started, and Sardin panicked. It was the male father’s request that the female father reluctantly agreed. It’s just that the female father still put forward a quid pro quo, asking him to go outside the star and bring back the male worms in the thieves group safely.

To go outside the star, to leave the hero, just thinking about these two things, Sadin is annoying.

Not to mention the **** additional condition for the male to pick two sub-females.

The extraterrestrial journey will be less than ten days and a half months. During this period, not only will you not be able to see the male lord, but also tolerate the young and beautiful female female to take care of the male lord.

Just thinking about it makes my heart break.

Sardin buried his face between his arms, trying to draw the last ounce of warmth from the cloth.

It’s not that he hasn’t considered the matter of serving the hero, why now, he’s **** hypocritical.

Xiao family.

Jingshan stood in front of the one-person-high potted plant, carefully trimmed the branches and leaves of the kumquat tree, heard the footsteps behind him, and said without turning his head, “Are you ready?”

The housekeeper respectfully said: “Everything is ready, I will wait for the uncle to send it to the new residence after school starts.”

“Have you said hello to Xiao Er’s boss?”

“Yes, the second young master’s spaceship unexpectedly stays for two more days, and the location happens to be the uncle’s university.”

“Just right?” Jing Shan raised his eyebrows, not satisfied.

The housekeeper follows suit: “It was an accident.”

Jingshan nodded and returned his attention to the potted plants.

The housekeeper didn’t leave, he stood there and lingered, and finally couldn’t help saying: “But, sir.”

Jingshan: “What?”

“Are you really good to the second young master?”

The housekeeper has been with Jingshan for many years, and what happened that day did not avoid him at all.

After hearing the second young master’s plea, the master immediately guessed the second young master’s purpose. The lord originally just didn’t want to pay attention, but he still obeyed the words of the master and made an angry look, easily grasping the weakness of the second young master. The purpose is just to make Er Shao recognize the reality and work hard.

However, the sadness revealed by the second young master really touched the heart of the housekeeper who had watched him grow up since he was a child.

Jingshan’s tone was rarely cold: “Xiao Er is confused because he is young, why are you confused? It’s not for him, I have to wait two years.”

Jingshan’s words were like a shock to the butler, and he reacted instantly: “Master, you started the layout two years ago…”

Jingshan snorted and threw the scissors, “I thought you were smart enough, but ended up blindfolded like him.”

“Little Er looks cute, but in fact he just doesn’t care. Once he has something he cares about, being as tough as Sean will only make him more determined. It’s better to take some time to grind it slowly until he sees it clearly. The nature of male insects is extremely disappointing, so they naturally give up.”

No wonder the master didn’t deal with it after the last accident. Instead, he asked them to sign a three-year non-divorce agreement. All this is to let the second young master’s disappointment with the uncle quietly ferment. When the second young master is completely disappointed, but he has to be tied together in the marriage, after a long time, a life without emotion, no matter how deep the love is. Worn out.

Looking at Jingshan with graceful posture, the butler felt a little cold in his palms for the first time.

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