Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Seeing Fengji clasping his arms and posing like he was watching a good show, Sardin responded that Fengji did it on purpose.

The mineral water bottle under his feet kicked out and hit Fengji’s feet. It looked light and weak, but Fengji stumbled.

“I care about you!” Fengji stumbled, almost lost his footing, and protested.

“Don’t talk about it, just get down to business.” Sardin ordered imposingly.

Fengji looked left and right, but could not find the slightest embarrassment from Sardin. While shaking his head, he lamented the ruthlessness of the years, and took away the younger brother who was young and cute, and his face was red when he was teased.

Sardin took a deep breath and tried his best to ignore the shame of mentioning X afterwards. It’s just that in a place where Fengji can’t see, he unconsciously kneads the fabric on the cuff repeatedly with his hands, and I’m afraid they have kneaded a bunch of folds.

“Business?” Fengji sneered suddenly and sat on the sofa, “Since it was made by the You family, why don’t you go to Xiao Rong to solve it.”

“Fengji, that’s my uncle.” Sardin frowned.

“Would You Jiachong agree without him nodding?” Fengji folded his arms and leaned against the back of the sofa, “I don’t understand, how could you be so close to that shameless guy and forget who killed you? The female father has been fined for a full half a month?”

Two years ago, Sardin fell in love with the male who is now the hero, but Xiao Rong saw it and talked a lot. At that time, the female father wanted Sardin to inherit the family, and always asked Sardin to be strict with himself and not talk about marriage. When Fengji was still regarded as the heir when he was ten years old, he was severely reprimanded by the female father for giving flowers to the male worm at the same table.

For the twenty-two-year-old Sardin, he was furious and threw him into the correctional room of the military for half a month, making Sardin swear never to see the male again.

However, no one expected that the always obedient and obedient Sardin kept his mouth shut tightly, resolutely refused to swear, and kept carrying it all the time until the male father, who was inspecting the news, came back in a hurry, and the punishment ended. .

“He hurt you so badly, you don’t think he’s too much?”

Fengji recalled the miserable appearance of Sardin lying on the hospital bed with injuries all over his body. Even if he and Sardin had been injected with physical enhancement drugs since childhood, he couldn’t help shivering.

Sardin frowned, “It’s my fault first, I can’t blame others.”

The female father repeatedly mentioned his face, but he was greedy for the warmth of the male lord, which disappointed the female father in the end.

Moreover, for the male lord, he will disappoint the female father even more.

“It’s just your temper, huh, no wonder they wanted you in the end.” Sighing the past, Fengji stretched out his hands on the back of the sofa, and explained to him with his legs crossed, “A small station master, for the family, But the matter of saying hello. The trouble is, the last person to greet him was the head of the You family. The father is suitable. First, the female father is a female worm, and the face-saving scheme between the male worms does not work. Second, the relationship between you and your male master is there, and the relationship between you and the You family seems to be acceptable. Makes sense.”

Fengji let out a long sigh, “You chose a difficult copy for yourself.”

It is not difficult for the “God of War” who can create illustrious military exploits to bow down to a trivial matter of his own juniors.

Fengji couldn’t help but be curious: “That little guy is still good, but you can’t go wrong with your mother’s father for him.”

Sardin didn’t start, and stopped looking at him.

“Okay, don’t blame me for not warning you.” After reading what Sardin meant, Fengji stopped persuading him, and sent Sardin to the door himself, rubbing his hand on the top of his hair. Just, don’t be hard.”

Sardin lowered his head and hummed, Fengji sent him out, and looking at Sardin’s back, Fengji said to himself: “The heir he is optimistic about has repeatedly angered outsiders, I really look forward to your expression. ”

Sardin had a simple personality and limited contact. He believed whatever he said, and he never thought that as long as he showed his family identity, let alone a small station director, he was the head of a state, and he had to make concessions.

“You are old, you have a lot of military exploits, why don’t you understand, only I am your pride.” Fengji sneered and turned to close the door.

Sardin had just rested for a while after returning home, thinking about how to deal with his father’s affairs, when the little assistant came over and said that the director had come to invite him to the tea party again.

Sadin felt strange. The director was inexplicably warm to him when they moved in, and when he went back to work, he would invite him every now and then.

The tea party is actually a small gathering of full-time female monarchs. The residents of this community are all middle and upper class, and there is no complicated housework to consume physical strength. The energetic females naturally want to find a way to relax. The elegant and graceful drinking coffee and chatting have become sought after by the females. ‘s favorite.

“I don’t have time, please refuse…Wait, bring me the business card I asked you to receive before.” Sadin suddenly remembered something.

The little assistant came back with something, and put a thick stack of business cards on the table, “It’s all here.”

Sardin watched one by one, until he picked out the one of the director, Xiongzhu.

“That’s it!” Sardin put the business card in his pocket and said, “Master Xiong came back and told him that I’m going to the tea party.”

The little assistant looked at the rapidly changing face of the lord, and scratched his head.

Isn’t it Zhang TV’s business card, as for it?

When Sardin arrived, three or five females were already holding coffee, and listening to the director’s soft-spoken talk, he nodded arrogantly from time to time.

Just as soon as Sardin came in, his arrogance instantly melted away, and he greeted him with a kind smile and greeted him with some respect.

Beside the director was the unmarried female brother Awen. He was stunned when he saw such a transformation. It was not until the director pushed him that he came back to his senses and looked at Sa, who was surrounded by the ladies in the center. Ding, very unpleasantly went to order the waiter to prepare coffee snacks.

Sardin was accustomed to being stared at by the female insects, and didn’t think anything was wrong. He took the coffee from the waiter and listened to their speeches.

Most of the female monarchs are female worms, so the topic naturally leads to Sardin at the center of the female worm. Asking about strength, record, and military headquarters, it is not enough for Sardin to be quiet for a while.

At this moment, there was even a worm eager to try, wanting to test Sardin’s strength, and Sardin also accompanied him off the field and set up a ring in the courtyard.

It was hot for a while.

Awen looked awkward: “What a mess he made a good tea party!”

The director smiled lightly, “This is what a female gentleman’s tea party should look like.”

Awen disliked: “Noisy.”

Director: “The female worms in the female gentleman look down on the female female. What kind of attitude do they have towards me? You haven’t understood it these days?”

Awen struggled to refute, but what he saw these days was indeed the case, and he was discouraged, “Brother, you don’t need to please him so much!”

The director smiled and shook his head, “When you get married, you will know the difficulty of the female monarch.”

If he is like a sub-woman, if he wants to occupy a place in the circle of female monarchs, he can only be careful to both sides, but if he climbs up to a well-known figure in female insects like Sardin, the road will be much easier. Born a female like my younger brother, naturally I don’t understand the difficulties of being a female.

Not to mention, he still has a problem that needs to be solved by a son of a family like Sardin.

When the afternoon was approaching, the female gentlemen left the stage one after another, and only Sardin continued to talk under the strong restraint of the director.

The content of the discussion was endless, and Sardin kept nodding and smiling, but the director’s smile became more and more unstoppable.

Didn’t it mean that the variety show of the hero of Sardinia was rejected by Kyoto Satellite TV, why didn’t Sardin mention it at all?

The director’s hero is the director of Kyoto Satellite TV. However, half a year ago, it was discovered that the hero was actively applying for a post outside the star, just to pursue the son of a high-ranking official. The son of a high-ranking official must be matched by a female prince.

But that means he will be divorced by the male lead. The director has been married for a few years, and to be able to sit firmly in the position of the queen, he must have a means of business. He created the image of a “loved sub-woman” to the outside world, and used the words of the hero and the director to exchange a lot of benefits for himself. This time is no exception.

As soon as he guessed the possibility that the heroine would get divorced, he came up with a countermeasure. When Sardin first moved to the community, the director asked the female about Sardin and knew that he had broken with the family for the current male lord. After learning that his company’s project was rejected by Beijing and Taiwan, he even talked about the opportunity, and put the business card of Xiongzhu in the invitation and sent it out several times.

But why is he not in a hurry at all?

Lady, how could she not do her best for the male lord’s worries?

The director couldn’t help it anymore, and this led to the topic: “My hero is not at home these days. I heard that the stage is suddenly busy, and I don’t understand the feeling of our females alone in the empty room.”

“Really, it’s really hard work.” Sardin was slow and slow.

The director smiled embarrassedly, and he understood. The Sadin in front of him was not the military female with all his emotions on his face. If you went around with him, he would really pretend that he didn’t understand anything.

I had to speak: “I heard that your hero’s company is producing a variety show, and there is a problem with the channel?”

Here, Sardin was also slightly relieved. Although he didn’t like to go around detours, the competitive instinct flowing in his blood made him never want to be the one who bowed his head first.

Nodding, he said reservedly, “It should be so.”

I saw the director on the opposite side with a particularly bright smile: “I will help you pass the hurdle of Jingwei for the hero, and you help me cut off the possibility of the hero’s promotion, how about it?”

Song Bai was sitting at home, and the textbooks he read during the day quickly ran through his mind. After all of them were over, the sky darkened, and he had not waited for Sardin.

Song Bai pinched the corners of his eyes, how come all the people who worked at the beginning were wild, they couldn’t go home yesterday, and they can’t go home today. If you wait for him to come back, you will definitely talk about it.

The clock turned for another week. When Sadin appeared in front of him, all Song Bai’s plans vanished. With a smile on the corners of his eyes, he asked, “Have you had a good time?”

Sadin’s hand tightened and he hummed softly.

After waiting for a long time for dinner, they chatted while eating in the restaurant.

“Master, if variety shows can be broadcast on satellite TV, is it better than on the Internet?”

While eating, Song Bai suddenly heard Sardin’s question.

“Why do I suddenly remember a project that cares about me, and I’m afraid that I won’t be able to support you if it goes bankrupt?” Song Bai teased.

Sardin shook his head, blushing slightly: “Just curious.”

“It’s a good thing to be curious.”

Sadin raised his head in confusion. Seeing Song Bai’s smiling face, he realized that Song Bai was referring to “I will ask about it if I am curious.”

After all, in the past, even if there was doubt, Sardin would only swallow it in his stomach and hold it back.

Song Bai didn’t miss Sardin’s embarrassment, looked away thoughtfully, and said, “Of course, TV stations are better. It will take some time for Insect Star to accept the video network, which will cause a time difference with the broadcast of the program. Losses are inevitable.”

But the Internet has the wide spread that Song Bai wants. This is the first priority he considers, and it must not be changed.

Sardin lowered his head to eat and made a decision in his heart.

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