Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

It was a new day. Song Bai was sitting in the office reading documents. As the payday at the end of the month approached, the list of resignations suddenly increased. Among them were a few old people, who did not dare to make decisions without authorization, and could not find Feili, so they handed them over to him.

Song Bai didn’t even look at it. With a wave of his pen, two big characters of agreement appeared on it.

“President, I carefully studied the information on the website and found out—” Fei Li came in without knocking on the door, and almost thought he had entered the wrong place. The president was actually reading a textbook in the office?

The impact of the president or the student was too great, Fei Li couldn’t help but quit and took another look, sure that he was right and came back.

“What did you find?” Song Bai put the finished textbooks into the pile of read books.

“Although this video site has a lot of traffic, it is mainly aimed at extraterrestrial Zerg. The Zerg people hardly know about this site,” Feili said worriedly. “I asked a few young neighbors, but they have never heard of it.”

Song Bai had expected it for a long time, but he didn’t panic at this moment: “Yes, it will be less well-known in the local area.”

In terms of time, after Song Bai started school, a series of news events on the campus were exposed through repeated reports on the Internet, and this video website began to become a new favorite.

“President, you recognize the facts, but no worm knows!” Fei Li hoped that the president would open his eyes and take a good look.

Song Bai couldn’t directly talk to him about the future, no one had to be crazy, so he had to say: “Look, now our status is considered to be medium, and if it is not good, it is not good enough. And this show must have It was widely circulated, the local channel was out of action, and Gao was rejected by the You family. In general, only the Internet is the most suitable.”

Fei Li was stunned, this is simply a fallacy!

The project that is still testing the water has not yet made a profit, so you start to think about the popularity. Isn’t it equivalent to running first before you learn to walk!

Fei Li persuaded him like this, and Song Bai looked over with a smile that was not a smile.

Fei Li had experienced several male bosses, and knowing that the male’s eyes were mocking the female’s low knowledge, he couldn’t help but feel guilty: “Where did I go wrong.”

Song Bai smiled and shook his head, “You’re right, but this variety show itself is designed to let the most audience know.”

Only by enriching the entertainment life of more insects, they will not be idle to stare at the life and privacy of an officer every day.

For the first time, Fei Li was a little worried about his future and tried to persuade him again, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Three times in a row, first light and then heavy, as if trying carefully.

Yesterday, there was a special discussion in the company group, and Fei Li also glanced at it, knowing that this was the exclusive knock on the door of the president, Mrs.

Sure enough, the young CEO had a smile on his face, and even got up to open the door himself.

Feili’s eyes lit up instantly, he walked over by mistake with Sardin, and for a moment passed by, exchanged a look that the females knew each other.

In the office, Sardin was taken aback by Song Bai who came up to meet him. How could the male master personally greet the female…

His thoughts suddenly dropped because Song Bai held his hand.

Sardin followed forward with a blank mind.

“You’ve come. You didn’t go home when you left yesterday. I thought you weren’t coming anymore.”

When I got to the table, I found that there were piles of college books everywhere, and there was no space except for his chair.

“Master, yesterday I…” Sardin wanted to explain, but Song Bai pressed him into the large seat.

“Sit down first and wait for me to tidy up.” As soon as the voice fell, the male worm was very skillfully preparing to tidy up.

“You put it all down, don’t move!”

An order stopped Song Bai from holding the book.

“What’s the problem?” Song Bai was carrying two books in his hand, wondering what Sardin meant.

I saw Sardin jumping up from the chair, ran a few steps to empty the book, and neatly organized it.

Song Bai stood for a while, watching Sardin tidy up the room, and realized that what Sardin said was that the male worm was not able to do housework, he couldn’t help laughing and crying: “I just tidy it up, what about it.”

Sardin put them into the bookshelf by category, with a serious expression: “If the male lord is tired, then what does the female lord do.”

When he spoke, he was putting the book in his hand on the top shelf of the bookshelf, because he couldn’t reach it several times because of his height, so he picked it up with one hand and put it on it firmly, “It’s not effortless, why is my arm blue, I didn’t return yesterday. Are you going to hang a needle at home?”

Only then did Sardin realize that his loose long sleeves fell to the elbows, revealing bruised pinholes on his wrists.

“Well,” Sardinia hastily pulled down his sleeves to cover the dazzling area, “the doctor who had an appointment yesterday, he suddenly moved up the time and didn’t have time to tell you.”

“It’s too late, just come back and talk about it. Well, this, don’t lose it next time.”

A hat was buttoned on Sardin’s head, and he was caught off guard. His hand on his sleeve pressed against the injection site, causing a series of pains.

“Yes.” One word was almost squeezed out, but because of the deliberate suppression and the hat covering the expression, it sounded no different from usual.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Sardin, who came back from the shooting range, seemed to be a little more restrained than before. Song Bai deliberately eased his nervousness, so he talked a lot about the meeting, anecdotes, and exams.

Talking about the exam, Song Bai’s face was bitter, “There is still less than a week before the exam, what do you think?”

Many years after the end of his student days, Song Bai thought that he would get rid of the exam from now on. As a result, the nightmare of the insect star after crossing over still continued.

It was rare for Sardin to see such a childish expression on the heroine he was holding, and he couldn’t help but smile.

Song Bai was annoyed: “Don’t laugh, your book is also in it, just in a while to help me make a point.”

Sardin was a genius, and at the age of 17, the book he wrote was already designated as a university course book, which happened to be the subject of the exam.

“…” The snickering stopped abruptly, and Sardin recalled the thickness of the first edition of the book, which was difficult: “Master, I haven’t read the exam paper for the past two years, I’m afraid it’s not accurate.”

This is still a surprise! Song Bai’s eyes lit up, “I originally just wanted you to mark a few key parts, but I even read the exam paper, that’s just a coincidence, don’t leave for a while.”

“…Okay.” Sardin, who had dug a hole for himself, had no choice but to nod his head in resignation.

When Sardin stumbled out of the office, Fili, who had been waiting for a long time, hurriedly brought Sardin to his office and poured him coffee while saying:

“I heard about your legend before. I didn’t expect to be in the society for many years, but I didn’t know that the real bug had appeared in the company. It’s really my sin.” Feili smiled sincerely, as if he was really a respecter long time fan.

“That’s all brought up by the ignorant media, just to fool the younger ones, like you who are older than me,” Sardin chuckled.

Between females, strength comparisons are common. A female larger than Sardin, unless she has really touched Sardin’s strength like the military, she will still disdain him more. Sardin couldn’t take it seriously either. He took a sip of coffee and said, “It’s better to get straight to the point. What are you looking for me for?”

Fei Li’s eyes lit up, he thought that the female worm from a noble family would be more arrogant, so he thought about giving him a hug first, but he didn’t expect the other party to ask questions directly, which was his favorite style.

Don’t hide it now, and tell all your worries.

Sardin is a typical military woman, devoted herself to family and military affairs, and this is the first time she has learned from Bie Chong what her lord is busy with these days.

Not only did he come up with a brand-new entertainment program, but even a well-known radio station, Kyoto Satellite TV, once handed over an olive branch, and even his friend Yoshin came to collaborate on it.

“I followed this project throughout the entire process. I haven’t seen such a refreshing show for a long time. Any paid channel is willing to accept it, but the president is so determined, he will go to the network that has made it clear that it will lose money. Top shot. This is to let me watch the pearls get dusty!” Fei Li was very sorry. “There are a few well-informed people in the company who have heard of the president’s intention. Now they have determined that the president has no leadership ability, and there is no future for continuing to do so, and they have even begun to plan for worms.”

It’s no wonder that when Sardin came to deliver the meal, he didn’t see the assistant that day.

And Fili looked earnestly at Sardin.

Sardin vaguely guessed what he was thinking: “Do you miss me…?”

Fei Li sighed, “Yes, I would like to ask you to persuade the president.”

Sadin stroked the sore spot on his wrist, and raised his eyebrows: “That’s the decision of the male lord. I am a female lord, so it’s not easy to interfere.”

Fei Li shook his head: “If it were another male worm, I would definitely not mention it. But I see Mr. Song’s attitude towards you.”

If a male can take the female by his side and never tire of seeing him every day, then either the female is powerful, or the male has a special affection for him.

And the military female in front of her doesn’t seem to know how to play tricks, and…

Feili finally came to a conclusion: “You must be very special to Mr. Song. Maybe if you mention it, he will change his mind.”

His eyes were so earnest that Sardin couldn’t bear to refuse.

Until he got home, Sardinia was still thinking about Fili’s words.

Is he special?

“Am I special?” I couldn’t help asking, and a cold voice echoed in the empty living room.

A bottle of ice water smashed over, “You are very tall, very short.”

The ice water smashed straight towards Sardin’s head, but fell steadily into his hands.

Sadin: “Need me to practice with you again?”

Feng Ji, who opened the can of beer, shivered from the ice, “You have the strength to knock me down just after taking the inhibin?”

The ice-cold mineral water sank into the marble tiles without warning, and only half of the bottle was exposed, stepping on Sardin’s feet.

“Enough for you.”

Fengji subconsciously touched his cold bald head, feeling inexplicably that the one who was stepped on was himself.

What are you thinking about? He snorted and pointed at his head: “Look at what you have done. I have lost all the hair I have raised for three years, so there is no guilt at all?”

Sardin raised his eyebrows, “There is only a sense of accomplishment.”

The beer can was crushed, and after making a whimper, he threw it into the trash can mercilessly, “Okay, what the **** are you looking for me for?”

Sadin: “I want to ask my female father to come out and help me pull the strings. Is it possible?”

Fengji’s eyes narrowed, “Father please, are you crazy?”

“Besides, what kind of thread is used for the female father to come forward?”

Sardin explained the reason to him, which made Fungi laugh hard enough.

“Just for a TV station director, you are killing chickens with a bull’s knife.”

Sardinian frowned, he hated losing at Fungi.

However, Sardin learned from his uncle that the accident in the project of Xiongzhu was essentially caused by Father You’s intervention.

Jingwei’s way is gone, and the hero is still bent on spreading the word. Either spread widely but not profit, or profit with limited spread. Sadin really couldn’t bear to be faced with such a dilemma, so he simply wanted to use his network to solve it.

But his circle of friends were all military females, and Yu Shen, who knew business, couldn’t get in touch for a while. After thinking about it, it seems that only the female father who came from an aristocratic family has a little bit of worm veins, so he came to Fengji for advice.

“Your hero’s project idea is new enough and the quality is tough enough, and it can be considered to complement each other in Jingwei. It’s impossible for Jingwei who loves new to try new things to not notice, don’t you need your help?”

Sardin had no choice but to repeat what Fili said to him, only to see Fungi’s expression solemn.

“He told you to walk slowly and carefully on the way back, you, you won’t just be in the office…”

“What nonsense, how can the office—” Sardin’s throat was strangled.

No wonder Fei Li said that his expression was very meaningful when he said that he was special, and he misunderstood Xiongzhu and his Bai Rixuan X!

He was really just helping Master Xiong draw the key points of the exam, his legs were numb!

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